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For a CULTURE OF PEACE, Compiled by Dick Bennett
(#1 12-10-08; #2 12-10-09; #3 12-10-11; #4 December 10, 2012; #5 Dec. 10, 2013 http://www.omnicenter.org/newsletter-archive/

What’s at stake: To recognize the UDHR as the common standard for human rights everywhere and the United Nations as the chief structure for their realization.  Learn about the UN, urge your representatives to support its good programs for all people.

See: UN/USA, Amnesty International, Human Rights Newsletter, Bill of Rights DAY Newsletter (Dec. 15), Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, Vegetarian Action (animal rights), the numerous newsletters about UN organizations.

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Previous UN Human Rights Day Newsletters 2008-2013 at End

Contents UN Human Rights Day 2014, Newsletter #6
UN Human Rights Day Dec. 10, 2014
UN/USA Dec. 10, 2014
Zeid Al Hussein, UNHCHR
Human Rights USA 2014
Anne Fagan Ginger,
   New Paths to Human Rights
   Human Rights Treaties are US Law
People’s Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Recent OMNI Human Rights Newsletters

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Human Rights Day, 10 December, 2014
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2014 Theme: Human Rights 365
"I call on States to honour their obligation to protect human rights every day of the year. I call on people to hold their governments to account. "
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
A portrait of an eldery woman, a child washing his face with water, a group of kids laughing and playing
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 10 December as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world’ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.
This year’s slogan, Human Rights 365,encompasses the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. It celebrates the fundamental proposition in the Universal Declaration that each one of us, everywhere, at all times is entitled to the full range of human rights, that human rights belong equally to each of us and bind us together as a global community with the same ideals and values.

Today is Human Rights Day. For the UN, it's every day.
Chris Whatley, UNA-USA membership@unausa.org via uark.edu 

to James   Dec. 10, 2014

To view the Web version, follow this link.

Human-Rights-Day.pngToday—Human Rights Day—people all around the world are gathering in support of human rights for all. But for the UN, every day is Human Rights Day as it works tirelessly to ensure people everywhere are afforded the universal human rights.

This year, the UN has taken important steps for human rights, especially in advancing LGBT rights and gender equality. This includes a new resolution on LGBT rights at the UN Human Rights Council, the UN Free and Equal Campaign reaching more than 1 billion people, and the launch of UN Women's HeforShe campaign.

Here are some ways you can get involved so your community or campus knows about the vital human rights work the UN does and how they can support it:
As we mark the 66th anniversary of the UN General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, let's make sure we all do our part to guarantee,"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

Thank you for continuing to help us tell the UN’s story, today and every day.

Chris Whatley
Executive Director, UNA-USA

United Nations Association of the United States of America
1750 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 300 | Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202.887.9040 | Fax: 202.887.9021

Become a UNA Member

  Human Rights Day, Google Search, Dec. 9, 2014
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for H...
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, (United States) holding a Declaration of Human Rights ... 423 (V) inviting all States and interested organizations to adopt 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day. ... Human Rights Day 2014: Human rights 365.
Human Rights Day is celebrated annually across the world on 10 December. ... and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), .... This page was last modified on 6 December 2014 at 01:43.
4 days ago - As a Somali-land Human Rights Commission We are Ready to Do a very remarkable things in 10 December because we have worked hardly ...
Human Rights Day is celebrated every year on 10th December. This day is celebrated internationally to honor 10th Dec 1948, when the United Nations adopted ...
Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 102014. The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation on ...
To connect with Human Rights Day - December 10, sign up for Facebook today. .... 25th Regular Session Human Rights Council(3rd-28th March 2014)
Human Rights Day10 Dec 2014. 10 December every year: Celebrating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human Rights Day 2013 ..

