Channel: OMNI's War and Warming Anthologies
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Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology

901 W. Cleveland St.  From south on 49, turn east on Wedington, right/south on  Garland, left east on Cleveland, two blocks to UUFF.  
OMNI is located at 3274 Lee Avenueparallel to N. College southeast of the Village Inn and 2ND building south of Liquor World.  More information: 935-4422; 442-4600.     Or take College to Harold St (at Flying Burrito), turn east (right if you’re heading north). Go one block to Lee and turn left.  Go one block to Bertha.   We’re the gray brick on the corner, 2nd house south of Liquor World, solar panels on roof!
Or bike to OMNI.  For example the Trail goes from MLKJr. Blvd. north passing OMNI to the west, and it is a short and easy route along Appleby to Fiesta Square then across 71B to OMNI a few blocks farther. 

I.  Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration, 7p.m. UUFF
Kelly Mulhollan MC
Film, Nichola Radan
Music, Mahshid Iranipavast
Poetry, Gerry Sloan
Abel Tomlinson
 Lioneld Jordan
Faith Laukon
Jean Gordon
Sidney Burris
II.  Nuclear Weapons, Reports and Resistance
From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Iran Today, Vijay Prashad
Cold War Retaliation Continues, Dick
The Nuclear Resister Magazine
Space Alert! Magazine
Nuclear Weapons Bills in Congress
Contacting Our Congressmen

Every one of these activities is done by people just like you, making our community a great place. Take a look!

Buildiing the community WE WANT TO LIVE IN. Even though the world's on edge, waiting for the next shock, we're doing all we can to make it better. So we need each other, friends. Here are some of the people who are doing something about it. Come and connect in O M N I.


Sunday August 11
7:00 pm - Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 901 W. Cleveland

The world is getting more dangerous by the day, as authoritarian nuclear powers vie for dominance. There is critical work to be done to prepare the people to defend democracy, the planet, and life itself. When the hearts of the people recognize each other as one people, never again will we do what was done to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Events such as this are working toward that time.

Let's acknowledge together the nuclear history that brought us to this moment, and ponder what we in Northwest Arkansas can do to move our country in a good direction.

The annual commemoration is coming together beautifully. Because of the tense situation with Iran, we've invited Iranian musician Mahshid Iraniprivast to perform, and she graciously agreed. There will also be a striking and moving music video done by Professor Nikola Radan called ":Hiroshima: Clash of Civilizations".  Keynote Speaker, Dr. SIdney Burris, University of Arkansas and Omni Peace Prize Awardee 2017: Meditation on Hiroshima
Jean Gordon of Little Rock will talk about WAND - Women Acting for Nuclear Disarmament, and Faith Leukon will talk about the sad history of nuclear testing at her home on the Marshall Islands. Gerry Sloan will read his new poem “3 for Hiroshima.”  In addition, you'll appreciate the traditional elements of the event - proclamation and comments by Mayor Jordan, music by Still on the Hill, and the traditional Obon Lights Ceremony.

This year's event will be a meaningful compendium of information that should not be lost in the bombast of war being promoted at this very time.

If you have any questions call Omni at 479-935-4422 and check out the facebook event page. Look forward to seeing you here Omni folks.

Just as Arkansas has an infamous military-industrial complex (Camden, Jacksonville, Fort Smith, and that’s not all), it also has a vital peace movement, as our program reveals (and there is more—stay with us for 2020!) --Dick).
Program Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemoration
Sunday August 11, 2019, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville
901 S. Cleveland, Fayetteville AR
“Echo’s of Peace: Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement History”

3       Welcome – MC Kelly Mulhollan
10     Opening Music and Film – Nichola Radan – “Hiroshima: Clash of Civilizations”
3       No War on Iran – protests invitation – Abel Tomlinson
8       Mayor’s Proclamation – Mayor Lioneld Jordan
10     Speaker – Faith Laukon, “Marshall Islands Nuclear History”
5  Poem by Gerry Sloan, “3 for Hiroshima”
7-10  Music – Mahshid Iranipavast, Santour player, music of Iran
10     Speaker – Jean Gordon – “History of WAND, Women Acting for Nuclear Disarmament “
8       Reading of the Names of the Sufferers  - Ehsan, Karen Takemoto
15     Keynote Speaker – Dr. Sydney Burris, University of Arkansas and Omni Peace Prize Awardee 2017, “Hiroshima Meditation”
6       Obon Lights Ceremony – Instrumental “May Peace Prevail on Earth”  -  Kelly and Donna Mulhollan
4       Closing Music – Audience chant -  Kelly and Donna Mulhollan

