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OMNI CUBA Newsletter #10, January 30, 2022




CUBA Newsletter #10

January 30, 2022

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology



CONTENTS CUBA NEWSLETTER #10, January 29, 2022

Probably very little pertaining to Cuba is not affected by the long US intervention to overthrow its government—from blowing up an airplane to unceasing blockade and  hostile propaganda.   So the following subject groupings of the essays should be understood as my perception of the main topic(s) of each.

US Intervention

Whitney, Corporate Media’s Negative News about Cuba

Satire of US Reporting of Cuba


MacLeod. Cuba, Protests v. Government

Havana Syndrome a Hoax.

US Inciting Opposition to Cuba Globally

Cuban Resistance and Its Allies

Cooperation with China

Support in US via ANSWER Coalition

Cuba Today

Special Number of Monthly Review: 8 Articles

Cuba Today continued

New Code of Families

Pres. Diaz-Canel and Red Bandana Collective

Cuba in Latin America

Ajamu Baraka.  “Class Warfare and Socialist Resistance.”

Contents #9: US v. Cuba





US Intervention

             U.S. government pays big money for bad news about Cuba.”   W. T.Whitney, Jr..  mronline.org (1-29-22).

The cruder U.S. methods for destroying Cuba’s revolutionary government—military attacks, bombings of hotels and a fully-loaded airplane, violent attacks on officials, biological warfare—did not work. Nor has economic blockade, which of course continues. A more subtle approach also exists. Like the blockade, its purpose is to cause despair and then dissent.   share on Twitter Like U.S. government pays big money for bad news about Cuba on Facebook


Super serious news reporting: notes from the Edge of The
Narrative Matrix
Caitlin A. Johnstone.  Mronline.org (12-11-21)

Hi I’m a very serious news reporter. The Russians are controlling our thoughts with Facebook memes and scrambling our brains with invisible ray gun attacks. In other news, capitalism is working fine and our wars defend freedom and democracy. The government never lies. Here’s Bob with the weather.

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See Gitmo/Guantanamo


There is one place in Cuba where torture occurs.”

Editor.  Mronline.org (11-21-21)

Chilling testimony of the torture and abuses committed against Majid Khan, at the illegal U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo, was recently presented by the prisoner.  share on Twitter Like There is one place in Cuba where torture occurs on Facebook


The United States is organizing a color revolution in Cuba for November 15.”  Alan MacLeod.  Mronline.org (11-5-21)

It remains an open question as to how successful the upcoming action against the Cuban government will be. But who is behind the protests is hardly in doubt.  share on Twitter Like The United States is organizing a color revolution in Cuba for November 15 on Facebook


Havana Syndrome, the U.S.’s Monumental Hoax

Editor.  Mronline.org (1-30-22). 

Last week, the United States decided to recognize for the first time in five years that the phenomenon baptized as “Havana Syndrome” is nothing more than a big farce. On Thursday, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that its allegations against Cuba for the so-called “health incidents” suffered by CIA officials in La Havana back in 2016 were not caused by “a deliberate attack.”  share on Twitter Like Havana Syndrome, the U.S.’s Monumental Hoax on Facebook

Friends of Cuba: oppose U.S. intervention.”  [More US intervention.]   Editor.  11-16-21.

Seizing on small protests over shortages on the island in July, the U.S. is now trying to build anti-government feeling with worldwide protests against socialist Cuba, including one in London—we must show our support instead, writes NATASHA HICKMAN.  share on Twitter Like Friends of Cuba: oppose U.S. intervention on Facebook




Cuba eyes cooperation with China on clean energy. “
Editor.Mronline.org (12-31-21).

Facing the challenges of an aging energy infrastructure, Cuba is looking to new energy sources with help from the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen its power production capacity and move away from fossil fuels.  share on Twitter Like Cuba eyes cooperation with China on clean energy on Facebook

“Unlocking U.S. sanctions: China signs construction & energy deals with Cuba
Editor.  Mronline.org (1-8-22).

Cuba - Atlantic Ocean

Beijing is slowly unpicking Washington’s foreign policy, sanction by sanction, country by country.

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“TOMORROW -- Find a Cuba solidarity action near you!”

ANSWER Coalition via uark.onmicrosoft.com   11-14-21

12:47 PM (5 hours ago)




I omitted most of this report because past, but I counted 16 supportive actions in US.