United Nations
Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, High Commissioner for Human Rights ... United NationsSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon, following approval by the General Assembly, has ... Mr. Al Hussein will succeed Navi Pillay of South Africa, to whom the ...
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for H...
Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein assumed his functions as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on 1 September 2014, following the General Assembly's  ...
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for H...
Sep 9, 2014 - Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein brings to his new role as the United Nations most senior human rights exponent, lengthy experience in human rights  ...

In the news
Press TV‎ - 18 hours ago
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Zeid al-Hussein has said that more than 200,000 people have died in the Syrian conflict ...
teleSUR English‎ - 2 days ago

Funding gap looms amid efforts to tackle ‘twin plagues’ Ebola, ISIL, warns UN rights chief
High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein briefs journalists during a press conference in Geneva. UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré
16 October 2014 – Combating the “twin plagues” of Ebola and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), while addressing the largest number of forcibly displaced people since World War II amid budget cuts is like “being asked to use a boat and bucket to cope with a flood”, the United Nations’ new human rights chief told journalists in Geneva today.
In his first briefing to the press since taking up the four-year post on 1 September, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said he was “shocked” that just six weeks into his job, he already had to look at making cuts and “battle” to find resources.
The twin plagues of Ebola and ISIL both fomented quietly, neglected by a world that knew they existed but misread their terrible potential
“Our operations are stretched to breaking point in a world that seems to be lurching from crisis to ever more dangerous crisis,” he said, warning that when the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) “cannot afford to put people on the ground – to monitor, to report, to train, to advocate – the cost may be high.”
“The twin plagues of Ebola and ISIL both fomented quietly, neglected by a world that knew they existed but misread their terrible potential,” Mr. Zeid said.
“Human rights are not an airy ideal,” he stressed, adding that underestimating the critical importance of human rights is what plays in creating crises in the first place.
The global response to Ebola must therefore be focused on the right to health, to education, to sanitation, to development and to good governance. Only a response that is built on respect for human rights will be successful in crushing the epidemic.
We must also beware of “us” and “them”, a mentality that locks people into rigid identity groups and reduces all Africans – or all West Africans, or some smaller, national or local group – to a stereotype, Mr. Zeid said. It is wrong to dehumanise and stigmatise people.
OHCHR is currently drawing up guidelines on quarantine, because, if imposed and enforced injudiciously, quarantine can very easily violate a wide range of human rights.
Turning to what he called, “the antithesis of human rights”, Mr. Zeid said ISIL – or, as he referred to it, the Taqfiri group called “Daech” in Arabic – believes “justice is to commit murder”. It spares no one. Not women, not children, nor the elderly, the sick or the wounded. No religion is safe, no ethnic group.
“The way [ISIL] has spread its tentacles into other countries, employing social media and the internet to brainwash and recruit people from across the globe, reveals it is to be the product of a perverse and lethal marriage of a new form of nihilism with the digital age,” said the High Commissioner.
As ISIL and Ebola gain ground, it is “deplorable” that the UN office responsible for human rights cannot fulfil the dozens of pending requests for human rights advisors and only receives around 3 per cent of the UN regular budget. The UN human rights office (OHCHR) is at least $25 million short of its needs this year, Mr. Zeid said.
“We are asking for less than the amount Americans are forecast to spend on costumes for their pets at Halloween in a few days, time – and that includes my family who live in New York,” the High Commissioner added.
Prior to 2013, it was unusual for there to be even two “mandated tasks” OHCHR was providing support to. But now, there are “no fewer than six of these under way”, including support missions for the Human Rights Council and an increasing number of fact-finding missions requested by the Security Council.
“In other words, the Office is stretched to its limit,” Mr. Zeid said, adding that some desk officers are obliged to cover seven or eight countries and to support multiple independent human rights experts and committees.
“We are already sparing back everything we can, and services are starting to suffer. States come to us asking for technical assistance programs, but is becoming increasingly likely that we will turn them down,” he said.
These include programmes to help vet security and police personnel and train them to respect human rights and refrain from torture.
The Office is, however, investigating alleged human rights violations and abuses in Iraq, Mr. Zeid said, reiterating his call to the Government to consider acceding to the Rome Statute to accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
We intend to issue another update count of reported deaths in Syria before the end of the year, he added. As it stands now, over 200,000 deaths have been reported since March 2011.
The High-Commissioner also expressed concern over continuing conflict in Yemen, Libya, and recently in Gaza, and said that his Office is engaged in "serious dialogue" about myriad human rights issues in Bahrain and Egypt.
In Africa, conflicts and violations, including sexual violence continue in South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Mali, worsening the already chronic poverty.
In Asia, he said that the “appalling and protracted” human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is on international radar thanks to the efforts of the International Commission of Inquiry, established by his predecessor Ms. Navi Pillay.
He also spotlighted the perils faced by migrants in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and the Americas, many of whom continue to die in their desperate efforts to find a better, more dignified life.
Meanwhile, there is an alarming increase in the number of major political parties in European and other industrialised countries proposing, and on occasion implementing, regressive and even abusive migration and xenophobic policies.
Mr. Zeid concluded his first press conference on a positive note however, saying: “Notwithstanding everything I have just said…it seems to me that the broad trajectory of humanity is a positive one and that in an increasing number of communities and countries, all human beings are seen as fully equal in dignity”.

