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CHILDREN NEWSLETTER #1, December 31, 2014
THE CONSEQUENCES OF WAR, WARMING, POVERTY, Genocide, Pollution, Trafficking, Clerical Abuse.   August , 2014.
What’s at stake:  "Did you know that the worldwide food shortage that threatens up to five hundred million children could be alleviated at the cost of only one day, only one day, of modern warfare." -- Peter Ustinov

“I wonder how the foreign policies of the United States would look if we wiped out the national boundaries of the world, at least in our minds, and thought of all children everywhere as our own.”  Howard Zinn


Contents Children Newsletter  #1, December 31, 2014
Helping Children
Local to Global
Sarah Fennell, Restore Humanity
Sam Totten, Children of Southern Sudan
FCNL, Drop Food Not Bombs
UN Children’s Bill of Rights
    Child Protection

Harms to Children
Islamic State Recruiting Children to Fight
Cindy Sheehan:  Wars, Bombings, Children, Libya, Syria, USA
Obama Allows Weapons to Countries that Use Child Soldiers
Dick, Children Fleeing Central American Violence
Trafficking Children

Edelman, Poverty USAand Children
Gibney Documentary on Clerical Abuses: Mea Maxima Culpa
Chemical Pollution-- glyphosate toxicity?-- and Autism

Children, Climate Change, Pollution
Hertsgaard’s Hot:   Impact of Climate Change on Chiara
    UNICEF: Stop Emissions from Vehicles and Factories
    Karl Grossman Interviews Dr. Trasande, Center for Children's Health and the



USA (to Kenya)
It is Giving Tuesday! Please Donate to Restore Humanity
by Sarah Fennel
It is Giving Tuesday! Please donate to Restore Humanity
 Many people are inspired to give at the end of the year for a variety of reasons and while we know there are many causes worthy of your support we ask that you consider giving to Restore Humanity this year so that we can continue our current projects and expand our support to even more people in need.
Since I founded Restore Humanity eight years ago, the most common question that I get asked is “Why are you helping in Kenya?” Some are just asking out of curiosity and others make it very clear that they don’t understand why we wouldn’t choose to help American children? It is a valid question because there are children in need all over the world, including here in the US and if I could provide assistance to every child that needed it tomorrow then believe me I would.
Unfortunately this is not an option, so we all must do what we can, when we can, and how we can. This is exactly why we help in Kenya because there is a serious need in that area and we had an amazing opportunity to make a real and lasting impact.
Mrs. Opot, our wonderful Kenyan partner contacted me in 2007 and asked if Restore Humanity would help her to create a home for children in need in the rural community that she lived in. She had land with a building on it that she donated for the project and was willing to run the home day in and day out. It is also important to note that we can do much more in Kenya than we could in the US with the same amount of money and by my lights the need there exists on a much greater scale.
We took this awesome opportunity and now have a beautiful home full of 17 bright and loving kiddos that also provides employment for 11 local Kenyan people from the community. Each year we look for more opportunities to help and take advantage of every one that we can. I encourage every person to do the same.  Every child matters, no matter where they are from--ONE PLANET, ONE PEOPLE, ONE PURPOSE. We are all in this together!
Please consider donating to one of our projects or to our “General Fund” and we will use it where we need it. All donations are tax deductible and a donation in someone’s name can be the perfect gift! If you are interested in giving a gift of a donation please send me an email at sarah@restorehumanity.org for details.

Totten, Children Victims of Genocide



samuel totten

To Patrick Murinzi Minega and all other
children victimized by genocide, war, and violence.

Dear All,

Invariably, most serious scholars of genocide studies are ultimately asked: How can you do this work? What keeps you going in light of the darkness? The horror? 

Many have also asked me: what prompts you to go to such places as the NubaMountainswhen the area continues to be bombed on a daily basis or to such all but God forsaken places as Goz Beida, along the Chad/Darfur, Sudan border? 

