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https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif UNITED NATIONS COP26, UN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE Glasgow, October 31 to November 12, 2021

OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Countdown, #5,  11-5 TO 11-9

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology



CONTENTS OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Countdown, #5, 11-5 TO 11-9

UN News Wire: Investment n Resilience  11-5

UUSC, Global Day for Climate Justice, UUSC’s Partners  11-6

Roberts, What is and is not on the agenda  11-7

Sara Bennett, et al., workers’ struggle for climate  11-7

Climate Resource, Pledges could hold warming under 2 degrees  11-7

Agri emissions not on agenda  11-8

BBC News, FF lobbyists crowd the Conference  11-8

EcoWatch, 4 billion pledged for sustainable agri  11-9

Covering Climate Now (CCN), grim temperature projection from Climate Action Tracker  11-9

Extinction Rebellion (XR), world protest but COP 26 not the hoped for, promised game-changer  11-9



UN NEWS WIRE, News covering the UN and the world, 11-5-21



Investment in climate resilience is vital, UNEP says

The global community must put a greater focus on investments in climate resilience while working to reduce carbon emissions, the United Nations Environment Programme says, noting that both developed and developing regions are unprepared for the damage that will occur even if emissions are reduced. The agency also predicts that the urban heat island effect will make many cities unlivable as global temperatures continue to rise.

 Full Story: The Irish Times (Dublin) (11/4),  Down To Earth (11/3) 

Young fret over climate-talks pace.  SETH BOREN­STEIN AND FRANK JOR­DANS. 
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Nov 06, 2021). 
As U.N. talks plod along, world in warm­ing cri­sis, they say


Here’s what’s at stake  11-6-21

Salote at UUSC 

9:04 AM (5 hours ago)






This week, all eyes are on the U.N. climate talks at the 26th annual Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland. Its outcomes will be a litmus test for whether world leaders will follow through on their commitments to mitigate the dire effects of climate change. This includes pledged assistance for countries who have contributed the least to the crisis but are facing the most severe and immediate impacts. Will this summit bring about more global solidarity or just continue a pattern of empty promises?

Why does COP26 matter?
As the planet’s warming accelerates, holding nations accountable for curbing emissions which contribute to climate change is more important than ever. At COP26, governmental leaders will share the actions they will take locally to keep global temperature increases under control. These talks will also signal whether the United States will take a more active role in global agreements addressing the climate crisis. 

To ensure the representation of frontline communities from the Global South at the conference, UUSC’s support has been critical for several of our partners to attend COP26 — including Equality Bahamas, Loss and Damage Collaboration, Loss and Damage Youth Coalition, Pacific Island Climate Action Network, Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change, Pacific Climate Warriors, and Kioa Island Community Organization. 

What are our partners’ demands?
Communities bearing the worst burdens of climate change are advancing these three asks:

·Bold and courageous action from industrialized countries to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions; 

·Creation of a loss and damage fund;

·Ensure the world’s largest polluters make good on their promises to contribute $100B per year to assist less-resourced countries that have been made more vulnerable to severe climate impacts.

Today has been designated a Global Day for Climate Justice and UUSC’s partners will be among the 100,000 people expected to join protests in Glasgow to demand lasting and meaningful course correction on climate change. 

Addressing climate change is more than a practical challenge. It’s also a matter of right and wrong — a test of courage for our elected leaders to repair the systems that have harmed communities disproportionately for far too long.

Learn more about how UUSC’s partners are working to restore climate justice, during the weeks that COP26 is in session, and for the years to come.

https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/0_H4A_vnfjUU7cTdiFkhx3KELbs-uQfySL45aScTyxFssxU7lUUt8bXUNfvvhDhY1kB_nbs6b3Tk6mJaq4xC-iSc1yEPugRCdQZLHXeTdGu5uKJY-oStdfW48J9Kx-r-SRzZfSwMyBjQz-TQ1s06IZlAn0DIMvHI4QMxNPvq0pg7KMK4=s0-d-e1-ft#https://connect.uusc.org/l/103112/2018-09-11/2rf6sd/103112/79575/Salote_Soqo_Sept2018_New_Headshot_for_Signer.jpg  In solidarity,

  Salote Soqo
  Director of Advocacy, Global Displacement
  Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 




COP-out 26

Michael Roberts.  Mronline.org (11-7-21).

Marxist economist Michael Roberts shares his take on the Glasgow climate talks—what is on and what is not on the agenda.  share on Twitter Like COP-out 26 on Facebook


The power to change the system

Editor.  Mronline.org (11-7-21)

With COP26 just around the corner, a wave of industrial action in Scotland is demonstrating the huge opportunity of linking workers’ struggle with climate organising. Sara Bennett, Pete Cannell and Raymond Morrell argue that huge shifts in climate struggle are on the way, and that building these links will be essential to winning revolutionary change.   share on Twitter Like The power to change the system on Facebook


For First Time, Countries’ Pledges Could Put Warming Under Two Degrees. EcoWatch (11-7-21).

For the first time ever, short and longer term commitments from world leaders could put the world on track for less than two degrees Celsius of warming.