HUMAN RIGHTS USA 2014, Google Search, Dec. 10, 2014
Human Rights Watch
The United States has a vibrant civil society and media that enjoy strong constitutional protections. Yet its rights record is marred by abuses related to criminal ...

In the news
The director of Amnesty USA's security and human rights programme, Naureen Shah, told ...
The Guardian - 2 hours ago
Human Rights Watch - 1 day ago
www.amnestyusa.org › Events
Amnesty International USA
Thank you for Bringing Human Rights Home at the #Amnesty 2014 Human RightsConference and Annual General Meeting in Chicago, Illinois April 4-6!
o    Meetings and events 2014  ww.ohchr.org/...
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. ... Calendar of Meetings and events 2014 ... OHCHR 1996-2014; |; Contact Us; |. |; FAQ |; Site map.
Washington College of Law
Fifth International Conference on Human Rights Education 'Advancing ... have any questions in the meantime, please email us at IHRE2014@wcl.american.edu.
... government representatives and participants from civil society, human rights ... Executive Coordinator, ICPD Beyond 2014 Coordination Secretariat UNFPA.
Fraud Item: scam / fraud: California Network for Human Rights CNHR ... Email: cnhr.conference@qq.com or conference2014@usa.com. Read more ...
(IHRFG's Pre-Conference Institute: Monday, January 27, 2014) ... How should the human rights funding community adapt and respond to this changing landscape? ... Participants also joined us for dynamic workshops and discussions on:.
Human Rights Conferences Worldwide Upcoming events in human rights ... Management and Governance - ICBMG 2014 Las Vegas, United States of America.
The Washington Post
May 2, 2014 - "All sorts of crimes rampant in the U.S. pose a serious threat to the people's ... News Agency (KCNA) on April 24, 2014 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong ... "The U.S. is the world's worst human right abuser and tundra of a ...

