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Climate Memo Mondays #48



48. Climate Memo Mondays, November 8, 2021
 From UUF and UUA to Biden




JUSTICE SPOTLIGHT: October 26, 2021

Our Unitarian Universalist Association tells us what the larger UU Fellowship believes about saving the Earth and its living things from the ravages of climate change. It says:

“Earth is our home. We are part of this world and its destiny is our own. Life on this planet will be gravely affected unless we embrace new practices, ethics, and values to guide our lives on a warming planet. As Unitarian Universalists, how can our faith inform our actions to remedy and mitigate...” and please read the rest of this powerful message by clicking this link: https://www.uua.org/action/statements/threat-global-warmingclimate-change  . . . .


We hope you are all making calls to your leaders about boosting the progressive measures in the Build Back Better Bill. If you don’t know what’s in it, please look into it; the very environmental policies we need to save the climate are today at risk in the bill, we hear. If you want an easy way to locate and call your leaders, go to the Apple Store and download to your phone the free "5 Calls Application" and sign in with your name and address so it’ll know which leaders you have, and it will place the calls for you to their numbers, one by one. Just speak a brief, courteous message, your name, and address. You can ask for a reply if you give your address. Easy-peasy!


Meanwhile, we hope you will read more about the UU Association’s commitment to carbon reduction and think about what we can do as a congregation and in our daily lives as individuals. Send us your thoughts, OK? Ask your kids, too!

 Dina Nash, 501-554-2200, DinaCNash2014@gmail.com

A couple more links for y'all from Marquette Bruce (512-965-2122, marquette44@gmail.com):

. . . .If you're ready to take action right now, you can also go to the Climate Emergency Advocate's "Call the White House" web page by CLICKING HERE.

GLOBAL RESISTANCE: UNITED NATIONS INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE.  A UN international scientific panel cooperating in research composed of over a thousand world scientists since 1988.  The purpose—to assess the threat to life on our planet caused by rising temperature—makes it the most urgently important scientific enterprise in history.   The UN IPCCpublished its First Assessment Report (FAR) in 1990,  a supplementary report in 1992, 2ndassessment report in1995 (SAR),  third assessment report (TAR) in 2001,  fourth assessment report (AR4) in 2007, fifth assessment report (AR5) in 2014, 6th in 2018-2021(AR6).  Although not the beginning of research into the climate crisis, the IPCC’s massive, concerted, steady gathering of evidence inspired an outpouring of additional scientific research and now, at last, significant indications of meaningful political action in the Green New Deal and Build Back Better.





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