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Yemen Newsletter May 25, 2019


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology

War Makers: War Profiteers, Kane
    Stop War with Iran, Chomsky
War Power USA Gov: Congress v. Executive, Miles, WWW
Bernie Sanders v. Trump’s Yemen Veto
[What can you do?]
MSNBC Underreports Yemen War
Examples of Public Struggle to End the War
     Genocide Scholars, Sam Totten
     WWW and Letters to Congress
Revelation 3:16:

These selections are in reverse chronological order.
And how the U.S. could stop weapon sales if it wanted to.   BY ALEX KANE
[What can you do?  Disseminate the names of the profiteers.  Consider and then take your next step.  –D]

Related (US imperialism and alliances with Saudi Arabia and Israel)
[Shi’a Iran is helping the Shi’a Houthi rebels in Yemen.  The US is arming the Sunni Saudi invasion of Yemen.  US supports Israel in ceaseless hostility toward Iran, now threatening war while blaming Iran.    –D]
Led by John Bolton, the Trump administration is pursuing catastrophe to protect U.S. dominance.   BY NOAM CHOMSKY
Stuart Eizenstat has worked as a powerful political advisor, as well as a corporate lobbyist for the oil and arms industries.   BY NAOMI LACHANCE
Glorifying serial killer-type behavior most service members would find appalling is a strange way to honor them.    BY PETER CERTO

BREAKING: Yemen vote
Stephen Miles, Win Without War      5-2-19
1:39 PM (2 hours ago)
Dear Dick,
Minutes ago, the Senate failed to override Trump’s veto of the Yemen war powers resolution. It’s sad and it’s frustrating — but it’s not unexpected.
We were told this was politically impossible; that we could never win. But that didn’t stop us from trying, and this result won’t and MUST NOT stop us now. Because this isn’t some political game.
A just-released UN report says 230,000 Yemenis will die by the end of year as a result of this war — as a result of our bombs, and our intelligence gathering, and our previous in-flight refueling of Saudi and Emirati war planes. [1]
Millions of lives literally hang on our ability to get Congress to reclaim its rightful role reigning in a war-mongering President and help end this war. So no, we’re not stopping. We’re in this to cut off bombs and all military assistance the coalition relies on for good — and we need your help for the next steps of this fight.
So here’s the plan [political action—D]:
·  Take the bombs away: pressure Congress to ban the sale of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates;
·  Stop the logistical support: work with pro-peace allies in the House to end U.S. support of refueling, intelligence sharing, targeting, and other forms of logistical assistance;
·  Cut the financial lifeline: defund all forms of U.S. military assistance to the coalition countries in Yemen through must-pass legislation like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
Win Without War has led the fight to end U.S. support for the Saudi and Emirati-led coalition’s brutal war in Yemen from the very beginning. We are more committed than ever, and will use every advocacy, media, influencer, and policy tool we’ve got. But we need your help.
Can you donate $15 to help Win Without War block U.S. bombs, missiles and war-fighting support for this brutal Saudi and Emirati war?   MORE
Thank you for working for peace, Stephen, Kate, Erica, and the Win Without War team[1] Middle East Eye, "Yemen death toll to surpass 230,000 by end of 2019: UN report"
[People ask me, what can I do?   No single message, person, local peace organization, or state-wide, or regional, or national can encompass our thoroughly militarized nation around for peace.   For example, WWW does not include support for political representatives who are committed to peace, and they do exist.   But in other messages WWW does.   Be in touch with these peace makers, support them.  Working together politically—exerting our separate powers cooperatively and politically—as WWW calls for us to do, we can win.  Whether we are children or octogenarians, passion for peace makers and abhorrence of war makers will give us the strength and wisdom.    Know and name the peace makers and the war makers, and join with others in celebration and denunciation.   I googled Democratic candidates for peace and the first item reveals “Gabbard says her central issue is “war and peace.”   Be acquainted with all.  See

Bill to End Yemen Siege Passes—No Thanks to MSNBC - After Khashoggi outrage passes, cable network goes back to ignoring US-backed humanitarian disaster.   by Adam Johnson.  April 9, 2019.
Progressives—along with a handful of libertarian-leaning Republicans—finally passed a bill in both houses of Congress last week to invoke the War Powers act and end US support for the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen, an entirely one-sided war that’s killed thousands of Yemeni civilians over the last four years with assistance and direction of the US military.
The bill’s proponents achieved this human rights victory with virtually no help from America’s leading liberal cable network.  MORE   see view post above
 FAIR/Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
124 W. 30th Street, Suite 201
New York NY 10001

[ Two glimpses of the political struggle to stop the genocide, here illustrated by global professoriate and local citizens.  A bipartisan Congress did pass the War Powers Resolution.   Note Sam Totten’s important role, UAF Prof. Emer. and genocide scholar. Sam lives in Rogers.  Congress under the War Powers Act voted to cut off all aid to SA.  Trump vetoed it; Congress failed to override.  We can do many things right now to keep the pressure on.  Just pause and think.  –D]
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[Read the following letter first. --D]SIGN ON LETTER - CONGRESS re HUMANITARIAN CRISIS YEMEN
Greg Stanton 12-15-18  
11:53 AM (4 minutes ago)
Dear Sam,

Thanks for organizing this sign-on letter. When was it sent out to members of the Senate and the House?