My answer is staring at you in the face: the above photo of a little guy (Patrick) wish I could say I had met on  one of the thousands of hills in Rwanda

It's also why I firmly believe that perhaps the most important aspect of my life as far as genocide studies is concerned, and as far as being a human being is concerned, is my co-founding The Post Genocide Education Fundwith Rafiki Ubaldo, a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. As many of you know, PGEF provides full scholarships and living expenses to young survivors of genocide across the globe who wish to earn a university diploma. (Thus far, we've sponsored students from Rwanda; Darfur, Sudan; and the NubaMountains, Sudan.) My point is: it is my one way to break out of the darkness and gain some sense that I am actually helping people in desperate need, instead of solely writing about the horrors faced by innocents either in the aftermath of genocide or during the actual perpetration of crimes against humanity/genocide. 

In closing, I wish to share an excerpt from the introduction of my new and forthcoming edited  book, The Plight and Fate of Children During and Following Genocide, in which I speak about gazing at Patrick's countenance for the first time: 

Samuel Totten

Generally, when I make my way through museums dealing with
genocide I fi nd myself feeling sad and angry but I forge on and make my
way through the exhibits. Th is, I have done, time and again, beginning
back in 1978 when I fi rst visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’
and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, the USHolocaust
MemorialMuseum in 1993, and the tiny museum on the Armenian
genocide located in the basement of a church in Deir et Zor (Syria) in
2005. But then, in 2006, as I made my way through the museum at the
Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre in Rwanda, I entered the “Children’s
Wing,” and within ten minutes my heart was shattered. I had only managed
to view a tenth of the photographs and accompanying information
in the room, but I simply could not go on. I literally wanted to scream
and fl ay away at a world that would allow such horrifi c injustice and
atrocities to be perpetrated.

I shall never forget the last photo and captions that ripped my heart
apart. It was the sweetest picture of a young man, Patrick, seven years
of age, I’ve ever seen. His smile and bright sparkling eyes exuded joy.
Th en, I read the captions:
Name: Patrick Murinzi Minega
Favorite Sport: Swimming
Favorite Sweets: Chocolate
Favorite Person: His Mum
Personality: Gregarious
Cause of Death: Bludgeoned with Club

Over the years (during which I served as a Fulbright Scholar at the
Centre for Confl ict Management at the National University of Rwanda,
and on subsequent research trips when Rafi ki Ubaldo, a survivor of the
1994 genocide, and I conducted interviews for our book, We Cannot
Forget: Interviews with Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda ),
I returned to the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre several times
in order to try to view all of the photographs and captions in the
“Children’s Wing.” Each and every time I’d only get so far before I was
overwhelmed with sorrow, and, yet again, would depart without having
viewed the entire exhibit. To this day I’ve not viewed the entire

Th e killing of infants, preschoolers, school-age children, and preadolescents
should be beyond the pale. Unfortunately, and sadly, it is
not—at least not for those who are apt to committing crimes against
humanity and genocide. And it’s not just killing that the latter engage
in, but also the torture and butchery of babies and young children.

When perpetrators kill infants and children there is often a sadistic
tone and tenor to their actions. Th ey seem to enjoy exhibiting their
perverted power over the victim population. Th ey seem to enjoy crushing
the spirits of those parents and siblings who are forced to watch
their children and babies and young brothers and sisters, respectively,
be brutalized in the most horrifi c ways possible. 


