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Climate Memo Mondays, #70



70.  Climate Memo Mondays, #70, April 11, 2022

Aviva Chomsky, Is Science Enough?  Climate Justice
Jeff Sparrow, Crimes Against Nature—Capitalism and Global Heating.


Aviva Chomsky.   Is Science Enough? Forty Critical Questions About Climate Justice.

Why social, racial, and economic justice are just as crucial as science in determining how humans can reverse climate catastrophe.

We are facing a climate catastrophe. Numerous studies describe the damage we’ve already done, the droughts, the wildfires, the super-storms, the melting glaciers, the heat waves, and the displaced people fleeing lands that are becoming uninhabitable. Many people understand that we are facing a climate emergency, but may be fuzzy on technical, policy, and social justice aspects. In Is Science Enough?, Aviva Chomsky breaks down the concepts, terminology, and debates for activists, students, and anyone concerned about climate change. She argues that science is not enough to change course: we need put social, racial, and economic justicefront and center and overhaul the global growth economy.

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Crimes Against Nature—Capitalism and Global Heating by Jeff Sparrow.   Sparrow spoke to climate activist Martin Empson about his book: 

EMPSON  I want to start with the central theme of your book—capitalism. It’s a subject that is increasingly part of discussion in the environmental movement. So could we begin by talking about how you approach capitalism and the environment in the book?
SPARROW  Increasingly people concerned about climate change—a huge and growing proportion of the population—recognise that climate change is a result of a systemic issue. But, to really understand how that systemic issue manifests itself, you have to have some kind of understanding of capitalism.  This is one of the arguments that I wanted to make in the book. You can’t really talk about climate change, and you certainly can’t develop a credible solution to climate change, without understanding the nature of capitalism. And how it is that capitalism generates these destructive processes that now put the planet as a whole at risk.  For the entire interview go to: https://mronline.org/2022/03/28/capitalisms-crimes-against-nature/

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