Channel: OMNI's War and Warming Anthologies
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Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology.
(#4 Feb. 12, 2014; #5 March 12, 2014; #6 April 9, 2014; #7 May 14, 2014; #8, June 11, 2014; #9 July 9, 2014; #10, August 11, 2014; #11 September 10, 2014; #12 October 8, 2014; #13, November 12, 2014; #14, December 10, 2014; #15, January 14, 2015.).  Thanks to Marc Quigley.


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What’s at stake:  To heal our earth as well as our own bodies physically and ethically, we must REDUCE MEAT CONSUMPTION.

OMNI Newsletters
See: Animal Cruelty, Animal Friendship, Animal Rights, Critical Thinking, Education,  Empathy/Compassion, Ecology, Ethics, Gandhi, Global Warming/Causes, Health, St. Francis, Torture, Vegetarianism, Violence, Wars, for starters.

October World Vegetarian MONTH.    Oct. 16, UN World Food DAY.

Contents #15 at end

Contents Vegetarian Action #16 Feb. 11, 2015

Nutrition, Health
Dr. Barnard’s 21 Day Jump Start to a Vegan Diet
Package of Messages from Organic Consumers Association

Animal Protection and Rights
Dr. Schweitzer, Reverence for Life
Armageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat
The Washington Post:  Expose the Cruelty



Climate Change
PETA: Fight Global Warming, Go Vegan
The Guardian: Eat Less Meat, Prevent Catastrophe
The Baltimore SunMitigate Climate Change, Reduce Driving, Energy Use, and MEAT

Contact State Legislators
Recent OMNI Newsletters
Contents of Vegetarian Newsletter #15 January 2015

    SEARCH  Submit     http://www.pcrm.org/health/diets/kickstart/kickstart-programs/            HOME  |  ABOUT  |  BLOG
    The Physicians Committee
21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart book
Kickstart Your Health DVD
Vegetarian Starter Kit
Kickstart Book and DVD special offer
Based on research by Neal Barnard, M.D., one of America’s leading health advocates, this program is designed for anyone wanting to explore the health benefits of a vegan diet.
 21-Day Vegan Kickstart
Get ready to kickstart your health

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Cleaning Up after Unregulated Big Ag
A “Cow Palace” in Washington State that threatens public health with its acres of untreated animal waste. A city in Iowa spending $1 million a year to keep illness-causing nitrates from farm runoff out of public drinking water.
And who can forget the plight of Toledo, Ohio, residents whose water last summer was so contaminated by farm runoff that they couldn’t even bathe in it, much less drink it?
For decades, America’s chemical-intensive, industrial farming operations have spewed nitrates and other toxic chemicals, animal waste, ammonia, antibiotics, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane gases into public air, waterways and communities.
How do they get away with it? Largely because lobbyists have seen to it that Big Ag is exempt from many of the rules and regulations that other industries, and even municipalities, are required to follow under laws such as the Clean Air Act (comments on exemptions here), the Clean Water Act (comments on exemptions here) and the Resource and Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA).
Concerned about the growing threat to public health, and tired of picking up the tab for cleaning up the mess, citizens and local and state governments are turning to the courts for help.
In some cases, they’re winning. But the real win will come when the conversation turns from mitigating pollution, to preventing it, by transitioning to pesticide-free, chemical-free, non-GMO organic regenerative agriculture.
Cowbells for #milktruth?  [Dairy PR]
Last week, OCA’s political and media consultant, Charlotte Warren, attended the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) conference in Boca Raton, Fla. There she learned that Big Dairy is feeling “under attack” by consumers who, well, simply want to know what’s in their milk and cheese, how factory farm dairies treat their animals, and by the way just how much pollution are those farms unleashing into U.S. waterways?
But instead of focusing on addressing consumers’ legitimate concerns, Warren learned, Big Dairy has hired public relations firms and a team of young social media wizkids to post and tweet about the wonderful wholesomeness of milk (produced in unwholesome conditions using unwholesome practices).
Conference sessions included, “Partnering across the Dairy Industry to Better Understand Consumers,” “Top Hot Button Issues Keeping Dairy Executives Up at Night,” and “The Food Dialogues: Animal Care and Consumers’ Emerging Expectations.”
But the best session of all was “Telling the Milk Story: Safeguarding Consumer Confidence in Milk’s Goodness,” which included the launch of the “Get Real” social media campaign, complete with hashtag (#MilkTruth). And cowbells.
Yes, cowbells.
Hey CSPI—Step Up to the Plate! Debate!