Am heading back to the NubaMountainsright after the new year. Current reports are that Nuba civilians are desperately trying to make their way out of Sudanto South Sudan in search of food and many are literally dropping and dying each and every day. Last week a colleague I am working with to insert food into the region reported that he witnessed  -- IN A  SINGLE DAY   --  20 individuals (mainly elderly  men and woman and infants and young children) who had keeled over and perished along the way. That is obscene. Unconscionable. And it's way I've been next month, not next year. Each day that goes by another human being, like you and I, like your children and grandchildren, will perish in that desert wondering why no one but no one has reached out to them as those with the means would surely wish others would do for them should they find themselves in such dire straits. 
Sorry for the soapboxing. That was not my intent!  
Thank you for listening. Thank you for what you do to try to make the world a better place. 
warmly, Sam

Wars, Bombings, Children, Libya, Syria, USA
Cindy Sheehan\

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Children and War by Cindy Sheehan

Recently, I was listening to KGO radio and in case you don’t know, KGO is theABC affiliate super-station here in San Francisco that can be heard by millions of people with its mega-wattage transmitter.
Gene Burns happened to be the host at that time. The night that I was listening, Mr. Burns was wondering why the U.S. is bombing Libya, but not Syria, because Syria is, “torturing and killing children,” and Mr. Burns didn’t know how the people of the world could stand by and watch this happen.
I wish I could have gotten through on the call-in line because I would have asked Mr. Burns how he feels about the USA torturing and killing children in places like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. These are the active places the US is bombing, but what about the children that were held or are being held in places like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Abu Ghraib in Iraq or Bagram AFB in Afghanistan? Why are the "people of the world" standing by and watching the US destroy civilization as it murders and tortures children?
It is my suspicion that even the most hardcore war supporter knows that women and children are the ones that suffer the most from war—but as War Madam, Madeline Albright notoriously said in an interview with Lesley Stahl of CBS: the slaughter of over 500,000 Iraqi children during the sanctions period during the Clinton regime was “worth it.” Monsters don’t always have to have long claws, bloody fangs, or inhabit our nightmares—they can look like somebody’s Grammy—and that’s what I call a waking terror.
As a mother of a victim of US Imperialism, my well of empathy is bottomless, but I am not like Gene Burns—I don’t think we should just be upset when “rogue” regimes kill or torture children—because the US is the largest rogue regime in recorded history. The rogue Empire counts on people like Gene Burns to provide cover for its crimes, in part, by over-sensationalizing the crimes of others.
Because of the definition of “collateral damage” (“We don’t do body counts,” General Tommy Franks), it is hard to pin down the exact number of children that have been killed by the US’s War OF Terror since 2001—in fact, it’s almost impossible, but a safe guesstimate is hundreds of thousands. However, one was exactly one too many.
What I can do for you is tell you some statistics on how children are treated here in the US:
Children should be the ultimate expression of love, joy, and hope in all societies and I am not trying to excuse Syrian forces for what has happened. Killing/torturing a child (adult) is an abomination, but what I am trying to do is put things in perspective.
Why would the dark forces that run the US care about murdering brown children with odd sounding names in far away places when it doesn’t even care about the children here within our own borders? 

Today (Sunday, June 12), on CBS's Meet the Press, war monster, Senator Lindsey Graham of SC said that the time was "very close" to attacking Syria, and it's time to let President Assad know that "all options are on the table."

If we do attack Syria, then the Nobel Laureate POTUS would be at war with at least six countries. I hope that Graham is just having a wet dream about Syria, but I fear he is correct because the US can't allow anybody else to kill people--our War Machine already has a near monopoly on murder.

Cindy Sheehan
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AP reports that jury selection is supposed to start in Houston today in the case Jamie Leigh Jones has brought against Halliburton. Jones was working as a KBR contractor in Iraq when she was gang-raped. When she attempted to address the ...
Posted by Common Illsat June 13, 2011 3:31 AM
Recently, I was listening to KGO radio and in case you don't know, KGO is the ABC affiliate super-station here in San Francisco that can be heard by millions of people with it's mega-wattage transmitter. ...
Posted by dandelionsaladat June 12, 2011 10:22 PM
SWAT team busts into house over student loan default. Posted on 06.8.11. By Sahil Kapur Acting on orders from the U.S. Department of Education, a S.W.A.T. team broke into a California home Tuesday at 6 a.m. and roughed up a man ...
Posted by John Lee, Hollywood winnerat June 8, 2011 12:43 PM
from Richard Beamish rbeamish@tappercuddy.com to vicpopuli1@gmail.com date Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 7:34 AM subject blogs mailed-by tappercuddy.com. I have read your blog which involves a case in which I was involved. I accept the story in ...
Posted by The Public Eyeat June 8, 2011 6:31 AM