Thank you for taking out the words "ethnic cleansing."

Despite mentions of "ethnic cleansing" in opinions of the ICTY, there is no treaty outlawing it. The ICC Rome Statute does outlaw Genocide and forced displacement. Those are the criminal acts that Milosevic tried to  use the euphemism " ethnic cleansing" to replace. The term should be expunged from the vocabulary of human rights. It is the equivalent of Judenfrei . Unacceptable euphemisms intended to cover up the horror of genocide.

As by now you know, an immediate ceasefire isn't an unrealistic goal. It has now been agreed to by both the Houthi and the Saudi supported government, in talks convened by the UN Secretary General. We have been working behind the scenes with a lot of other organizations to get this. Now we will see if the ceasefire is honored. With the US still backing the Saudis, I am skeptical. But if it holds, there will be no need to have a ceasefire every three months.

Glad you added the language urging a cut off of all aid and arms sales to " the murderous Saudi monarchy." As you also now know, every member the US Senate but one condemned the murder ordered by MBS.

The US Senate also voted to cut off all aid and arms sales to the Saudis. It passed with nearly enough votes to override a veto, but Paul Ryan won't bring it up for a vote in the House in this Congress. After the new House takes power, we will be working with the same coalition to get that use of the War Powers Act to end aid and arms sales to the Saudis, and will get it repassed by the Senate. Then it is sure to wind up in the courts.

I have been battling viral pneumonia for the last four weeks. Ironically, I came down with it the same day I got my pneumococal pneumonia vaccination. Go figure.
Greg Stanton
Genocide Watch
George Mason University
1405 Cola Drive
McLean, VA 22101-3103

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samuel totten  12-3-18

2:44 PM (1 hour ago)
to MaureenFEINSMITHBOBMELSONMELVERNMelaniemelsonHannibalU.U.Ugurugur_


December 4, 2018

To: Members of The United States Congress

From: Scholars and Activists from Across the Globe in the Fields of International Human Rights, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide

Topic: The Humanitarian Disaster in Yemen

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has deemed Yemen the world’s gravest humanitarian crisis, noting that some 22 million people are in dire need of food, water and medicine, as well as protection. Concomitantly, six internationally renowned humanitarian organizations, all working in Yemen, believe that 11 million people now face starvation. The latter is due to a manmade famine.

Eleven million. That is nearly twice as many people who perished in the Holocaust. Eleven times as many as were killed in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

War in Yemen erupted in early 2015 when Houthi rebels (a Shia group) captured Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, after overthrowing the U.S.-backed government of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi. 

In October, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child reported that at least 1,248 children have been killed since the start of the war. Save the Children report that an average of 130 children are dying every single day from starvation and disease.

While the United States Government has a responsibility for what is taking place in Yemen, it is far from alone. Yemeni Government troops and the Houthi rebels share the greatest responsibility. In addition, Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a proxy war there, with the Saudis supporting the former government with systematic aerial bombardment of civilian targets such as schools and hospitals, while Iran supports the Houthi rebels. The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait and Bahrain back the Saudis in their anti-Shi’a coalition. ISIS and al Qeada have also seized the opportunity to attack Shia mosques, bombing Sana'a and Aden.

Meanwhile, millions of civilians are caught in the middle of this sectarian conflict, subjected to what reputable human rights groups describe as war crimes. Both the Obama and Trump administrations are implicated: they have supplied weapons and diplomatic cover for the Saudi-led military action in which non-combatants are paying an enormous price.