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is probably the only consumer advocacy group that opposes mandatory GMO labeling. And CSPI executives are quick to defend the organization’s position.
Gregory Jaffe, CSPI’s Director of Biotechnology and official spokesman for the organization’s anti-labeling position, has no problem writing pro-GMO articles,serving on government panels as a GMO supporter, or making speaking appearances at industry events to tout the benefits of GMOs.
Yet when challenged to a public debate on the subject of GMOs, Jaffe refused.
As consumers, we’d love to see Jaffe agree to a debate with Consumers Union senior scientist Michael Hansen. Will you help us convince him?
It Takes an Online Village
In December, as we were organizing consumers to protest Rep. Mike Pompeo’s DARK Act—a federal bill to preempt state GMO labeling laws—we reached out to many of our allies who share our concerns about GMO foods, pesticides and states’ rights to pass laws to protect their citizens.
Many groups responded positively, pitching in to mobilize their members, organize buses, and do whatever else necessary to make the December 10 protest a success. Because as we’ve all learned over the years, it will take all of us, working together, to fight some of these battles.
CREDO was one of those groups. As it turns out, there are a lot of CREDO members and action-takers who share your concerns about food safety and protecting the environment. Many of you who have signed OCA petitions have likely also signed CREDO petitions addressing similar issues.
We believe in working with other groups to achieve our—and your—goals. That’s why we were pleased to learn that CREDO has selected OCA as one of three nonprofits that will receive CREDO funding this month (February).
How does the CREDO funding work? It’s based on a vote count. The more people who vote for OCA between February 1 – 28, the more funding we’ll receive.
Who can vote? Anyone who has ever signed a CREDO petition, or purchased CREDO mobile or credit card services.
So this month, we’re asking that you support OCA with your vote. Of course, good old-fashioned, regular donations are always welcome, too. Thank you!
Vote for OCA

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and public education)
Donate to the Organic Consumers Fund (non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our GMO labeling legislative efforts)
A ‘Lively’ Day at Monsanto

On January 30, OCA participated in a protest and confrontation at Monsanto’s annual shareholder meeting. The meeting was held at Monsanto corporate headquarters outside St. Louis, Mo., in a town called Creve Coeur—which in French means Broken Heart.
It’s a fitting name for the location of a company that has caused so much heartache with its toxic chemicals.
OCA’s mission on January 30 was to let Monsanto know, in no uncertain terms, that its so-called science—bought and paid for with dirty corporate money—is no match for the research being conducted by honest, independent scientists.
As the meeting was winding down, Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant told attendees, “We’ve had a lively afternoon.”
To Mr. Grant we say be prepared. Things are about to get a lot livelier.
TPP—It's NAFTA on Steroids

The Trans-Pacific Partnership. It’s the worst trade deal you’ve never heard of. A “Trojan Horse in a global race to the bottom,” says Robert Reich.
What does it mean to consumers if Congress passes this anti-consumer trade deal?
The TPP will give corporations a free pass to bypass laws and regulations—like those governing food safety and environmental protection—that get in the way of their profits.
Effortless Healing