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Dear James Bennett,
Today the United States began bombing Iraq again. Decades of U.S. military intervention fomented the crisis in Iraq today, and more bombing will only mean more bloodshed and instability.
Over the past several years, a groundswell of grassroots opposition shut down the U.S. plan to bomb Syria and led to the eventual withdrawal of U.S. ground troops from Iraq. We need your support today to stop more U.S. bombing in Iraq.
Just two weeks ago, the House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res 105, calling on President Obama to seek explicit authorization before engaging in 'sustained combat' in Iraq. That was an important signal demonstrating Congress opposed more wars in the Middle East.
But in the wake of today's crisis, most members of Congress speaking out have supported the U.S. bombing of Iraq, despite the president not seeking explicit authorization before beginning these attacks.
There are peaceful ways the United States can help save lives in Iraq and the region. To begin, the United States can take these 5 steps:
  • Stop U.S. bombing of Iraq, which will only result in more bloodshed and instability
  • Coordinate with the United Nations on evacuation efforts of Iraq's Yazidi population trapped on Sinjar mountain, U.S. personnel in Erbil and others fleeing for their lives.
  • Call for and uphold an arms embargo in Iraq and Syria. U.S. arms and military assistance to the Iraqi government and Syrian rebel groups have only fueled the carnage.
  • Engage with United Nations on diplomatic efforts for a lasting political solution for Iraq and Syria.
  • Increase humanitarian aid. The U.S. has a particular responsibility to generously contribute to catastrophic humanitarian crisis engulfing Iraq and the region
Kate Gould
Legislative Associate
Middle East Policy

P.S. In addition to your emails to Congress and the administration, your financial support can help us stop the bombing in Iraq. Please consider making a donation today.


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United Nations
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2.    Rights of the Child

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All children have the right to what follows, no matter what their race, colour ...
You have the special right to grow up and to develop physically and ...

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4.     [PDF]


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Marian Wright Edelman | It's Time to End Child Poverty in Rich America With Urgency and Persistence
Marian Wright Edelman, Reader Supported News , Jan. 25, 2014
Edelman reports: "Fifty years after President Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty, the United States is still not a fair playing field for millions of children afflicted by preventable poverty, hunger, homelessness, sickness, poor education and violence in the world's richest economy with a gross domestic product (GDP) of $15.7 trillion."