The findings are the result of a snap analysis from Climate Resource, which found that major new announcements in the first week of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow would limit global warming to 1.9 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

"For the first time in history, the aggregate effect of the combined pledges by 194 countries might bring the world to below 2°C warming with more than a 50% chance," the report authors wrote.


Agricultural emissions not on COP26 menu.  Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (11-8-21).
Although agriculture and food production account for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, not one day of the UN climate summit in Glasgow will be dedicated to reducing emissions in that sector. Read more.


Demand real solutions to address the climate crisis at the UN climate talks


 Mike McGrath.  BBC News.  11-8-21.



Dear Louise,
There are at least 503 fossil fuel lobbyists that have officially been granted access to the UN climate talks happening in Glasgow right now. That’s more than any other country’s delegation.

This new data analysis, done by researchers at Corporate Accountability, Corporate Europe Observatory, and Global Witness, was just published this morning by the BBC1. It exposes just how widespread the influence of Big Polluters is at the global climate talks: they’re in the room, pulling strings to advance their agenda to continue profiting and polluting.

Over the last week, thousands of people like you have raised your voice to support organizers on the ground at the climate talks who are pushing back against Big Polluters’ schemes. And it’s been working: the week ended with some frontline countries standing strong to advance real solutions. But as the second week of negotiations begins today, we need to continue putting pressure on delegates from Global North countries -- especially the U.S. government -- who are acting in lock-step with Big Polluters.

Take a few minutes to call the U.S. delegation right now and demand that they reject schemes like carbon markets that Big Polluters are pushing behind their “net zero” smokescreen, and advance real solutions to address the climate crisis -- including doing the United States’ fair share and providing climate finance to Global South countries and making Big Polluters pay.


It’s time to make Big Polluters pay, not let Big Polluters profit, at the climate talks!


While hundreds of fossil fuel lobbyists were officially admitted to the climate talks, many people from the Global South, the front lines of the climate crisis, and civil society have been kept from participating in the talks because of vaccine apartheid, lack of health safeguards, and barriers to access.

So it is no wonder that much of the focus of the talks has been on “net zero” schemes and unjust carbon markets pushed by the Big Polluters at the talks and the governments that do their bidding. We know their schemes won’t actually meaningfully address the global crisis we’re facing. They allow corporations to continue polluting and profiting, making the crisis worse -- with the most serious consequences for communities on the front lines. These are nothing more than greenwashing distractions pushed by polluting corporations to let them continue profiting -- when what we actually need is to make Big Polluters pay.

That’s where you come in: Your voice, along with thousands of others, can make clear to the Big Polluters in the room and the delegates from the U.S. that we’re watching, and we expect them to act on behalf of people, not corporate profits.

Join in solidarity with climate justice activists on the ground in Glasgow and the many who were shut out. Call the U.S. State Department right now and demand that U.S stop advancing Big Polluters’ schemes like carbon markets; do its fair share and make Big Polluters pay; and start advancing real solutions.

It will only take a minute. Our action page lets you quickly and easily connect with the right people and provides a sample call-in script. The more calls we can get into the office, the greater our collective power to ensure the climate talks advance real solutions.

Thank you for all that you do.




Swetha Saseedhar
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Senior Climate Organizer
Corporate Accountability





1. BBC: COP26: Fossil fuel industry has largest delegation at climate summit

Corporate Accountability stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet. We are building a world rooted in justice where corporations answer to people, not the other way around -- a world where every person has access to clean water, healthy food, a safe place to live, and the opportunity to reach their full human potential. 


45 Countries Pledge Over $4 Billion to Support Sustainable Agriculture, But Is It Enough?  ECOWATCH (11-9-21).

Forty-five countries including the UK pledged Saturday to protect nature and transition to more sustainable farming.

The announcement was made on Nature and Land Use day at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, which the UK is hosting, and comes with a promise to use more than $4 billion in public sector investments to make agriculture more resilient to the climate crisis and make new innovations accessible to farmers around the world.

"To keep 1.5 degrees alive, we need action from every part of society, including an urgent transformation in the way we manage ecosystems and grow, produce and consume food on a global scale," Environment Secretary George Eustice said in a statement.


COP26 update: 2.4 degrees C & Congress does Glasgow  11-9-21  Covering Climate Now <editors@coveringclimatenow.org>

Dear partners,

It was a difficult day in Glasgow, with an alarming new analysis of the world’s climate trajectory putting a damper on much of the optimism that followed the first week of the COP26 summit.

Although reports last week stated that the latest pledges from world governments put humanity on track for 1.8 degrees Celsius of warming above pre-industrial levels — not the 1.5 degrees C that the world needs, but progress in that this was the lowest estimate ever achieved — research from the well-respected group Climate Action Tracker said that, in fact, temperatures are likely to rise 2.4 degrees C this century, which in no uncertain terms will mean unmitigated disaster for societies everywhere. Today’s grim prognosis has reinvigorated calls for nations whose plans aren’t in line with a 1.5-degree-C future to do more, faster, to correct their planned courses of action.

