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Blog:   War Department/Peace Department

Contents Israel BDS Day March 30, 2015
Palestinian Land DAY, March 30, 2015, Google Search
Israeli BDS DAY 2015, Google Search
Israeli Apartheid WEEK
US Campaign to End the Occupation
Code Pink’s Action Against the Settlements
Historians Against the War Joins the BDS Movement
Sabra Hummus Supports Settlements

PALESTINIAN LAND DAY, MARCH 30, 2015, Google Search, March 31, 2015

Aljazeera.com - 1 day ago
March 30 has since been commemorated annually byPalestinians as Yom al-Ard (Land ...
International Business Times UK - 9 hours ago
U-T San Diego - 1 day ago
The Electronic Intifada
On 30 March 1976, thousands of people belonging to the Palestinian ... years, those events have become consecrated in the Palestinian memory as Land Day. ... urges lower protection for Palestinian workers than Israeli law (27 March 2015).
I come from there and I remember… The Palestinian American Community Center is proud to present: Cultural Commemoration for Palestinian Land Day 2015
1 day ago - Palestinians mark the 39th anniversary of Land Day ... Day demonstration in the West Bank village of Huwara, south of Nablus, March 30, 2015.
1 day ago - West Bank And Occupied Lands Palestinians Deny Halting War Crimes Charges Against Israel In Exchange For Tax Revenues Report in ...
International Business Times
9 hours ago - March 31, 2015 11:08 BST ... Land Day is the day Palestinianscommemorate the killing of six Arab citizens of the Jewish state by Israeli ...
Land Day in Palestine commemorates the general strike that took place on March 30, 1976.
10.                PressTV-Beirut marks Palestinian Land Day
Press TV
16 hours ago - The event, which coincides with Palestinian Land day, saw large ... fence between Israel and the southern Gaza Strip on March 30, 2015.
Search for Palestinians Land Day Look Up Quick Results Now!

BDS DAY 2015, Google Search, March 24, 2015
The New York Times
By YOUSEF MUNAYYER MARCH 18, 2015. Inside ... “The right-wing government is in danger,” Mr. Netanyahu announced on Election Day. ... The boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (B.D.S.) has thrived while Mr. Netanyahu has led ...
Annie Robbins on January 29, 2015 38 Comments ... the 2005 call from Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel (BDS). ..... Texas Muslim Capitol Day 2015 is an opportunity for community members to learn ...

Welcome to the website of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), a wide ... A truly global movement against Israeli Apartheid is rapidly emerging in ...
BDS is proving capable of winning mass support and persuading companies, cultural institutions, artists and governments to join or observe the boycott of Israel.
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS Movement) is a global campaign attempting to increase economic and political pressure on Israel to ...
Background - ‎Goals - ‎Methods - ‎Achievements
In the news
In 2005 Palestinian civil society issued a call to the world to apply boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it upheld international law. Signed ...
The vote ensures that Israeli products will remain off the shelves at student union shops and means the student union should now step up its BDS campaigning.
The Huffington Post
The damning consequences Netanyahu's new government will inflict on the country are as certain as night following day. Israel, which has been led astray by ...

This map shows all of the cities where events are taking place for IAW 2015 and ... support for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.
About - ‎Call out - ‎Resources - ‎Events

End the Occupation
Saturday, November 29, 2014   

Honor International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People with Action

Dear Dick,
Boycott RE/MAX
Today, on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, member group CodePink is launching an exciting campaign --Boycott RE/MAX: No Open House on Stolen Land -- with a Global Week of Action Nov. 29 - Dec. 5!

RE/MAX is a real estate giant thatmarkets and rents properties in illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land. While Palestinian homes and olive groves are bulldozed to make way for new housing units, RE/MAX is profiting from settlement expansion throughout the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

For the next 7 days, people around the world are coming together to send a message to RE/MAX to stop profiting from occupation and stolen land. Will you join the efforts to condemn RE/MAX worldwide? Here's how:

https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/TTO-_SRi3FXISYl8un5306yDEGaGa4ClX6DPUReAWaLBbUzBeSXz0igB0YI59VaccqdLIIU2r4SpU3Q8KrN7LuZkrqJzuIiPYXThCB0=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/bulletedlist1.gifVisit www.BoycottREMAX.org to endorse the campaign (as an individual or organization) and check out lots of campaign resources!