Obama Quietly Okays Military Aid to Countries That Use Child Soldiers 

Human Trafficking: an ancient infamy with a new face
2013-11-05 Vatican Radio
Following a wish expressed by Pope Francis, an international conference to examine human trafficking and modern slavery takes place in the Vatican on November 2 and 3.
Described as a "preparatory workshop", organised by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences together with the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations, the event aims to examine the trade in human persons in order to establish the real state of this phenomenon and an agenda to combat this heinous crime.
Each participant at the two-day conference will present a study shining the light
haranguing Members of Congress, The White House and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, among others, to yank off their purposely placed blinders and OPEN THEIR EYES to the reality of the world we all live in and do something to try to ameliorate the horrors -- NOW, not next week, not
on a particular perspective of human trafficking.
Professor Marcelo Suarez-Orozco is dean of the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. He and his wife, Professor Carola Suarez-Orozco, will present papers that focus on the trafficking of children in the global millenium.
Listen to Linda Bordoni's interview with Prof. Marcelo Suarez-Orozco... 
Professor Suarez-Orozco says “Human trafficking is a very ancient infamy with a very new face”.
He explains that in his paper he and his wife “locate human trafficking: the trends, the growing movement of trafficking of the underage, a global perspective that looks at issues relating to structural economic inequality, that looks at issues pertinent to the mass movement of people, mass migration, and that looks at the roles of the new media, new information, communication technologies, specially social media that is now fully implicated into the trafficking of children. We examine the varieties of domains where immigrant children and trafficked children today are exploited in different forms of slave labour”.These – he continues -- include agriculture, domestic work, the commercial sexual exploitation of children, including the explosive growth of child pornography on the Internet. The paper explores the issues facing children who are used as drug mules for drug trafficking, and lastly the enslavement of children as child soldiers.
Professor Suarez-Orozco examines the devastating psychological and cultural effects on the children who are deprived not only of their present, but also of their future as many of them do not have the instruments to overcome such trials. Describing the phenomenon of human trafficking, Suarez-Oroaco says it amounts to about a $30 billion enterprise – that is larger than the GDP of Jordan, for example.
He says the trafficking of human beings is the third-most profitable global criminal enterprise, after drugs and armaments. The professor highlights the fact that up to 75 per cent of all detected trafficked people are women and children. (There are about 27 million trafficked people in the world today) And he says that the percentage of children in increasing: “In the U.S., it is estimated that of all the detected trafficked people, 50 per cent are under age”.
However, he points out that the phenomenon is largely undetected and describes it as a hidden crime with a huge gap between the numbers of victims and those who are prosecuted for it.It is a crime, he says, “where no one has the incentive and declare the devil and the details”.

A Silent Trail Leads Beyond a Cover-Up of Protracted Abuse, ‘Mea Maxima Culpa,’ Alex Gibney Documentary, NYT Nov. 16, 2012
Ettore Ferrari/Corbis
Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, in a scene from “Mea Maxima Culpa,” a documentary by Alex Gibney.
Rev. By A. O. SCOTT   Published: November 15, 2012
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The Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy, a Roman Catholic priest in Wisconsin who died in 1998, appears in old photographs and home movies as an energetic, round-faced man with a warm, friendly, efficient manner. Even without the sinister music that shadows these glimpses of Father Murphy’s benign, banal public activities in the ’50s and ’60s, the viewer of “Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God,” Alex Gibney’s new documentary, will suspect that there’s something terrible lurking under the surface.
Noah Fowler/HBO
The Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy, who was in charge of a boarding school for the deaf.
There was a time, not long ago, when a priest’s devotion to children would elicit a smile of approval rather than a shudder of suspicion and dread. The revelation early in the movie that Father Murphy, who was for many years in charge of a boarding school for the deaf, systematically molested youngsters in his care — scores if not hundreds over the years — is sickening but not especially surprising. A decade of reporting and advocacy has made stories like his distressingly familiar.
“Mea Maxima Culpa” is not the first documentary to present the testimony of victims or to expose the failure of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in dealing with widespread sexual abuse by priests. Kirby Dick’s “Twist of Faith”(2004) and Amy Berg’s “Deliver Us From Evil” (2006) are both important predecessors that link intimate crimes with institutional failures. But the prolific Mr. Gibney, whose other films include “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room,”“Taxi to the Dark Side” and “Casino Jack and the United States of Money,” is something of a specialist in the corruptions of power. And he doggedly updates the larger story here, connecting dots that lead, in a trail of denial and cover-up, from the rural Midwest to the Vatican.
His methods are a blend of solid journalism and cinematic sensationalism. The reliance on melodramatic music and lurid — though not explicit — re-enactments does not seem to me to make the movie more powerful, but rather the opposite. There is something to be said for a clear and unblinking recitation of facts, and thankfully Mr. Gibney does a lot of that. He talks with journalists who have covered the sex-abuse story (including Laurie Goodstein of The New York Times) and Catholic clergy and lay people who have pushed for transparency and accountability. (Unsurprisingly the Vatican and the American church declined his requests for interviews.)
These conversations, along with archival video clips and Mr. Gibney’s own calm, angry voice-over narration, make the case that sexual abuse in the church was more than a matter of isolated misbehavior and local mismanagement. The heart of the problem, the film contends, was a conspiracy of silence that extended to — and was to some extent orchestrated in — the highest levels of the Holy See.
This argument takes up much of the second half of the film, which amounts to a prosecutorial brief against Pope Benedict XVI and some of his close associates. This is important and disturbing stuff. But the heart of “Mea Maxima Culpa” — the real source of its emotional impact — lies in a remarkable series of interviews with some of the men, most now in their 60s, who endured Father Murphy’s assaults when they were children and who have worked for almost 40 years to bring his crimes to light.
Their words are interpreted by well-known actors, including John Slattery, Jamey Sheridan, Chris Cooper and Ethan Hawke. The way Mr. Gibney films them, against dark backgrounds with soft, indirect light, emphasizes the expressivity of their faces and hands, and will remind hearing viewers of the richness and eloquence of American Sign Language. It is no accident that the last words signed in the film are “Deaf Power.” Much as it is a grim chronicle of violation and denial, “Mea Maxima Culpa” is also, less overtly but no less importantly, a chapter in the history of thedisability rights movement.
That Father Murphy’s victims were deaf gave their abuser an extra layer of protection. Some of the boys could not communicate very well with their hearing families, and Father Murphy operated in the literal certainty of their silence. These students were especially vulnerable, less because of their physical difference than because of the social marginalization that accompanied it. Their specific demand for justice as they grew older was thus also part of a larger insistence on recognition and the acquisition of a public voice.
Mea Maxima Culpa:  Silence in the House of God
Written and directed by Alex Gibney; director of photography, Lisa Rinzler; edited by Sloane Klevin; music by Ivor Guest and Robert Logan; produced by Mr. Gibney, Alexandra Johnes, Kristen Vaurio, Jedd Wider and Todd Wider; released by HBO Documentary Films. At the Film Forum, 209 West Houston Street, west of Avenue of the Americas, South Village. Running time: 1 hour 46 minutes.
A version of this review appeared in print on November 16, 2012, on p