Meanwhile, today, a US congressional delegation was in Glasgow to tout Democrats’ “Build Back Better” climate legislation and extoll the US’s leadership in the climate space — a message that was perhaps out of touch with the moment, given both that that legislation is still pending (and has been scaled back following resistance from a particular senator with direct ties to the fossil fuel industry) and that America has in fact long been an obstacle to climate progress on the world stage. CCNow executive director Mark Hertsgaard filed his latest COP26 dispatch on House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s press conference. Hertsgaard writes: “American exceptionalism is a sturdy beast, as journalists in Glasgow witnessed Tuesday afternoon.”

Hertsgaard’s story is available for all CCNow partners to publish now. As a reminder: Hertsgaard is in Glasgow through the remainder of the summit and will be filing regular news and analysis dispatches. Keep an eye on this folder for new content.

Some additional coverage that is also available to publish:

·For Columbia Journalism Review, Jon Allsop spent time with young journalists from developing countries who received funding to attend COP26 by a program called the Earth Journalism Network. (Allsop is writing from Glasgow daily this week; sign up for the CJR newsletter “The Media Today” to follow his reports.)

·Is Sucking Carbon Out of the Air the Solution to Our Climate Crisis? – Mother Jones

·How Climate Change Threatens Pregnant Women and Their Fetuses – CBS News

·‘The whole place feels wrong’: voices from across America on what the climate crisis stole – The Guardian

More from us soon!

Thank you,
The CCNow Team

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COP Flops: Global Newsletter 57   11-9-21 Extinction Rebellion via sendgrid.net 

12:44 PM (6 hours ago)



to me


(Web version in English... More languages incoming!) (Subscribe to this Newsletter.)

Indigeonus people from around the world, wearing beautiful jewels and feather headress.Protestors from all over the globe march together outside COP26. Photo: Gareth Morris

In this issue: Africa Rebels | COP-acabana in South America | Glasgow’s Mega Marches

Dear rebel,

The first week of COP26 is over and the signs are not good. So far, this conference has not been the climate gamechanger promised by politicians and promoted by the media.

Each day brings a new pledge that looks like progress. But none are legally binding, few have stood up to scrutiny, and many offer so much wiggle room as to be meaningless.

The reality is that global carbon emissions are rapidly rising again after a Covid-induced slump, and rich nations are letting oil companies steer their decarbonisation strategies. We are not heading towards a brave new world, just using smallprint and tech-fixes to hold onto the old one.

A child holds a sign: Cop 26 stop the blah blah blahA young UK rebel has the right message during the Global Day for Climate Justice.

In his opening speech to world leaders, the British prime minister likened their task in Glasgow to James Bond defusing a doomsday device. But the truth is that most of these leaders (not all) act like Bond villains, happy to watch the world burn rather than relinquish any of their ill-gotten power and prestige.

But we will not be picking over the puffed up promises of serial underachievers in this newsletter. Instead our focus will be on the glorious wave of COP-inspired rebellion that has swept across the Global South.

Africa and South America, regions that have long suffered the effects of extractivism and global heating, and have the most to lose from the grandstanding in Glasgow, have risen up like never before. Loving rage now courses from Kenya to Colombia, from Egypt to Argentina, and you can read all about it in Global South Action Highlights.

A crowd of adults and school children march but with no banners.Rebels in Tanzania march to raise awareness about the climate crisis. Authorities made them remove their XR banners.

Loving rage has also been swirling around the COP conference itself, with rebels arriving from all over the world to take part in daily collective actions alongside folks from other movements. Find out more about the very best bits in COP Action Highlights.

You can also catch up on the wave of national rebellions that happened last month. Read a shocking report about police violence in the Netherlands, and how the Spanish Rebellion got unprecedented media coverage, in Rebellion Wave.

You can see some of the beautiful COP solidarity actions that have been taking place across every continent in Action Roundup. And finally, a rebel has somehow managed to burrow themselves into the conference centre and sent us a Postcard From COP.

A rebel holds up a huge flag that says Eskom must go for renewable or go to hell.A rebel from XR Vaal in South Africa has a simple message for her state power company.

We’ve never delivered a global newsletter more action-packed than this, and we’re only just getting started. Another COP-crammed issue will be with you at the same time next week.

As phoney pledges ring out, and global politics plummets to new lows, global rebellion reaches new heights and new corners of the globe.

This is what progress actually looks like.

Get involved in XR wherever you are. Check out our global website, learn more about our movement, and connect with rebels in your local area.

The XR Global Newsletter is brought to you by XR Global Support, a worldwide network of rebels that help XR chapters grow. Read previous issues here. Subscribe here.

We are in a crucial phase of human history, and we need money to make our message heard. Anything you can give is appreciated.



·Global South Action Highlights - Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Egypt, South Africa, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil.

·COP Action Highlights - Trillion Dollar Bash, Greenwash March, Scientist Rebellion...

·Action Roundup - China, USA, Australia, UK, Liberia, Italy, Sweden, Serbia, Mexico, South Korea, Belgium, Zambia.

·Rebellion Wave Netherlands Rebellion, Spanish Rebellion.

·Postcard From COP Conference Week 1...




OMNI COP26 Glasgow Countdown, 10-31 to 11-5



END OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Countdown, 11-5 TO 11-9


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