Regaining your health isn’t as difficult as you might think. And it definitely doesn’t mean adding a long list of prescription drugs to your daily regimen.
In his new book Effortless Healing, Dr. Joseph Mercola explains how your body is actually designed to heal itself—if you follow some basic principles.
Effortless Healing includes a long list of valuable tips, including:
• The single most important health step the average person can take
• An inexpensive way to remove some of the pesticides on non-organic vegetables
• The best 3 vegetables to use if you're new to juicing
• The common mistake people make when they add fermented vegetables to their diet
• The most important lifestyle improvement you can make to prevent and treat chronic disease
• A simple lesson you can learn from children and wild animals to improve your health
And many more.
Essential Reading for the Week

[OCA does venture into Climate Change matters.  –D]
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Organic Bytes is a publication of Organic Consumers Association

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I ran across this unattributed statement recently and thought you all might appreciate it.  Did one of you write it?
Achieving ecological respect and sanity through reducing the amount of meat we eat. --  We have been reawakened to the first two factors of three aspects of eco-sanity: ; how animals are killed, and how they live their lives (so eco-kashrut must forbid factory farming, etc);  Still deeper:  It is all too clear that the obsession of many people with eating a great deal of meat is a twin to our addiction to oil and coal as a way to poison the planet. Huge farms of cows and pigs  pour methane - an even more dangerous global-scorching agent than CO2 - into the atmosphere. And the obsession with meat forces us into factory farming, to meet the demand.  To heal our earth as well as our own bodies, we must return to our forebears'  diet of eating meat no more than once or twice a week.


Albert Schweitzer, Reverence for Life
“The Problem of Ethics in the Evolution of Human Thought.”  Schweitzer delivered this short address in 1952.     It is included in Jacques Feschotte’s Albert Schweitzer, 1955. I have been unable to find a copy online.  Please share with us if you find it.

“Ethics is only complete when it exacts compassion towards every living thing.”  (Schweitzer in Feschotte, 127).   –Dick

FARMAGEDDON: the True Cost of Cheap Meat

Compassion in World Farming  (UK)

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4.    Get the full-size version of this infographic to share with others.

  1. WANT TO FIGHT ANIMAL CRUELTY? PLEDGE YOUR SUPPORT TO END FACTORY FARMING http://www.raw.info/the-problem/animal-cruelty


6.    What matters most to you?









15.Take action and step up to the plate!


17.Join us and help stop Farmageddon!





22.Brought to you by ciwf.org

Cruelty to farm animals demands exposure
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The Washington Post By Editorial Board April 26, 2013
SO GUT-WRENCHING are the images — cows being shocked, turkeys being stomped, horses being burned with chemicals, piglets kicked like soccer balls — that the videos recorded by animal rights organizations at factory farms are almost impossible to watch. That, though, has helped make them effective tools in the fight against illegal and cruel treatment of farm animals. It’s alarming that a number of states have bowed to pressure from agribusiness and enacted laws to criminalize this useful undercover work.
Other states that are considering following suit should think twice about whether the best way to deal with the important issues of how animals are treated and food is produced is to keep U.S. consumers in the dark. Six states in the West and Midwest have enacted legislation cracking down on the undercover videotaping of animal facilities that has been the foundation of investigations by organizations including the Humane Society of the United States and Mercy for Animals. So-called ag-gag bills are pending in six other states, including Pennsylvania and North Carolina.
Some of the measures, the New York Times reported, would make it illegal to secretly videotape farms, livestock ranches, slaughterhouses and other food production facilities or to apply for a job at one of them without reporting an affiliation with an animal rights group. Others, such as one the Tennessee legislature passed this month, demand that any video that chronicles possible illegal activity be handed almost immediately to law enforcement authorities, a seemingly innocuous requirement that would have the effect of preventing meaningful investigations documenting patterns of abuse.
Defenders of the legislation say the videos cast farms and other livestock concerns in a bad light and have caused financial suffering. They say activists use the footage to raise funds and advance their cause of getting people to stop eating meat. Those are weak justifications for extreme legislation that inhibits the rights of employees, denies vital assistance to law enforcement and tramples First Amendment rights. Sufficient laws exist to protect property from trespass.
Animal investigations have proved their value. In 2007 the Humane Society documented unsafe practices at a California slaughterhouse that resulted in the largest recall of beef in U.S. history and a new federal policy to prevent downer cows (cows that cannot stand on their own), at risk for mad cow disease, from entering the food supply. If not for video footage, prosecutors in Tennessee would not have been able to take action against workers using illegal methods to improve the gait of walking horses. The same is true for authorities in North Carolina, who charged workers at a turkey farm with abuse and neglect of animals.