Hiroshima Remembrance, music from Iranhttps://www.google.com/s2/u/0/photos/public/AIbEiAIAAABDCPvy57XC-uriRSILdmNhcmRfcGhvdG8qKDRhOTBjZTQwMjhlMThmY2ExOTRmMWEwNjhiOTZlNGFmYjhmZTRlZDYwAeLEWuVYw6vMdLzGs4RwMhm20prq?sz=40 Kelly & Donna Mulhollan 
Hello OMNI open micer's!  
I know we are still on break, but I wanted to give a heads up on an event that will include music you don't want to miss.  Along with a wonderful group of speakers, our annual Hiroshima Remembrance will include a musical performance by Mahshid Iranipravast.  Mahshid is from Iran and will perform on the Santour.  We heard her play last night and she is fabulous!
Also, UofA music professor, Nikola Radan will present his powerful music video called Hiroshima: Clash of Civilizations.  Finally, Donna and I will perform our traditional peace chant with the help of Susan Shore and Michael Cockrum.  
It will be a wonderful event.  This Sunday, (August 11th) 7:00 at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville, 901 Cleveland St.
Hope to see you there!    Kelly and Donna

Faith Laukon
(Grab your atlas!  --D)
Faith and her mother currently live in Springdale. 

Faith was born in Springfield, MO. 
Neisen is from Rongelap atoll. She moved to the US to join her husband, Adelbert, who is from Arno Atoll and had relocated to attend college. Faith is one of the first Marshallese children born in the continental US.

Faith’s family are nuclear survivors. Her mother was returned to the atoll as a child after the Bravo detonation and experienced first-hand the suffering of those subjected to radiation exposure. Faith’s uncle was John Anjain, the mayor of Rongelap at the time of the testing and the person who got the Japanese government to come in and do soil tests on Rongelap after the US refused to evacuate them.

Faith can speak to the plight of the Rongelapese people in the aftermath of nuclear testing. 

Here is her title and contact info:
Faith Laukon, Director of Community Engagement
Marshallese Educational Initiative

Jean Gordon
 Just call it Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament or Disarm the Patriarchy.  
 I live in Little Rock.  We moved to Fayetteville on Springbrook Farm during  my high school and college years. 1939-1949.    
I have been active in peace since the ‘70s:  Arkansas Peace Center, Peace Links, and then WAND.  I had been chair of the Arkansas Peace Center and of Peace Links, which Betty Bumpers started to involve women in the peace movement, especially to end the nuclear arms races with the Soviet Union. . I served on the board of national WAND when I started the Arkansas chapter in 1997.  

   Sidney Burris
Sidney Burris is a Professor English at the University of Arkansas. He specializes in 20th-century literature and creative nonfiction.
Professor Burris brought His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the University of Arkansas in May 2011, the culmination of an interest that began at Virginia, where he studied Sanskrit, and was able to see the Dalai Lama in 1979 during his first trip to America.
Professor Burris has published two books of poetry (a third is forthcoming in 2021), one book of literary criticism, and numerous essays. He has an essay forthcoming in an anthology of essays dedicated to the impact of guns on our college campuses.  Along with his English classes, Professor Burris regularly offers classes in human-rights literature and in the history of non-violence.
He co-teaches the history of nonviolence with Geshe Thupten Dorjee, a Tibetan monk from Drepung Loseling Monastery in South
In 2007, Professor Burris and Geshe Dorjee founded The TEXT Program (Tibetans in Exile Today), an oral history and study abroad project at the University of Arkansas that allows Arkansas students to travel to India and live among the Tibetan refugees, recording their stories and later archiving them at the TEXT website. The TEXT Program has been endorsed by the Dalai Lama and travels to India during the summers of odd-numbered years.

Gerry Sloan will read his poem, “3 for Hiroshima”
Gerry Sloan is a retired music professor who lives in Fayetteville.  He has published two poetry collections:  Paper Lanterns (2011)and Crossings: A Memoir in Verse (2017), as well as three chapbooks, Friday Poems.  Recent work has appeared or is upcoming in Elder Mountain, Cave Region Review, The Idle Class, and Poetry Construction No. 22 (in Mandarin).  Other interests include movies, jazz, and Japanese pottery.