Searches related to Human Rights USA 2014

Ann Fagan Ginger | New Paths to Stop Human Rights Violations in US
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 21:42by: Anonymous
    New Paths for Action to Stop Human Rights Violations in the United States
    By Ann Fagan Ginger
    t r u t h o u t | Perspective
    Thursday 23 February 2006
    Congress member Barbara Lee will give the House of Representatives in early March reports of 30 types of human rights violations by the US Government since 9/11. And she noted the failure of the Government to report these violations on time and accurately as required by a human rights treaty ratified in 1992 by the Senate at the request of President George Bush: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
    Activists can use this treaty to strengthen their work against the war, the PATRIOT Act, capital punishment, surveillance by the NSA, FBI, and BICE, torture and illegal detentions at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, violations of basic rights of Katrina survivors, and on many other issues. They can ask for action by their city councils and county and state governments against their violations of the human rights set forth in the ICCPR.
    We have been doing this in Berkeley, California since 1990, and it has helped on many issues.
    Now Representative Lee's statement opens a new path for activists all over the country working for electoral reform, saving Social Security and health care, job training for youths, and every other human rights issue at the local and national levels. Her statement was based on the comprehensive report detailing 180 recent actions/inactions by the US Government compiled by Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute and published in "Challenging US Human Rights Violations Since 9/11," in March 2005. The Berkeley City Council voted to submit copies of the reporting book to the US State Department and to each member of the UN Human Rights Committee, the UN Committee Against Torture and the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination.  MORE

Ann Fagan Ginger, ed.  U.N. Declaration of Human Rights Is the Law,Jan. 13, 2014GOOGLE SEARCH, Oct. 27, 2014:  

1.   Ann Fagan Ginger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ann Fagan Ginger (born July 11, 1925) is an American lawyer, teacher, writer, and ...[2008]; The U.N. Declaration of Human Rights Is the Law: A Guide to ...
2.    [PDF]

2009_HRN-3_Sep-1 - Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute

co-chair an evening with Ann Fagan Ginger of. MCLI discussing The Universal Declaration of. Human Rights Is the Law. She will describe how concerned ...
3.    [PDF]

2009_HRN-4_Dec-1 - Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute

and failing to do, to enforce three U.N. human rights treaties the ... law with Ann Ginger) and went on ... her – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ...
4.    [PDF]

2008_HRN-4_Dec-1 - Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute

by B Steensland - ‎Cited by 71 - ‎Related articles
Universal Declaration of Human Rights are the law in the .... (from p. 1). Liz Troutman and Ann Fagan Ginger making presentations at the MCLI CLE at the.
5.    [PDF]

Enforcing the Hidden U.S. Equal Rights Law - Digital Commons

by AF Ginger - ‎2010 - ‎Related articles
Sep 13, 2010 - Ann Fagan Ginger, Enforcing the Hidden U.S. Equal Rights Law, 20 Golden ..... Universal Declaration of Human Rights in defining the "human.

6.   The Declaration is The Law - Berkeley Daily Planet

Dec 4, 2008 - By Ann Fagan Ginger ... 10, “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Is the Law” will be issued by Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute.

7.   “Undoing the Bush-Cheney Legacy” with lawyer Anne Fagan Ginger

Jan 9, 2009 - Find out how to undo the Bush-Cheney legacy and how to use the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as law. This book party for “Undoing ...

8.   Ann Fagan Ginger | New Paths to Stop Human Rights Violations in US

Feb 22, 2006 - You know the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that ...It is not enforceable in a court of law (except for those principles also ...

9.   Human Rights and Peace Law Docket

Ann Fagan Ginger • Editor ... Human rights law encompasses economic, social and cultural rights of each person and group in society, ... 55 and 56, with many specifics in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in the two International ...

Ann Fagan Ginger - Seattle University School of Law

Colleges: courses in Global Peaces Studies, International Human Rights, Peace ... TheUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Is The Law: a Guide to UDHR ...

Building the People's World Movement for Mother Earth
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Rights of Mother Earth
Proposal Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
We, the peoples and nations of Earth:
considering that we are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny;
gratefully acknowledging that Mother Earth is the source of life, nourishment and learning and provides everything we need to live well;
recognizing that the capitalist system and all forms of depredation, exploitation, abuse and contamination have caused great destruction, degradation and disruption of Mother Earth, putting life as we know it today at risk through phenomena such as climate change;
convinced that in an interdependent living community it is not possible to recognize the rights of only human beings without causing an imbalance within Mother Earth;
affirming that to guarantee human rights it is necessary to recognize and defend the rights of Mother Earth and all beings in her and that there are existing cultures, practices and laws that do so;
conscious of the urgency of taking decisive, collective action to transform structures and systems that cause climate change and other threats to Mother Earth;
proclaim this Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, and call on the General Assembly of the United Nation to adopt it, as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations of the world, and to the end that every individual and institution takes responsibility for promoting through teaching, education, and consciousness raising, respect for the rights recognized in this Declaration and ensure through prompt and progressive measures and mechanisms, national and international, their universal and effective recognition and observance among all peoples and States in the world.   MORE