 Cuba Today: US Domination, Cuban Resistance and More

Eight Essays from the Cuban perspective published by the Monthly Review, January 2022 (Volume 73, Number 8).  The Editors (January 6, 2022)


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“Cuba’s world leadership in sustainable human development is of world-historic importance.” | more…

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Manolo De Los Santos (January 6, 2022)


This special issue of Monthly ReviewThe Cuban Revolution Today: Experiments in the Grip of Challenges, carries forward a tradition established six decades ago. The stance of the magazine reflects the view of C. Wright Mills. In his Listen, Yankee, Mills wrote that we don’t worry about the Cuban Revolution, we worry with it. This volume is put together in that spirit. | more…

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Manolo De Los Santos (January 6, 2022)


Not a day has gone by that the United States has not tried to overturn the Cuban Revolution, through the assassination of its leaders, invasions by proxy forces, preventing it from normal commercial and diplomatic relations, and encouraging social distress in the island to become a counterrevolutionary force. | more…

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The Blockade as a Double-Edged Sword.”

Roberto Regalado (January 6, 2022)


Notwithstanding an ongoing commitment to redouble its efforts, Cuban socialism has not taken full advantage of its own human and material resources to develop its productive forces. It is necessary to distinguish between our right and duty to struggle against the blockade and our expectations regarding what one can and cannot hope for if it is lifted. | more…

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We Must Return to the Future.”

La Tizza Collective (January 6, 2022)


The Cuban Revolution cannot disintegrate because it was never made of meringue. Not because it has not been sweet, but because the revolution has also tasted bitter fruits that, to date, we have known how to turn into strengths. | more…

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Socialism Cannot Postpone Its Promise of Democracy.”

Rita Karo (January 6, 2022)


This article will be released in full online January 17, 2022.

On Sunday, July 11, 2021, demonstrations occurred in various parts of Cuba. Many of the demonstrators went onto the streets to protest the frequent prolonged power outages in various locations, shortages of food and medicine, and the general precariousness of daily life. A variety of different perspectives are putting their own spin on these events. | more…

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The Communist Party of Cuba and Present Challenges.”

Germán Sánchez Otero (January 6, 2022)


This article will be released in full online January 24, 2022.

The Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba—held from April 16 to 19, 2021—offers salient questions, issues, and other themes of the current reality of Cuba from the view of revolutionary militants. Let us take heed. | more…

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Socialism Against the Siege.”

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (January 6, 2022)


This article will be released in full online January 31, 2022.

Despite Cuba’s advantages—its free, universal public health system and its capacity for rapid scientific development, which put it at the forefront in research and vaccine production globally—it was unable to escape the pandemic’s blows. | more…

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End MRspecial no. on Cuba


CUBA TODAY continued


Cuba seeks more equality and inclusion with the new Code of Families.”  Editor.  Mronline.org (12-30-21). 

Roxanne Castellano, professor at the Psychology Faculty of the University of Havana, explained that this is a Code based on paradigms of non-discrimination that creates spaces for all, seeks solutions to conflicts, and is consistent with the conception of our socialist state of law and social justice.

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Díaz-Canel joins Red Bandana sit-in.”

Editor.  Mronline.org (11-17-21).  

Yesterday, November 14, around noon, President Miguel Díaz-Canel arrived at Havana’s Central Park to join the sit-in organized by the Red Bandana collective, an initiative of social network activists, members of Cuban civil society organizations, and promoters of community projects.  share on Twitter Like Díaz-Canel joins Red Bandana sit-in on Facebook


Class warfare and socialist resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as existential threats to the U.S.

Ajamu Baraka.  Mronline.org (11-13-21)

Class Warfare and Socialist Resistance

Why do Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela pose such an existential threat to the U.S.? The promise of socialism and their resistance to U.S. class warfare.  share on Twitter Like Class warfare and socialist resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as existential threats to the U.S. on Facebook



Vijay Prashad, Imperialism v. Humanity
Cuba in China’s “Belt and Road Energy” Alliance
Cuba v. Covid-19

UPJ, Stop US Regime Change Subversion of Cuba

Anniversary of Murder of Ché Guevara, New Book by Ratner and Smith

Florida’s Gov. Awards Medal of Freedom to Ché’s Assassin

John Ross, World Mobilizes v. US Mistreatment of Cuba

Aaron Maté, US v. Cuba’s Anti-Imperialism

Cuban Scientists Write Biden on Covid-19

Supporting Cuban Sovereignty

Max Blumenthal, Cultural Counter-Revolution in Cuba from US

Bill Hackworth, US State Dept. Criticism of Cuba on Human Rights

Vijay Prashad, US Behind Regime Change Drive

CIA Plans to Bomb Miami and Blame Cuba

Open Letter to Biden from Let Cuba Live

Global Protest: Hands Off Cuba, from ANSWER Coalition

Amishe Parikh-Friese, End the Embargo

Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores, End the Blockade

Alan MacLeod, Expose Western Media Propaganda v. Cuba

Cyber Attack on Cuban Foreign Ministry

US Behind Cuba Protest

MEDICC Calls for Humanitarian Policy Toward Cuba

Contents of #8




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