There must be bones under the paved street.”  Mronline.org (8-10-19).   Posted Aug 09, 2019 by Vijay Prashad

Originally published: Tricontinental (August 8, 2019).   Source  share on Twitter Like There must be bones under the paved street on Facebook
A critique of the H-N bombings and their aftermath today: the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty, the Doomsday Clock (2 minutes to midnight), nuclear weapons again central to military strategy by nuclear nations, modernization of nuclear weapons (US $50 billion /year for next decade).
What we can do, what is within our power here in Arkansas:
1. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, negotiated in 2017, has not been ratified.  Read this essay and send it or a summary to our Congressional Delegation, OUR representatives.  Speak your mind to these miscreants, who profess to be believers in the teachings of Jesus!
2.  The conclusion of the essay explains the Iran Nuclear Deal, its colossal importance to the world, the disaster of its unilateral cancelation by Pres. Trump, the illegal US economic war against Iran, and the continuing illegal US provocations.   Absorb these few paragraphs and contact the war-making representatives who presume to represent us  --Dick.  See below to contact our senators and congressman.

Esper Says U.S. Missile for Pacific on To-do List.”  NADG (August 4, 2019).
Pentagon Secretary Esper plans to “deploy an intermediate-range conventional missile in the Pacific region within months, now that President Donald Trump…has formally pulled out of a Cold-War-era arms-control treaty with Russia.”  The title is strange: the US has been lobbing missiles into the Pacific for decades from Vandenberg AFB in California.  I wasn’t able to copy the report, though I am a subscriber; see if you can get it, for it details another step in the intensification of the arms race.  We need many citizens informed and engaged to resist our national weapons expansion and threatening regime.  See my preceding newsletters on Hiroshima-Nagasaki, my newsletters on H-N and nuclear weapons abolition (https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2019/08/annual-hiroshima-nagasaki-abolish.html), and my newsletters on the nuclear weapons abolition movement (http://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2018/01/omni-nuclear-weapons-abolition.html --Dick.

The Nuclear Resister: “A Chronicle of Hope” (July 31, 2019) arrived yesterday, and I have had time to read some of it by now.  It’s a favorite magazine for me, partly because edited by a courageous, steadfast couple who keeps the peace movement informed especially of protesters in the US and around the world.  Here’re the 3 headlines on p. 1:  “Blockaders Demand Conversion of Bath Iron Works”; “Manning Still in Prison, Daily Fines Mount”; “Memorial Day, 4thof July Arrests at K.C. Nuke Plant.”  Later articles range widely.
The latest no. of Space Alert! just nowarrived.  For you who wish to keep abreast of resistance to nuclear weapons expansion into space, this is the magazine for you.  It’s subtitled: Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.  Its editor, Bruce Gagnon, spoke here around 2002.

Nuclear weapons-related bills in the U.S. Congress google search 8-9-19, 2019.   A research tool for political action.  OMNI needs a watcher, interpreter, and activist leader for these bills.  Many of you possess the skills.  To volunteer, contact Gladys.
Nuclear weapons-related bills in the U.S. Congress.
Sign In. Current Legislation, All Legislation, All Sources, --, Committee Reports ...... H.R.669 - Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2019116th Congress (2019-2020) | Get alerts ... There is one summary for H.R.669. ... This bill prohibits the President from conducting a nuclear strike against an enemy that did not ...
Introduced in Senate (01/24/2019). Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2019. This bill prohibits the President from conducting a nuclear strike ...
Jan 30, 2019 - Fischer quoted the 2009 bipartisan Congressional Commission on the ... “The purpose of US nuclear weapons is to deter a nuclear attack on ...
As one of the five recognized nuclear powers of the world, the U.S. plays a ... Tell your congressperson how you feel about current legislation related to nuclear weapons! ... Cutting Off Funding for Missiles Until INF Treaty Withdrawal is Studied.
Jan 29, 2019 - Support for the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2019: Ploughshares ... We need Congress to act now more than ever." Union of ...
Jan 30, 2019 - ... that it is the policy of the United States not to use nuclear weapons first. ... Act to ensure that Congress continues to have an oversight role in ...
Jan 30, 2019 - Legislation introduced by Democratic lawmakers in the House and Senate on ... that “it is the policy of the United States not to use nuclear weapons first. ... from launching a nuclear first strike without congressional approval.
The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (McMahon Act) determined how the United States would control and manage the nuclear technology it had jointly developed with its World War II allies, the United Kingdom and Canada. Most significantly, the Act ruled that nuclear weapon development and .... The more conservative elements in Congress now moved to toughen the act.
3 days ago - It is past time for the United States to renounce nuclear weapons as a strategy ... The Friends Committee on National Legislation seeks a “world free of war ... The Congress will authorize roughly $25 billion this year for nuclear ...

Senator John Boozman: (202)224-4843
Lowell Office phone:  479-725-0400
Senator Tom Cotton: (202)224-2353
Springdale Office phone:  479-751-0879
Rep. Steve Womack, 3rd District: (202)225-4301
1119 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
3333 Pinnacle Hills, Suite 120
Rogers, Arkansas 72758


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