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Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace





Gear Up for Armistice Day!



November 11, 2023, is the 105th anniversary of the signing of the World War I armistice that ceased hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918. With this instrument, nations still recovering from the dreadful nightmare of WWI, one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, collectively embraced peace as a universal principle and called for an end to all wars.

Click on the button below to read more. Our Armistice Day page has lots of resources, inspiration, and 11 ways you can take action this Armistice Day!


Get Inspired



Armistice 2023 Film Screening
A New Film Features Veterans Telling Hard Truths About War



On November 9, 2023, at 6:30 PM, in observance of Armistice Day weekend, the Dan Lyons VFP Chapter 178 in Northern Colorado presents an award-winning documentary at the Lyric Cinema in Ft. Collins, Colorado. What I Want You to Know is about the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's produced by veterans who lived through them. The executive producer is Travis Weiner, a U.S. Army veteran of the Iraq war and past president of VFP Chapter 178. The film has already won Audience Favorite at the Maine Film Festival, and was honored at the International Film Festival at the Hague. For more information, find CH178 contact info on their website, HERE.


Watch the Trailer



Wear Blue for Armistice Day and the United Nations, a hat band, a scarf, Display the UN Flag


Veterans For Peace once again Reclaimed Armistice Day!  11-22-22


Veterans For Peace Chapters and Members across the U.S. once again took the lead to #ReclaimArmisticeDay as a "day dedicated to the cause of world peace," as it was celebrated at the end of World War I when the world came together to recognize the need for lasting peace.  


Check out our 2022 Armistice Day recap page for reports and photos from local chapter actions, and links to articles, podcasts, radio shows, and more from Veterans For Peace members and chapters reclaiming Armistice Day! 


View the full Armistice Day 2022 photo album here or click on any of the photos below.


View the Full 2022 Armistice Day Recap


Observe Armistice: Call for an End to War!

Veterans For Peace

4:09 PM (29 minutes ago)



to me



VFP eNews | November 9, 2023






TODAY! – NOV. 9 • 3pm PST | 5pm CST| 6pm EST
“Thank You for Your Service (for Peace)”

This program offers a different twist to Armistice Day commemorations by recalling the tens of thousands of service members who opposed war and militarism during the Vietnam War and the civilians who helped them.

•  David Cortright, Moderator, Vietnam era GI activist, scholar, author of Soldiers in Revolt.

•  J.J. Johnson, member of the Ft. Hood Three who refused orders for Vietnam in 1966 in one of the earliest acts of collective GI resistance to the war (a VFP member).

•  Susan Schnall, former Navy nurse who was court-martialed for helping to organize an antiwar march of soldiers and civilians in San Francisco in 1968 (current VFP Board President).

•  John Kent, former Navy fighter pilot who turned in his wings rather than fly combat missions in Vietnam and helped to organize the Concerned Officers Movement.

• Kathy Gilberd, executive director of the National Lawyers Guild Military Law Task Force, a specialist on GI rights who was active in the antiwar movement and helped to provide legal aid for GI organizing (VFP Advisor).

•  Paul Lauter, former Chicago Region Peace Education Secretary of the American Friends Service Committee and executive director of the U.S. Servicemen’s Fund, which provided support for GI coffeehouses, underground newspapers, and organizing projects.



SUNDAY, November 12 • 5pm PT | 6pm MT | 7pm CT | 8pm ET


An invitation from Kathy Kelly, Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal Organizer & World BEYOND War Board President

Weapon makers project obscene profits from U.S. funding for war. Last week, over 100 activists held a die-in blocking the main entrance of Raytheon's office in Tucson, condemning Raytheon's complicity in the genocide of Palestinians by supplying missiles, bombs and weapons systems to Israel. Here is a list of action-oriented outdoor protests being planned in cities around the world.

Following the senseless "industrialized slaughter" of World War I, antiwar protesters vowed to never again tolerate merchants of death dragging them into horrific wars. On Armistice Day we say "war no more" as we call out those who would profit from killing.

Over 1,000 people have registered for the Merchants ofDeath War Crimes Tribunal. Please register if you haven't already, and encourage others to register, via THIS LINK.




On today's Veterans For Peace podcast (hosted by The Hector Black chapter out of Nashville), Minneapolis VFP member Dave Logsdon, coordinator of the annual Veterans For Peace campaign to reclaim Armistice Day, talks about the importance of honoring the original intent of the holiday, which was to celebrate and work for peace.




***READ Matt Hoh's blog post: "Armistice Day and The Empire"



A PLEDGE and a CHALLENGE to VFP Members & Supporters from VFP National Director, Mike Ferner


Our bodies are needed at the front lines of this struggle to end the genocide in Gaza...and we are starting to answer the call.

Scattered across the country, our members are carrying signs and speaking out. Some have raised the volume by getting arrested in Senate hearings, hometown Congressional offices and corporate headquarters of the Merchants of Death.

But we can and we must do more.

More of us must vote...and I don't mean at a polling place.  We must cast our whole vote by throwing our bodies on the gears of the war machine and joining our comrades who have been arrested in civil resistance actions.

