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 UNITED NATIONS Universal Children's Day,  November 20, 2014.

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace and Justice.

     OMNI is part of the international peace and justice movement—transforming the    structures of the world from violence and wars to peace and the golden rule, for which the UN is the leading international organization.

Theme for Universal Children’s Day 2014 is "Stop Violence against Children"

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Local names
Universal Children's Day
Día Universal del Niño
יום הילד האוניברסלי
عيد الطفولة

Contents UN Universal Children’s Day, Nov. 20, 2014
UN Universal Children’s Day, Nov. 20, 2014
UN Declaration and Convention on the Rights of the Child
UNICEF and Violence Against Children
Violence Against Children
GOP vs. UN Convention, Contact President Obama
Recent OMNI Newsletters
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United Nations
Universal Children's Day
20 November

"We were all children once. And we all share the desire for the well-being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind."
We the Children: End-decade review of the follow-up
to the World Summit for Children
Report of the Secretary-General (2001)
A woman teacher leads children in a game involving singing and role playing at a BRAC childcare centre in the Mirpur sub-district of Dhaka, the capital. UNICEF/NYHQ2013-0364/Noorani
By resolution 836(IX) of 14 December 1954, the General Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day, to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children. It recommended that the Day was to be observed also as a day of activity devoted to promoting the ideals and objectives of the Charter and the welfare of the children of the world. The Assembly suggested to governments that the Day be observed on the date and in the way which each considers appropriate. The date 20 November, marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989.
Nearly 25 years ago, the world made a promise to children: that we would do everything in our power to protect and promote their rights to survive and thrive, to learn and grow, to make their voices heard and to reach their full potential. In spite of the overall gains, there are many children who have fallen even further behind. Old challenges have combined with new problems to deprive many children of their rights and the benefits of development.
To meet these challenges, and to reach those children who are hardest to reach, we need new ways of thinking and new ways of doing - for adults and children.
There is much to celebrate as we mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention, from declining infant mortality to rising school enrolment, but this historic milestone must also serve as an urgent reminder that much remains to be done. Too many children still do not enjoy their full rights on par with their peers.

HREA, HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION / Education and training in support of human rights worldwide    HREA celebrates 15 years            http://www.hrea.org/index.php?doc_id=919
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Universal Children's Day  
            -- 20 November is celebrated as the international day for children. The United Nations General Assembly recommended in 1954 (resolution 836 (IX)) that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day, to be observed as a day of understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world's children. The date of 20 November marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), in 1989. Universal Children's Day 2015 marks the 25th anniversary of the CRC!

During the 25 years since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, the world has taken action in every region and virtually every nation on earth. The mandate has produced significant results, helping to save and transform the lives of millions of children. Yet we cannot claim that children’s rights are being upheld when 17,000 children under the age of 5 die every day largely from preventable causes, when girls are kept home while their brothers go to school, or where mothers living in a remote community cannot access a simple vaccination for their children. We have a responsibility to find new ways of tackling the challenges not yet overcome, to reach the children not yet reached and to put equity and children’s rights at the centre of an agenda for action for all children.

Sources: UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library, UNICEF

Selected learning materials http://www.hrea.org/index.php?doc_id=919

Study Guide on the Human Rights of Children and Youth (HREA)

Conversation about child labour and the right to education with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education (15 June 2005)

Children's Rights Here and Now (Amnesty International-USA)

Fields of Hope: Educational Activities on Child Labor. Teacher's Guide

"How to Protect Human Rights?" Lesson Plan: Children's Rights in the UN System of Human Rights Protection (Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Poland)

Raising Children With Roots, Rights & Responsibilities: Celebrating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (USA)

Teaching for Human Rights: Pre-school and Grades 1-4

Teaching for Human Rights: Grades 5-10

International treaties on children's rights: http://www.hrea.org/index.php?doc_id=919

- Convention on the Rights of the Child

- Simplified version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

- Declaration of the Rights of the Child

- African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

- ILO Convention (No. 138) concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment

- ILO Convention (No. 182) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor

- Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict

- Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography

Right to Education Project

International Labour Organization (ILO) on Child Labour

Child Rights Information Network (CRIN)

Organisations that promote and protect the rights of children & youth

Google Search, Nov. 19, 2014
Major global variants include a Universal Children's Day on November 20, by United Nations recommendation. ... On November 20, 1958 the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The United ... March 2, 2014
Save the Children
Universal Children's Day: Stop Violence Against Children ... November 20th is an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General ... 2014 Save the Children | 1.800.728.3843 | 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825.
Sign Up Log In · Universal Children's Day is celebrated on November 20. .... 5 September 2014 - UN releases new guidelines for child online protection. www.un.