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/61xSKpAlG2hpOGdy_TAQyV1bjRHrS8345t7U6jngFeVYVaMpLNWjkjayq5qXeet_zLSSH0DZYCfQTxg6P2ErgzpcsyHLFSSL2Vtvvz4=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/bulletedlist2.gifClick here to send a Letter to Chairman of RE/MAX's Board, Dave Liniger!

https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/QQByVi1bZU4-rw2zbOaFKjzLeiwF7M_ppeqClqX-9L5rd3GbNB_53dCSbg5ssUhNm4gMP16kNVJO6nUYbuaVj7ldQyYTEU4LJFLhed4=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/bulletedlist3.gifJoin an action near you! Actions are happening across the U.S., including in Los AngelesDallasChicagoWashington, D.C.;Maine; and beyond.

https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/JrV52aZXlW78K7xVkLMwnrd6ksqqFEed7N1c6kyDueMSMbecakuy3GQHj_K9r_W8Fj1nlf2LMBIjH292V5rL4XiwByf2ywPp-tt0AR4=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/bulletedlist4.gifCreate an Action of Your Own This Week! Follow this handy 10-Step Action Guide!

https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tVYhwljU7hscB6OxWbJ7luWwlhMse9---rJyFv9iVlOMHrSU5guUcEr5tGM6sP74UxcPrKEx7vkGf7l7IuNPmp8-43OvENG48XFHRJ4=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/bulletedlist5.gifOn Thursday, December 4, use Hashtag "#BoycottREMAX" on Twitter with a selfie 
of you in your town or city explaining why *you* are Boycotting RE/MAX!
Stolen Land
https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/xB9KBBKOEWjxO03cxqj7oRhoGC8h0pA7xTofbHA7MUhTgvhYX5YzrBF5V1ACIopIzoS9LC84Wq8PWvIePO61BnpH7uJidKpN6lxNxzY=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/bulletedlist6.gifSpread the word! Follow@BoycottREMAX on Twitter and "Like" the No Open House Facebook Page to keep updated and join the campaign!

Please join me in honoring the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People by taking action to hold accountable settlement profiteer RE/MAX today!

Anna BaltzerAnna Baltzer signature
Anna Baltzer
National Organizer

P.S. Just a couple days left to join the Olive Branch Club and get afree, signed copy of my book Witness in Palestine -- for you or a loved one -- in time for Christmas. Click here for more info -- We can't do this important work without you!
     Dick, take these actions:

1. Visit BoycottREMAX.org.

2. Organize an action near you.

3. Follow the campaign onFacebook and Twitter.

4. Share this blast with friends on Facebook andTwitter.

5. Join the Olive Branch Club for a free copy of Witness in Palestine by Christmas.


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https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Z6Cccso3KfStU4pBaoXMWQVKBwNYpNFvtg9PGrmLxaOJOCLEMlxhbiMjtSvECHUKdf4YXfc0WBxzQkMZ8omnM7uSuuwnLSTdDK06Echzdw=s0-d-e1-ft#http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/images/vimeo%20logo(2).jpg Vimeo

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The US Campaign aims to change U.S. policies that sustain Israel's 47-year occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, and that deny equal rights for all.

Ramah Kudaimi, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation via uark.edu 
3:11 PM (2 hours ago)
to James
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
End the Occupation
Saturday, November 15, 2014   

Participate in Boycott Actions 11/28-12/24
Dear Dick, 
Last month SodaStream, an Israeli company that manufactures home carbonating devices, announced that in 2015 it was going to berelocating its factory currently based in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. The company has been the target of boycott campaignsworldwide for exploiting Palestinian land, labor, and resources.