My pledge, which I hope each of you who are physically able to will match, is this: I will vote with my whole body in a civil resistance action at my  Congress Member's office. For obvious reasons I can't say where or when, but soon, and I will let you know.

Considering what's at stake, it's very little.  If you've done it before, as many of us have, you know it's nothing at all compared to what people are suffering under our bombs.  If you've not yet, you won't find a better time than now to begin.

Now is when we show what Veterans For Peace members are made of.



Mike Ferner, Director
Veterans For Peace


"Can't add my name into the fight when I'm gone
And I won't be laughing at the lies when I'm gone
Can't be singing louder than the guns when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here." -- 
Phil Ochs





ABOVE: VFP members at the rally held in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston.


On October 30, VFP member Ann Wright's op-ed was published on Common Dreams:"The US Government Is Complicit in the Genocide Taking Place Inside the Gaza Ghetto."  (Ann, from Bentonville, is one of country’s finest peace activists.)


Veterans For Peace is compiling actions taken by our members in response to the ongoing crisis.
Find photos, videos, audios, and links to additional content on THIS PAGE.






On September 28, 2023, VFP member James Yee was one of those who testified at a special hearing on closing the detention camp at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.


Chaired by Members of the European Parliament Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, the event is taped and is available for online viewing. [James Yee appears at minute 25:50 to 38:00.] Former prisoners of the camp are joined by a prominent human rights activists advocating for the closure of the detention camp and for the EU and its Member States to assist in finding viable solutions for the relocation of the remaining prisoners to third countries, and the guarantee of decent living conditions for former prisoners wrongfully detained by the US administration for years and then resettled.


Captain James Yee is a West Point graduate who later studied Isam in Damascus, Syria. He served as a U.S. Army chaplain and was assigned to Guantanamo Bay in late 2002 to minister to the prisoners suspected of terrorism. Chaplain Yee reported the prisoners' abusive conditions to his superiors and recommended ways to both improve their conditions and maintain security. His superiors tried to implement his recommendations, which ran afoul of others in the intelligence section. Yee was then arrested, falsely accused and subjected to abusive conditions himself while held in solitary confinement. His family, legal defense team and political support movement finally got him released with all charges dropped. He left the U.S. Army with an Honorable Discharge, and has since written a book about his experience, For God and Country, Faith and Patriotism Under Fire.




A Musical Request from One of Our Readers


Bob Dylan's superb anti-war classic, "Masters of War"


[listen | read the lyrics]





3 PM Pacific | 4 PM Mountain | 5 PM Central | 6 PM Eastern

"Thank You for Your Service (for Peace"
Panel Event hosted by the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee


SEE description at the top of this email or CLICK HERE for info.




Armistice Day



SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12 • 8 PM Eastern Time

Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal
Livestreamed Opening Session


The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal will hold accountable — through testimony of witnesses — U.S. weapons manufacturers who knowingly produce and sell products which attack and kill not only combatants but non-combatants as well. These manufacturers may have committed Crimes Against Humanity as well as violated U.S. Federal criminal laws. The Tribunal will hear the evidence and render a verdict. INFO & REGISTRATION HERE



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 • 4 PM Pacific Time

The Madness of Militarism


In this Second Annual Ellsberg Lecture presented by the Ellsberg Institute for Peace and Democracy, journalist, author, and antiwar organizer Norman Solomon will discuss what Martin Luther King Jr. called “the madness of militarism,” with a focus on present-day U.S. militarism, its consequences, and possibilities for overcoming its pervasive effects.  REGISTER HERE. Find previous EIPD programs and related links HERE.




Special Events with Le Ly Hayslip & Global Village Foundation


Le Ly Hayslip and Global Village Foundation are hosting two special events in Southern California on Saturday, November 18: A film screening of Oliver Stone's Heaven & Earth (the 1993 film based on Le Ly’s memoirs) followed by lunch and an author panel, and a Global Peace & Legacy Awards Gala Dinner in the evening. MORE INFO HERE.




World BEYOND War Regional Peace Conference
Imagine Africa Beyond War


The objective of this regional conference is to strengthen the collaboration amongst WBW Chapters and allies in Africa and worldwide and envisage World BEYOND War’s blueprint for an alternative security system as the approach to imagine Africa beyond war. INFO & REGISTRATION HERE



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 • 8 PM Eastern Time

Films of the GI Antiwar Resistance

Hosted by the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee


CLICK HERE for info.




July 15–August 19, 2024
Poor People's Army March


Also known as the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, the mission of the nonviolent Poor People’s Army is to keep people alive and to build a cooperative economy and society. Endorsed by Veterans For Peace, the two-week Poor People's Army March will go from Mikwaukee – site of the Republican National Convention (July 15) – to Chicago – site of the Democratic National Convention (August 19). The march will deliver the same message to both conventions: "We reject corporate greed and demand an end to poverty."


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3407 S. Jefferson Ave, #219
St Louis, MO 63118




 NOVEMBER  11, 2022, 104TH Anniversary



Compiled by Dick Bennett





Armistice Day Blue UN Flag and Wearing My Blue Scarf




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