MIT Researcher’s New Warning: At Today’s Rate, Half Of All U.S. Children Will Be Autistic By 2025
DECEMBER 26, 2014 / 337460 VIEWS

Research scientist Stephanie Seneff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a widely published author on topics ranging from Azlheimer’s Disease to autism and cardiovascular disease, raised plenty of eyebrows recently with a bold proclamation on autism at a special panel in Massachusetts about genetically modified organisms and other topics.
“At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic,”  Seneff said last Thursday in Groton, MA at an event sponsored by the holistic-focused Groton Wellness organization.
Seneff presented slides showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the rising use of Roundup(with its active ingredient glyphosate) on crops and the rising rates of autism; while it doesn’t show a direct correlation it does give researchers plenty to think about, especially considering Seneff’s research into the side effects of autism that mimic glyphosate toxicity and deficiencies.

The slide notes that the heaviest use of Roundup, Monsanto’s flagship weedkiller, began in 1990 and continued to rise since. Meanwhile, the  number of kids with autism has gone from 1 in 5,000 in 1975 to 1 in 68 today, a puzzling and frustrating stat that shows no signs of slowing down and one that correlates strongly with the rise in glyphosate use.
Of course, autism is a complex problem with many potential causes, but the numbers are particularly of note considering how close the correlation is, and Seneff’s credentials.
Dr. Seneff has written 10 papers (7 as the first author) in various medical and health journals on modern diseases as well as drug side effects, nutritional deficiencies and the impacts of environmental toxins on our health. She also worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory before turning to biology, as her official biography notes.
You can read more about her presentation on the website The Complete Patient by clicking here, and you can also check out the full versions of her slides on glyphosate and autism by clicking here.
Recently, the group Moms Across America visited with officials from the EPA to discuss a potential ban or restrictions on Roundup, especially in light of recent findings that the active ingredient glyphosate is found in the breast milk of American mothers at levels that are a dangerous 760 to 1600 times higher than allowable limits in European drinking water.
While the group made its point loud and clear, it is well worth noting than many of the 100 studies provided for the EPA’s review were actually provided by the chemical companies themselves.
Urine testing has also shown that Americans have 10 times the glyphosate accumulation in their urine than Europeans, and children with autism have many biomarkers indicating excessive glyphosate in their systems including key mineral deficiencies, seizures and mitochondrial (the cell’s power center) disorders.
While Monsanto claims that Roundup is harmless because humans don’t have a shikimate pathway, which it inhibits, Seneff notes that our gutbacteria do have this pathway, and that’s crucial because these bacteria supply our body with crucial amino acids.
She also says that most studies are too short to show Roundup’s oft-studied effects as a cumulative toxin, one that builds up both in the environment and in our bodies over time.
According to Seneff, Roundup has the following side effects: it kills beneficial gut bacteria, allowing pathogens to grow; interferes with the synthesis of amino acids and methionine which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt and manganese, and much more.
Additional chemicals in Roundup are untested because they’re classified as “inert,”she notes in her presentation, but according to a 2014 study in BioMed Research International they are capable of amplifying the ill effects of Roundup hundreds of times over.
To learn more about Seneff’s warning over autism and Roundup accumulation, you can view her slideshow on the topic. Until then, it’s best to exercise caution, and to buy and grow organic food whenever possible.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, senior researcher at MIT, speaking at this year’s Autism One conference.
(from Fran Alexander)

To my immediate family:
Many harms to wrestle, while not losing focus on HARMS of wars and warming.  
For Grace and all children now and to be.  I received the latest no. of Population Connection (formerly ZPG) this week especially focusing on overpopulation's impact on our oceans.  And I always am glad to hear about LARC, the new long-range contraception.
I Love you all,
Dick, Dad, Granddad, Greatgranddad  (and honoring James Hansen’s Storms of My Grandchildren, and Mark Hertsgaard’s Hot, written for his daughter Chiara).


Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
By Mark Hertsgaard.  Hoghton Mifflin, 2011.

