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OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #52, December 15, 2021



52.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #52, December 15, 2021
Who Is Destroying Peace?

Declining USA Bullies China/Russia, Earth, Outer Space, Itself: Eye-opener Readings

Jan Oberg, Ph.D. | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service
2 Dec 2021 – As I write, serious tension is building–again–around Ukraine, Iran and Taiwan while we could live in a much more peaceful and thriving world. Who and what are the constant peace destroyers? You are the object of a psychological operation to make you have only negative views about China.     Read more...

Goading China to Go to War

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar | JUST - TRANSCEND Media Service
28 Nov 2021- A number of defence analysts are convinced that the United States of America, supported by Britain and Australia, is goading China to go to war over Taiwan. They point to constant statements by officials from the three countries pledging to come to Taiwan’s defence.     Read more...



Background of TRANSCEND Media Service
Prof Johan Galtung on Peace Journalism, Capitalism, Positive Peace, Structural Violence, Feminism, and Much More

Josef Mühlbauer | Varna Peace Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
3 Dec 2021 – Johan Galtung was at the core of the group of intellectuals who established the Peace Research Institute Oslo in 1959. Without his enormous effort and personality, PRIO would never have come true. He left it in 1969 to become Professor of Conflict and Peace Studies at the University of Oslo and was the founding editor of the Journal of Peace Research in 1964. In 1993 Galtung, Dietrich Fischer, Poka Laenui and wife Fumiko Nishimura founded TRANSCEND-A Peace Development Environment Network in Honolulu, Hawai’i, a Conflict Mediation Organization that thrives to this day with about 400 members worldwide. In 2008 he co-founded TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS with editor Antonio C.S. Rosa.       Read more...



Convert Money for PENTAGON War Department  to Human Needs Campaign
What would *you* do with $25 billion?

Public Citizen

That’s the cost — as Public Citizen has calculated — of producing enough coronavirus vaccine to end the pandemic *worldwide*.

And with the emerging Omicron variant, ending the pandemic remains humanity’s most immediate need.

As it happens, $25 billion is also how much Congress could allocate for the military next year *over and above* the $753 billion the Biden administration asked for.

·By the way, the U.S. spends more on its military than the next 11 countries combined — including China and Russia.

·And we’ve ended our incredibly expensive military operations in Afghanistan.

·A strong case can be made that our nation’s military spending should be slashed by tens or even hundreds of billions.

Surely the Pentagon can get by without an extra $25 billion the White House didn't even want!

Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed an amendment to the bill setting the military budget for next year that would at least claw back that not-even-requested $25 billion.

Tell the Senate:

Support the Sanders amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act *not* to allocate $25 billion more to the Pentagon than the Biden Administration requested.

Add your name.

Thanks for taking action.

For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen

Public Citizen | 1600 20th Street NW | Washington DC 20009 


Join me in replacing the false label “Department of Defense” with the actual “Department of WAR.”  Put the sticker on your bumper, and “Go’in Broke Pay’in for War”!   Switch money for war to money to mitigate and adapt to the climate emergency.

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