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73.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS #73, May 11, 2022
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen Challenge the US/NATO Narrative.
Stephen Cohen’s Book War With Russia? Has Been Republished.
Dee Knight.  Showdown at ‘Credibility Gulch’ in Ukraine War.”


Critique of US-NATO Explanation of the Origins and Causes of the Ukraine War

Taking Aim at Ukraine: How John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen Challenged the Dominant Narrative.”
Interfering in another state is tricky business – so says the gutsy University of Chicago international relation...  Forwarded by From Sonny San Juan, Jr.


Stephen F. Cohen.  War With Russia?:  From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate (2019). Skyhorse Publishing, 2022.  Memorial Edition.  256 Pages

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Prescient and even more relevant than when originally released in 2019, this Memorial Edition of War With Russia ? provides keen perspective to help readers understand the current Ukraine crisis. Are we in a new Cold War with Russia? Does Vladimir Putin really want to destabilize the West? War With Russia? answers these questions and more.

America is in a new Cold War with Russia even more dangerous than the one the world barely survived in the twentieth century. The Soviet Union is gone, but the two nuclear superpowers are again locked in political and military confrontations, now from Ukraine to Syria. All of this is exacerbated by Washington’s warlike demonizing of the Kremlin leadership and by Russiagate’s unprecedented allegations. US mainstream media accounts are highly selective and seriously misleading. American “disinformation,” not only Russian, is a growing peril.

In War With Russia?, Stephen F. Cohen—the widely acclaimed historian of Soviet and post-Soviet Russia—gives readers a very different, dissenting narrative of this more dangerous new Cold War from its origins in the 1990s, the actual role of Vladimir Putin, and the 2014 Ukrainian crisis to Donald Trump’s election and today’s unprecedented Russiagate allegations.

Cohen’s views have made him, it is said, “America’s most controversial Russia expert.” Some say this to denounce him, others to laud him as a bold, highly informed critic of US policies and the dangers they have helped to create.

War With Russia? gives readers a chance to decide for themselves who is right: are we living, as Cohen argues, in a time of unprecedented perils at home and abroad?


Dee Knight.   Showdown at ‘Credibility Gulch’ in Ukraine War.”CovertAction Magazine.May 06, 2022.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s during the war in Vietnam, everybody knew about the “credibility gap,” which morphed into Credibility Gulch as the official story stretched ever-farther from reality.

We are seeing it again in the current war between the United States/NATO and Russia, being fought out mainly in Ukraine. It is becoming “the Mother of All Energy Wars,” according to Charlotte Dennett, who highlights U.S. determination to cut Western Europe off from Russian gas and oil. She also links it to the recent endless wars to control the world’s energy supply in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Iran, and to dominate the Eurasian landmass with its enormous deposits of fossil fuels and other rich resources.

So when Joe Biden says he is doing “everything within my power” to address “Putin price hikes,” he is stretching truth to the breaking point. He is really saying we need to endure higher prices for gas—and food, rent, clothes, and everything else—because of the reckless draconian sanction war on Russia. It is an economic war of attrition against Russia, but it is hitting the whole world. So far Western Europe is suffering more than Russia, and the poorest people in the world, especially in Africa and the Middle East, are likely to be hurt the most. This hurt will turn into a massive showdown with reality.

About the war itself, there is just one acceptable narrative in the mainstream media: that it is an unprovoked and illegal aggression by Russia. Any alternative views are “far-fetched claims from Russia” to “discredit international concerns about… war crimes,” in the words from the April 12 New York Times. In the online version of that article Ben Norton, editor of Multipolarista.com, is shown with a red line across his face, tweeting on Chinese media. It says Norton “claimed that a coup sponsored by the United States government took place in Ukraine in 2014 and that U.S. officials had installed the leaders of the current Ukrainian government.”  […]

The post Showdown at “Credibility Gulch” in Ukraine War appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

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