SodaStream has had a rough year as its stock price has been dropping and its revenues decreasing. This news is just the latest sign that global BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns are having an impact on companies that profit from Israeli occupation and apartheid.

SodaStream organizers are gearing up to do a Month of ActionNovember 28 (Black Friday) through December 24 to keep the pressure on the company until it actually shuts down the factory and to let consumers know that until that happens, its products are still being manufactured in an illegal settlement.

This is also an opportunity to bring attention to the role SodaStream's factory in the Naqab (Negev) desert plays in the Israeli government's plans to displace Palestinian Bedouins and the unfair labor practices in that factory that impact their workers, many of whom are Bedouin women.

You can start making your own plans too! 
Sign up here to let us know what your group is thinking of doing locally. You can pass out fliers, do flash mobs, and sing holiday carols at stores that sell SodaStream. It would be great to plan actions particularly on Black Friday (11/28), theInternational Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (11/29), and any other weekend during the month. We will be collecting and promoting actions submitted, as well as sharing resources and action ideas throughout the month. You can look at what was planned last year to get started!

This time of year is also a busy one for online shoppers, withCyber Monday happening December 1. Are you interested in taking part in Twitter or other social media actions? Do you have design experience and would like to help create some graphics? Email me if you want to volunteer!

There will be plenty of other opportunities to take action, including a national call-in day on December 10, Human Rights Day, to the corporate headquarters of stores to urge them to stop selling SodaStream. Macy's has already deshelved SodaStream products, and it is time other stores follow suit. RSVP on Facebook to receive updates about planned actions, find resources, and share pictures and videos.

During last year's holiday season, there were 61 actions in 51 cities spanning 17 states, 6 countries, and 3 continents!

Take action this year to continue the momentum and to ensure SodaStream ends all its complicity in Israel's oppression of Palestinians.

Ramah Kudaimi
Membership and Outreach Coordinator 
Dick, take these actions:
1. Organize an action betweenNovember 28 and December 24.
RSVP on Facebook to receive updates on planned actions.

3. Share this alert with yourfriends on Facebook andfollowers on Twitter

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The US Campaign aims to change U.S. policies that sustain Israel's 47-year occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, and that deny equal rights for all.

Code Pink’s Action Against the Settlements
Join the new BDS campaign!
(David Druding  12-1-2014

to bcc: mehttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif
let's help Code Pink to put pressure on REMAX Realty to stop their collusion with international outlaws in the Likud/Netanyahu dominated Israeli govt who are stealing land from the Palestinian people 
End the Occupation and Halt the Blockade Now

December 1, 2014
Dear Susan,
Join us as CODEPINK and a coalition of organizations launch the new Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) campaign No Open House on Stolen Land. This campaign targets the Denver-based real estate company RE/MAX for selling homes in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. To mark the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people on November 29, CODEPINK launched the week of action from November 29-Dec 5. Join us on December 5th to demand that RE/MAX cut ties with franchises profiting from the sale of settlement homes and displacement of the Palestinian people.
Join us in San Fransciso! 
>When: Friday, December 5 at 3:00 pm
>Where: 1010 Valencia Street RSVP here
Israeli settlements, which have displaced thousands of Palestinian families, are widely recognized as being in violation of international law. They are also a hindrance to the peace process.
Follow @BoycottREMAX on Twitter and like the No Open House page on Facebook! These campaignsWORK. Be on the right side of history. Tell RE/MAX to stop profiteering from the illegal occupation!
We hope to see you there!

