Channel: OMNI's War and Warming Anthologies
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Nuclear War
Doomsday Clock from Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Art Hobson. Praise for How the West Brought War to Ukraine.

Subtitle of Book: Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe. 
Benjamin Abelow.  Publishing success of his book. 



Watch the 2023 Doomsday Clock announcement.  BAS (1-9-23).  Tune in January 24 at 10AM EST to hear what leading scientists have set the Doomsday Clock to for 2023. Read more.


Ukraine War Threatens Nuclear War
Benjamin Abelow.   How the West Brought War to Ukraine.
Please read this short book about the Ukraine War, praised by Art Hobson,12-22-22

[WWW reviewed this book in #104,  Dec. 14.  I got my copy from Barnes and Noble 1-2-23. Dick]

Dear Friends,

 I’m sending this out to a large group.  The following book


 is well worth the short time required to read it.  In 8 brief chapters, the author brings home the major arguments against US foreign policy on Ukraine, and how NATO expansion inevitably led to the present situation.  The author agrees with most opinion that the invasion was a strategic and moral mistake, and explains how NATO pushed Putin into it.  The solution is a negotiated settlement as soon as possible.  Americans, in their current frenzy of superpatriotism and self-congratulation, need to read this or any number of well-informed books about this war.  The advantage of this one is that it’s brief and to the point.  It’s recommended by Chomsky, Mearsheimer, and many other advocates of an intelligent US foreign policy.    Peace – Art


Note on Abelow and Nuclear Risk:
His sub-title:  Understanding How U.S. and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe.

Note from Abelow to Dick on popularity of his breakthrough book:
After coming out with the English edition, I hired a translator and then came out with a German edition. A Swiss news magazine (Die Weltwoche ["The World Week"]) approached me out of the blue and arranged to produce a special magazine-formatted edition of the German translation. That edition was shrink-wrapped with the magazine's weekly issue and distributed to the magazine's 40,000 regular subscribers and newsstand buyers. Then, another unexpected event: a Swiss businessman with no connection to either Russia or Ukraine who read that special edition arranged to have another 300,000 copies printed and sent by mail to households in the cantons of Zurich and Bern. Those are the two most important cantons financially and politically. Those 300,000 copies were mailed at the end of November.


Since then, I've signed translation contracts with publishers in Poland and Slovenia (the latter is being published by the publishing arm of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) and I have a (knock wood) soon-to-be-consummated offer from an Italian publisher.  A literary agency in France is looking for a French publisher, and an international book broker here in the States has queried sub-agents and publishers in 40 other countries; I'm waiting to hear what comes of that. 


If people want to learn more, or to find out where they can order the book, I encourage them to visit my website (www.benjaminabelow.com). If they want to see the special Swiss magazine edition, they can view and download it here (https://weltwoche.ch/wp-content/uploads/wewo2022_43_UKRA-1.pdf). It's worth a look even if you don't read German because it is illustrated with beautiful and evocative landscape paintings by the artist Archip Kuindschi (1841–1910), for whom a museum is named in Mariupol, Ukraine.


Finally, if anyone has ideas for mass distributions in the U.S., I encourage them to contact me and we can discuss it. With thanks -- Ben Abelow (b.abelow.2022@gmail.com).  [And we can purchase several copies to give to schools or friends.  –Dick]

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