Until very recently, the United States supported the Saudi aerial attacks by providing for mid-air refueling of Saudi planes. Those aerial attacks are said to be responsible for 35,000 civilian casualties. It appears that the Saudi warplanes have deliberately targeted civilians in their homes and schools, on their farms and buses, in their businesses (including petrol stations). Farms have been bombed, prices for food in suqs have soared as a result of the war, and the Saudi’s, with the complicity of the United States, have virtually blocked food from entering all but one of the main ports in Yemen. They have also systematically prevented movement between the ports and cities, towns and villages where the people are suffering severe malnutrition to outright starvation. A host of other actors on the ground have killed humanitarian aid personnel and erected barricades along the roads.
As individuals who worked on the behalf of supporting basic international human rights throughout our adult lives, who have conducted research into crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide, and who, unlike those who conveniently disregard such crimes while they are being committed (and then have the gall to purportedly apologize that they and their governments were uninformed, had their hands tied or simply didn’t care at the time) have advocated for early prevention and, if needed, early intervention, to stave off such crimes. And we are doing so once again.
In that regard, we respectfully make the following recommendations:

      The U.S. must demand and supervise an immediate ceasefire, enabling the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian supplies to all communities, with aid convoys protected by UN peacekeepers with a Chapter 7 mandate.

      The U.S. Government must press the UN Security Council to immediately begin a fresh diplomatic effort to bring the Yemen war to an end.

      The U.S. Government must press for a temporary ceasefire every three months in order to distribute humanitarian supplies, and a no fly-zone during the periods of the ceasefire.

These are short-term measures, but urgently needed ones.
Given the urgency of this situation, we look forward to your prompt response.
Most sincerely,
Dr. Samuel Totten, Professor Emeritus, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Author of Genocide by Attrition, samstertotten@gmail.com. . . .  .    
 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gifFrom: Amy Frame <info@winwithoutwar.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 3:38 PM

To: Gerald H. Sloan
Subject: Blood on our hands
Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen has caused the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe and we have an unprecedented chance to do something.
The ongoing Saudi-led war in Yemen has killed thousands, forced millions to flee their homes, resulted in the world’s worst cholera outbreak, and left 7 million people at risk of starvation. American made bombs - dropped by American made planes and refueled by American military forces - have been used by the Saudis and their allies to destroy crops, cut off access to ports, and wreak havoc on the people of Yemen. This war depends on American support, and now we have to chance to shut that down.
Earlier today, a bipartisan group in Congress introduced legislation that would immediately halt American support for the Saudi-led coalition. Under the War Powers Resolution, this important legislation is guaranteed a vote, which means in the next few weeks, the House of Representatives will finally debate and vote on this completely unauthorized war.
Congress has never authorized America’s involvement in this war in Yemen, yet America’s support has helped fuel the conflict and its horrific war crimes. With our support, the Saudis have bombed schools and hospitals and killed families sleeping in their homes and shopping in the market. American planes continue refueling the Saudi coalition planes dropping those very bombs.
This unauthorized war is also making our country less safe by the day. Violent extremists like Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula have been feeding off the chaos in Yemen to grow their ranks, while America’s involvement in the war has fueled anti-American sentiment throughout Yemen and beyond.
This war needs to end and it needs to end now. Every expert agrees that the war in Yemen will only be resolved through a political settlement, but that settlement simply won’t happen as long as the American military continues to support the Saudi-led coalition in its quest to ‘win’ an unwinnable war on the battlefield, no matter the cost of human suffering.
Make no mistake, the blood from this deadly war is on our hands. That’s why it is up to us to finally take a stand. Lots of Members of Congress didn’t want to have this vote. They don’t want to confront America’s role in fueling this war. But that’s where we come in. We have been bringing our voices into the halls of Congress for 15 years, and it's time to do that once again to make them finally end the horrors in Yemen. Please act today to stop fueling war in Yemen.
Thank you for working for peace,
Amy, Ben, Erica, and the Win Without War team
Send a Letter to Congress: No weapons to Saudi Arabia! No attack on https://actionnetwork.org/letters/send-a-letter-to-congress-no-attack-on-hodeida-no-we
Win Without War is a project of the Center for International Policy.
2000 M Street NW, Suite 720, Washington, DC 20036
(202) 232-3317 | info@winwithoutwar.org

Here are 2 refs. showing the success of citizen efforts to which these contributed:

Revelation 3:16,“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.”   If you are an Arkansas Christian fundamentalist and believe in peace, you must be trembling every day.  On the other hand, many others eschew heat because that’s the temperature of our war makers like John Bolton and other warriors, and because we have chosen to live a rational life.   Yet those same people also know their heart and mind should be stirred out of their chilled inertness if justice and peace are to be achieved.    They might remember that Dante placed the lukewarm and the opportunists outside Hell, so morally repulsive they are.  What should we do about our war on Yemen?   Just vow to be true to your best principles, and tepidness, halfheartedness, apathy will vanish.  In case you need a little help, genocide scholars, organizations like Win Without War and Quakers, and many in OMNI light the way.

Last week OMNI inaugurated a series of lectures about the Middle East by Mounir Farah.   Contact me to lead or help create a group for political action to end US aggressions there.


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