[haw-info] HAW Proposes Work on Israel/Palestine and BDS
haw-info-bounces@stopthewars.org on behalf of Van Gosse [vgosse@fandm.edu]
 haw-info@stopthewars.org    Attachments:   ATT00001.txt‎ (573 B‎)
 Thursday, April 17, 2014 6:08 PM
Dear members and friends of HAW,
Following the American Studies Association's endorsement of a boycott of Israeli academic institutions, and the ongoing debate in the Modern Language Association over a resolution to censure Israel's violations of academic freedom, the Steering Committee of HAW began considering what (if any) action we should take.
After an extensive discussion, we agreed that the most appropriate process was for the Steering Committee to vote on whether HAW as an organization should publicly endorse BDS ("a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights" -- BDS movement website, http://www.bdsmovement.net/).
The majority of the SC has voted "yes" on this motion, committing us to begin work. This was not a simple decision; some members spoke strongly in favor of the position taken by historians Linda Gordon, Alice Kessler-Harris, and Elaine Tyler May, that an academic and cultural boycott was counter-productive and would be divisive, and that US activists should focus on US policy, in particular its military support for Israel's illegal occupation.  Others countered that we can, in fact, do both, that the boycott was the call of Palestinian civil society which deserves to be heeded, and that it will have the greatest effect inside Israel, in terms of motivating a turn to real negotiations and an end to the occupation.
We support an academic boycott (of institutions & their funding streams, not of individuals) because most large universities in Israel have been helping the Israeli government to use academic research as a cover for propaganda. Israel's government has pushed ahead aggressively on archaeological excavations that expropriate Muslim holy sites and Palestinian village lands, and much “archaeological research” in East Jerusalem and elsewhere has proceeded with the financial backing of right-wing Israeli foundations, through university conduits. The area around the Western Wall, e.g., has been designated an "ArchaeologicalPark" by the Israeli government, consolidating Israeli ownership of a space that has in the past been shared with Arabs; Hebron has similarly designated nearby Palestinian lands “archaeological sites.” The trick is well known and understood by Israelis (see, for instance,http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.567898). We as historians need to counter this falsification of academic research.
What shall we do now?  How should this decision be implemented? Actions in support of the academic and cultural boycott, and more generally against the occupation of Palestinian lands, are an entirely new arena of work for HAW, and we need to recruit a group of members who want to develop a program.   We propose the following steps:
1. Form a working group of people interested in challenging the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and US support for Israel, including work on an academic and cultural boycott;
2.  If you are interested in participating in this group, please send an email to Jeri Fogel (fogelj@mail.montclair.edu) and/or Van Gosse (van.gosse@fandm.edu);
3.  Once HAW's Israel/Palestine Working Group (temporary name) is formed, we will generate an online discussion of its process and goals, and then hold a conference call to discuss more in-depth;
4.  The result will be a plan of work for this and the coming academic year, including possible subgroups.
We welcome your thoughts and queries, and we hope many of you will sign up for the new working group.
Van and Jeri

American Studies Association 
American Studies Association
Nominations for the 2015 Richard A. Yarborough Award for Outstanding Mentoring due ... The American Studies Association is one of several academic associations that have been asked to ... 2) Why boycott Israeli academic institutions?
American Studies Association
The ASA promotes meaningful dialogue about the U.S., throughout the U.S.and across the globe. Our purpose is ... 30 | 2015 Bode-Pearson Prize Nominations ...
American Studies Association
The American Studies Association (ASA) is an academic organization consisting of over 5000 members from the ... Published on March 20, 2015 by ASASTAFF.

Take a look at Sabra's GMOs! Genetically engineered soybean oil is often times one of the main ingredients in hummus. Did you know Pepsi (which owns Sabra) spent MILLIONS to keep GMOs hidden so you wouldn’t suspect GMO hummus? Share this post far and wide and TAKE ACTION:    http://gmoinside.org/sabra #GMOs #food #righttoknow #LabelGMOs

Contents March 30, 2014
American Studies Association Boycott
Cole (from HAW), Sherwood, Remove Settlements or Face UN Sanctions, ICC
Amnesty International, Israeli Reckless Force in West Bank (HAW)
David Gershon, Obama, Settlements, Israel’s Future
Google Search, Palestinian Israeli BDS Day, and Palestinian Land Day
Contact President Obama
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Here is the link to all OMNI newsletters:  http://www.omnicenter.org/newsletter-archive/   For a knowledge-based peace, justice, and:
ecology movement and an informed citizenry as the foundation for change


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