PETA:  Fight Global Warming by Going Vegan
www.peta.org  › Issues › Animals Used for Food‎
http://www.peta.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/200_2D00_IssuesFoodEnvironmentGlobalWarming.jpgGlobal warming has been called humankind’s “greatest challenge” and the world’s gravest environmental threat. Many conscientious people are trying to help reduce global warming by driving more fuel-efficient cars and using energy-saving light bulbs. Although these measures help, science shows thatgoing vegan is one of the most effective ways to fight global warmingA staggering 51 percent or more of global greenhouse-gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture, according to a report published by the Worldwatch Institute. Additionally, a recent United Nations report concluded that a global shift toward a vegan diet is extremely important in order to combat the worst effects of climate change.According to the United Nations, raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” In addition, the official handbook for Live Earth, the anti–climate change concerts that Al Gore helped organize, says that not eating meat is the “single most effective thing you can do” to reduce your climate change impact. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide together cause the vast majority of global warming. Raising animals for food is one of the largest sources of carbon dioxide and the single largest source of both methane and nitrous-oxide emissions.
Carbon Dioxide
Burning fossil fuels (such as oil and gasoline) releases carbon dioxide, the primary gas responsible for global warming. Producing one calorie from animal protein requires 11 times as much fossil fuel input—releasing 11 times as much carbon dioxide—as does producing a calorie from plant protein. Feeding massive amounts of grain and water to farmed animals and then killing them and processing, transporting, and storing their flesh is extremely energy-intensive. In addition, enormous amounts of carbon dioxide stored in trees are released during the destruction of vast acres of forest to provide pastureland and to grow crops for farmed animals. On top of this, animal manure also releases large quantities of carbon dioxide.
You could exchange your “regular” car for a hybrid Toyota Prius and, by doing so, prevent about 1 ton of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year, but according to the University of Chicago, being vegan is more effective in the fight against global warming; a vegan is responsible for the release of approximately 1.5 fewer tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year than is a meat-eater.
A German study conducted in 2008 concluded that a meat-eater’s diet is responsible for more than seven times as much greenhouse gas emissions as a vegan’s diet. Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the U.N.’s Nobel Prize–winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and a vegetarian himself), urges people to “please eat less meat—meat is a very carbon-intensive commodity.”
The billions of chickensturkeyspigs, and cows who are crammed into factory farms each year in the U.S. produce enormous amounts of methane, both during digestion and from the acres of cesspools filled with feces that they excrete. Scientists report that every pound of methane is more than 84 times as effective as carbon dioxide is at trapping heat in our atmosphere. The EPA shows that animal agriculture is the single largest source of methane emissions in the U.S.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is about 300 times more potent as a global warming gas than carbon dioxide. According to the U.N., the meat, egg, and dairy industries account for a staggering 65 percent of worldwide nitrous oxide emissions. (Use the N-Calculator to calculate your nitrogen footprint and to see how you could lower your nitrogen usage.)
You Can Help Stop Global Warming!
The most powerful step that we can take as individuals to avert global warming is to stop eating meat, eggs, and dairy products. Order PETA’a free “Vegetarian/Vegan Starter Kit” and do your part to start saving the planet and animals today!
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Eat less meat to prevent climate disaster, study warns
Fertilisers used in growing feed crops for cattle produce the most potent of the greenhouse gases causing climate change
 Eating less meat will help environment, a new study says. Photograph: Ian Waldie/Getty Images
Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent

Friday 13 April 2012 07.56 EDT
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Meat eaters in developed countries will have to eat a lot less meat, cutting consumption by 50%, to avoid the worst consequences of future climate change, new research warns.
The fertilisers used in farming are responsible for a significant share of the warming that causes climate change.
study published in Environmental Research Letters warns that drastic changes in food production and at the dinner table are needed by 2050 in order to prevent catastrophic global warming.
It's arguably the most difficult challenge in dealing with climate change: how to reduce emissions from food production while still producing enough to feed a global population projected to reach 9 billion by the middle of this century.
The findings, by Eric Davidson, director of the Woods Hole Research Centre in Massachusetts, say the developed world will have to cut fertiliser use by 50% and persuade consumers in the developed world to stop eating so much meat.
Davidson concedes it's a hard sell. Meat is a regular part of the diet in the developed world. In developing economies, such as China and India, meat consumption has risen along with prosperity.
"I think there are huge challenges in convincing people in the west to reduce portion sizes or the frequency of eating meat. That is part of our culture right now," he said.
Researchers have been paying closer attention in the past few years to the impact of agriculture on climate change, and the parallel problem of growing enough food for an expanding population. Some scientists are at work growing artificial meat which would avoid the fertilisers and manure responsible for climate change.
Nitrous oxide, released by fertilisers and animal manure, is the most potent of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. The UN's climate body has called for deep cuts to those emissions.
Growing feed crops, for cattle and pigs, produces more of those emissions than crops that go directly into the human food chain. Eating less meat would reduce demand for fertiliser as well as reduce the amount of manure produced.
Davidson also suggests changes in current farming practice – such as growing winter ground cover crops – would help absorb nitrogen and prevent its release into the atmosphere.
In reaching his conclusion, Davidson draws on figures from the Food and Agricultural Organisation suggesting the world population will reach 8.9 billion by 2050, and that daily per capita calorie intake will also rise to 3130 calories.
Meat consumption is also projected to increase sharply to 89kg per person a year in rich countries and 37kg per person a year in the developing world.
Such a trajectory would put the world on course to more severe consequences of climate change.
Davidson is not suggesting people give up meat entirely. "The solution isn't that everyone needs to become a vegetarian or a vegan. Simply reducing portion sizes and frequency would go a long way," he said. So would switching from beef and pork, which have a high carbon foot print, to chicken or fish.
·         Climate change
more on this story
·         http://i.guim.co.uk/static/w-300/h--/q-95/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/12/20/1387526437519/Cows-008.jpg
20 Dec 2013861
·         http://i.guim.co.uk/static/w-300/h--/q-95/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2009/10/27/1256608938533/Cornwall-cows-001.jpg
26 Oct 200988
2 Jun 2010126

Less meat eaten, more planet saved
The Baltimore Sun, May 20, 2013
A review of 12,000 papers on climate change in the May 15 issue of "Environmental Research Letters,"found that 97 percent of scientists attribute climate change to human activities. Although we're unlikely to reverse climate change, we can mitigate its effects by reducing our driving, energyhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png use, and meat consumption.
Yes, meat consumption. A 2006 U.N. reporthttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png estimated that meat consumption accounts for 18 percent of man-made greenhouse gases. A 2009 article in the respected World Watch magazine suggested that it may be closer to 50 percent.

Contact State Legislators
Greg Leding gregleding@gmail.com
David Whitaker djwhitaker@swbell.net
Uvalde Lindsey uvalde.lindsey@gmail.com

Recent OMNI Newsletters

Contents Vegetarian Action #15
Nutrition, Health
Dr. Mercola, Harmful Industrial Meat Production
Animal Protection and Rights
Dr. Steve Best
Climate Change
Cowspiracy Video
Dr. Best, Meat and Rain Forests


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