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Art Hobson.  Ending the nuclear weapons threat:USA and others must support U.N. treaty.”  NWADG 22 August 2023

. . . The bad news is that, along with global warming, The Bomb is an existential threat to civilization.  The good news is that the chances of real action on both issues are now at an all-time high. 

          For global warming, this is because the evidence is now obvious daily, making it absurd for the fossil fuel industry to continue its decades-long propaganda campaign supporting oil production.

          For nuclear weapons, this is because of the United Nations'"Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons."  It prohibits the nations that have signed the Treaty from testing, producing, acquiring, possessing, stockpiling, using, deploying, or threatening to use nuclear weapons.  It also prohibits providing nuclear weapons assistance to other nations. 

          The UN adopted this Treaty in 2017 with 122 nations in favor, 1 opposed, and 70 not voting.  Those opposed or not voting included USA and the NATO nations, which slavishly follow USA in such matters. 

          Note that U.N. adoption of the Treaty does not obligate any nation to abide by it.  Only those nations that sign the adopted Treaty are obligated to abide by it.  To date, 92 nations have signed.   

          According to the Doomsday Clock set every year by the science and security advisors to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the current time is 90 seconds to midnight, a symbolic fact that brings tears to my eyes.  Will civilization survive?  The world is now in a race against this clock to induce the nine nuclear nations as well as other nations capable of building such weapons to sign and abide by the Treaty. 


Watch this entire interview with Sachs From Prof. Sonny San Juan 8-22-23






Preview YouTube video Jeffrey Sachs Interview - A Large-scale Destruction is Currently Unfolding.nfolding.

I also want to recommend a recent essay in Harper’s Magazine (June 2023) by Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Layne.  “Why Are We in Ukraine? On the Dangers of American Hubris.”  The article reinforces Sachs’ report in great detail.


NO SHORTAGE OF OPPONENTS OF WAR in the print media.  Multiply your peace power by joining with other peacemakers.   Choose a friend and multiply the effort.
Subscribe to a magazine.  For example, the latest no. of The Progressive Magazine contains ten articles asserting peace against the US War Party (Democrats and Republicans), each article suggesting actions including:
From the Editor:
“Issues of Peace.”  “…in this issue of The Progressive we delve deeper into…U.S. domination and meddling in countless regions across the globe.”
David Vine.  “Build Back (Much, Much) Worse.”  “…Biden is undermining his own progress against humanity’s other existential threat—climate change—by boosting spending on the world largest institutional carbon user—the U.S. military.”
Jim Carrier.  “Playing with Fire.”  Pres. Biden, in Japan at invitation of the Japanese P.M. Kishida to promote a “world without nuclear weapons.”  The NYT headline from Hiroshima on 5-19-23 declared: “Biden Pays Silent tribute to Victims of Hiroshima Bomb.”  It was a classic example of disingenuousness, for “a new nuclear arms race is underway—more treacherous, expensive, and unpredictable than the one the United States set in motion seventy-eight years ago,” and The Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was set at 90 seconds to midnight—“the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.”
Alfred Meyer.  “The Bipartisan Atom.”  “A new nuclear arms and energy race is full speed ahead, thanks to both sides of the aisle” (i.e. the War Party).



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