Poisoning the Well
Torsten Blackwood/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Published: February 4, 2011
I  haven’t had the talk yet with my kids: my 11-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter. I mean the one about global warming, about what’s coming. But then, we grown-ups haven’t had the talk yet among ourselves. Not really. We don’t seem to know how: the topic is apparently too big and scary. Or perhaps, for the uninformed (or misinformed), not scary enough.
HOT:  Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth
By Mark Hertsgaard
339 pp. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $25.
Excerpt: ‘Hot’ (Google Books)
We might take a cue from Mark Hertsgaard’s “Hot,” which raises the emotional stakes while keeping a clear head. This was the first book on climate change that not only frightened me — plenty have done that — but also broke my heart. It happened first on the dedication page, where he writes, “For my daughter, Chiara, who has to live through this.” And again, as I read his epilogue: a letter addressed to Chiara on her 15th birthday, in 2020 — a “cardinal date,” Hertsgaard rightly calls it. “According to the scientists I interviewed,” he tells her, “many, many things have to happen by 2020 if this planet is to remain a livable place.” That is, if the storms, droughts, rising sea levels and mass extinctions of species are to remain within “manageable” limits.
Hertsgaard, to his credit, refuses to sugarcoat these facts. For all the justifiable fears about flooded coastlines, he writes, the “overriding danger” in the coming years is drought. “Floods kill thousands, drought can kill millions,” one expert told him. Within two decades, the number of people in “water-stressed countries” will rise to three billion from 800 million.
And yet Hertsgaard also knows that we cannot allow fear or despair, or even anger, to be our only response. To face this challenge, we need reasons to believe the task is doable. Hertsgaard makes a valiant effort to provide them. He presents a strong case that there is still time to make an enormous difference. We know what to do, and much of the technology already exists. But we must act now.
Hertsgaard, a veteran journalist, had his awakening in October 2005. Interviewing David King, at the time Britain’s chief climate scientist, he realized that human-caused climate change is not a distant threat but already upon us. “Scientists had actually underestimated the danger,” he writes. “Climate change had arrived a century sooner than expected.” What’s more, given our current trajectory — economic, cultural and, most important, political — it’s guaranteed to get a lot worse before it gets any better. (Significant impacts like sea-level rise are now “locked in.”) And it won’t get any better — indeed, it will become truly unmanageable — if we don’t make the necessary cuts in global greenhouse emissions.
This leads Hertsgaard to what he calls the new “double imperative” of the climate fight. “We have to live through global warming,” he writes, “even as we halt and reverse it.” In other words, while deep emissions cuts (what experts call “mitigation”) remain the top priority, that alone is no longer enough. We also have to do everything we can to prepare for the effects of climate change.
Adaptation — strengthening levees and sea defenses, safeguarding water and food supplies, preparing for more intense heat waves — has long been a touchy subject among advocates, who warn that it signals resignation, or a false sense of security (that we can continue adapting indefinitely), and that it steals resources from the all-important focus on mitigation. But the debate is shifting, and climate adaptation is starting to get the attention it deserves.
There’s not much new in what Hertsgaard advocates on the mitigation front — a “Green Apollo” program with an economy-wide price on carbon, vastly increased energy efficiency, huge investments in clean-energy technology, and other mainstream ideas.
His significant contribution is his ground-level reporting on adaptation efforts around the world, from American cities to Bangladesh to the Sahel. All the stories are sobering, but many are also surprisingly hopeful: the Netherlands’ bold 200-year plan to save the country from a devastating sea-level rise; the utterly unexpected success of farmers in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso in reclaiming huge areas of arable land from desertification; China’s research on large-scale ecological agriculture.
But most important, what Hertsgaard finds is that the ability to adapt to climate change depends as much on “social context” — defined as “the mix of public attitudes, cultural habits, political tendencies, economic interests and civic procedures” — as on wealth and technological sophistication. Wealth and technology clearly matter, but politics and culture may trump them. Take Louisiana: efforts to prepare for future hurricanes, Hertsgaard writes, “have been crippled by the state’s history of poor government” along with “its continuing reluctance — even after Katrina — to acknowledge the reality of global warming for fear that might harm oil and gas production, and an abhorrence of taxes and public planning as somehow socialistic.”
In fact, Hertsgaard’s reporting makes me wonder if there isn’t more hope for the Sahel than for the vulnerable South and Southwest of the United States. After all, why prepare for something — much less try to halt it — if you refuse to believe it’s happening?
The American social context too often remains the largest obstacle, Hertsgaard observes, not only to adaptation at home but to cutting emissions globally. It’s not clear how to change this, but an honest, urgent, grown-up national conversation — beginning in Washington — would be a start.
Wen Stephenson is a former editor of The Boston Globe’s Ideas section.

UNICEF reported that " deaths from asthma among children could increase by 20% by 2016 unless we act drastically to reduce emissions from vehicles and factories." (quote from treehugger.com

The UNICEF web site is a good source of information:

12-19-09 FSTV presented
Karl Grossman's regular "Enviro Close-up," interviewing Dr. Leo Trasande, founder of the Center for Children's Health and the ENVIRONMENT.    He explained the widespread disease consequences of air pollution--asthma, mercury, lead, etc., and called for both reduction of pollution and the creation of statewide children's environmental health clinics.    It seems like a personal, local way for OMNI to make people aware of the harms of CO2 and other pollutants.  (Dick) 

Most of OMNI’s Newsletters Pertain to Children, here’s a sample:
Hiroshima-Nagasaki 8-6
Nuclear Free Month 7-30
Gaza 7-28
Nuclear Weapons Abolition 7-20
ICC 7-17
Israel-Palestine 7-14
Over-Population 7-11


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