1.   GOOGLE SEARCH, Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth - Climate ...  January 13, 2014

2.   Rights of Mother Earth | World People's Conference on Climate ...

Proposal Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. Preamble. We, the peoples and nations of Earth: considering that we are all part of Mother Earth, ...

3.   Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth - Climate ...

climateandcapitalism.com › 2010  April  27
Apr 27, 2010 - Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. Preamble. We, the peoples and nations of Earth: considering that we are all part of Mother ...

4.   Universal Declaration for Rights of Mother Earth :: Rights of Nature

Oct 23, 2012 - In 2010, President Evo Morales invited Cormac to be a lead author of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. Just in the last ...

5.   Universal Declaration for Rights of Mother Earth ... - Rights of Nature

Over 100,000 people from more than 110 countries around the world have voiced their support of Rights of Nature by signing the Universal Declaration for ...

6.   Grassroots campaign for Rights of Nature - Mother Earth

Join a global grassroots campaign for the implementation of Rights of Nature by Earth Summit 2012. ... Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth ...

7.   Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth Video

Watch and listen as Lakshmi Thadani reads the Universal Declaration of the Rights... the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia to 35,000 participants.

8.   Global Universal Declaration Of The Rights Of Mother Earth | Gaia ...

www.gaiafoundation.org › Earth Law  Earth Law Network
The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, adopted in 2010 at the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in ...

9.   World People's Conference on Climate Change - Wikipedia, the free ...

Conference topics included a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth, a World People's Referendum on Climate Change, and the establishment of a ...

10.                Bolivia Climate Conference Moves to Establish Universal ...

Apr 21, 2010
One of the key initiatives of the climate conference in Bolivia is to come out with a Universal Declaration of the ...

11.                Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth, and texts from ...

Apr 29, 2010 - The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth; 2. Shared Visions document; 3. Structural causes; 4. Referendum on climate change; 5 ...
Searches related to Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth

Recent OMNI Human Rights Newsletters
UN Human Rights DAY 12-10
Vegetarian Action  12-10
Snowden 12-4
Prisoners for Peace DAY 12-1
Causes and Prevention of Wars 11-30
Cuba 11-29
DAY of Mourning and Atonement 11-27
Police Violence  11-25
Investigative Journalism  11-21
UN Children’s DAY 11-20

Contents of #1 12-10-08
Dick Bennett: Break the Silence
Statement by UNA/USA December 10, 2008
Local Rights Organizations
National Rights Organizations
Human Rights Day, UDHR, DECEMBER 10
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Bill of Rights Day, DECEMBER 15
American Civil Liberties Union
Plays about Human Rights
More Books about Human Rights

Contents of #2 12-10-09
Gore Vidal, State Terror, Tibet, Pres. Obama
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Center for Constitutional Rights
Alison des Forges and Rwandan Human Rights
Chrysler and Altruism

Contents of #3 12-10-11
OMNI 2010 Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day 2010 UNA/USA
United Nations
Legal Power to the People
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Rights of Women: CEDAW

Contents 2012, #4
UN and Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders
Witness for Peace
Americans for Peace Now

Contents 2013 #5
UN Human Rights Day Celebrates UDHR
Two on Women: 
Code Pink Women Lead to Peace, Syria
Human Rights Hero: Cynthia Brown
Vets for Peace Celebrates UN Human Rights Day 
Death Penalty for Atheists
Jack Donnelly, Human Rights Scholar


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