Support US ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), joining the rest of humanity in helping children live ... November 13, 2014, 10:00 – 11:30 am ... For Universal Children's DayNovember 20, you can:.
  1. Convention on the Rights of the Child
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for H...
Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and ...
  1. Declaration of the Rights of the Child - Wikipedia, the free ...
On 20 November 1959 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a much expanded version as its own Declaration of the Rights of the Child, adding ten ...
  1. Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959 | Humanium for ...
In 1959, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It marked the first major international consensus on the ...
  1. Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 - UN ...
Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 - an element of the body of UNDocuments for earth stewardship and international decades for a culture of ...
  1. Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959)
[CIRP note: This file contains the text of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.This declaration was drafted by the UN Commission on Human Rights and ...
  1. Declaration of the Rights of the Child, G.A. res. 1386 (XIV ...
University of Minnesota
Declaration of the Rights of the Child, G.A. res. 1386 (XIV), 14 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 19, U.N. Doc. A/4354 (1959).
  1. Convention on the Rights of the Child - United Nations ...
United Nations
(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made ..... after birth, as expressly affirmed in the `Declaration of the Rights of the Child' [Res.
  1. [PDF]Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Child-Friendly ...
Both partners have the same rights when they are married and also when they are separated. 2) Nobody should force you to marry. Universal Declaration of ...

Searches related to UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child

  1. UNICEF - Convention on the Rights of the Childhttp://www.unicef.org/crc/
Watch children and their families talk about the importance of rights in their lives ... The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most rapidly and widely ratified international human rights treaty in history. ... UNICEF and the UNUN Links ...
  1. [PDF]Declaration of the Rights of the Child - Unicef  http://www.unicef.org/about/who/index_introduction.html 
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was entered into force on 2 September 1990. ] Whereas ... Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the statutes ...
  1. Violence against children - unicefusa.org‎
Help UNICEF Stop Violence and Save Children from Abuse & Exploitation.
Child Survival · Emergency Relief · Water & Sanitation · Food Security
A Top Rated Charity with 4 out of 4 Stars – Charity Navigator
UNICEF USA has 373,904 followers on Google+
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    1. SRSG on Violence Against Children
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    Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for H...
    The Study analyses violence against children in five settings: the home and family; schools and educational settings; care and justice institutions; the work-place; ...
    1. Unicef Report Details Endemic Violence Against Children ...
    The New York Times
    Sep 4, 2014 - Over all, war accounts for a small share of violence against children. But during conflicts and other humanitarian crises, domestic violence ...

    VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN, Google Search Nov. 19, 2014
    (in addition to UNICEF)
    1. Violence Against Children - ChildrensAidSociety.org‎
    Children are victims of domestic violence in NYC. You can help!
    Top of Form
    Bottom of Form
    Violence against children - ‎Gil - Cited by 234
    1. Focus Area|Violence Against Children and Youth|Injury ...
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    Nov 25, 2013 - Violence against children and youth is all too common. It is likely you have heard stories of people whose lives have been touched by violence: ...
    1. Violence Against Children Surveys (VACS)|Global Violence ...
    United States Centers for Disease Control and Preve...
    Oct 7, 2014 - Violence Against Children Surveys (VACS). Towards a Violence-Free Generation Using science to fuel action and end violence against ...

    1. In-depth articles
    2. War's overlooked victims
    The Economist‎ - Jan 2011
    Corrections to this article SHORTLY after the birth of her sixth child, Mathilde went with her ... areas, there were well-attested cases of sexualviolence against both women and men.
    ‎Explore: rape victims
    1. Patrick Stewart: the legacy of domestic violence ...
    The Guardian‎ - Nov 2009
    As a child I witnessed his repeated violence against my mother, and the terror and misery he caused was such that, if I felt I could have succeeded, I would have killed him. If my mother ...
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    1. Explaining the surge of child migrants from Central ...
    PBS‎ - Jun 2014
    A record number of children from Central America are crossing the Mexico-U.S. border unaccompanied by a parent. Many of ... Sexual violence against them is common. Aura Perez ...
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    Human Rights Watch
    Jul 24, 2009 - Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 10 November 2014 ... Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture. Overview. With a new administration and Congress, the United States has an important opportunity.

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    Contents UN Children’s Day November 20, 2012
    Global Day for Children
    Convention on the Rights of the Child
    May 2002 World Conference on Children
    US Congress Repudiates UN Convention
    Appeal for Ratification

    Contents UN Children’s Day, Nov. 20, 2013
    UN Universal Children’s Day 2013
    UNICEF, Empathy for the Filipino Children after Typhoon Haiyan
    UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child
    Totten, Children and Genocide
    Sheehan, A Mother’s Compassion


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