Channel: OMNI's War and Warming Anthologies
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WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, September 8, 2021



38.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, September 8, 2021

September 21, Film All Quiet on the Western Front
Arkansas Peace Week, September 19-26
Petition v.
U.S. Military Air Base Construction in Henoko, Okinawa



Faulkner Center August 2021 Newsletter Edition 1 of 2

UN International Day of Peace



In observance of The International Day of Peace on September 21, a rare screening of the Academy Award winning 1930 classic All Quiet on the Western Front will be shown at the Faulkner Center, with live musical accompaniment by The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra. This is a free event and the film will begin at 7 pm. It is sponsored by the U of A Department of Communication Film Appreciation Society and OMNI. For more information visit their Facebook page and look for an interview with U of A Department of Communication Professor Frank Scheide in the second edition of the August 2021 newsletter - publishing August 16!

September 19 - 26, 2021

Peace Week is just three weeks away! We have changed some of our plans in 2021, realizing that it is not safe to host most in person events with the Covid-19 Delta variant rising in the state. We still offer many great virtual events, as we celebrate the U.N. International Day of Peace 2021 Theme: Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world. 


We are pleased to expand many of our youth programs in 2021.  Peace Week lesson plans and resources, developed in partnership with Little Rock School District's  Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) will be presented to over 15,000 elementary age students. 


Our annual Peace Week Summit and ARKANSAS PEACE FEST will be presented online this year.  New this year are Peace Week Art Contest (1st -6th Grade Students) and  Peace Week Essay Contest (7th – 12 Grade Students), with entries from all corners of the state: from Camden to Bella Vista to Blytheville to McGehee.

Other featured events include the annual Peace Across Faiths Interfaith Service and Picnic and 7th Street Peace Murals Block Party.  Visit our website for a Complete List of Events.  Join us as we celebrate peace by standing up against acts of hate and by spreading compassion, kindness, and hope in the face of the pandemic.

DONATE ONLINE: Tax exempt donations can be made to the Arkansas Coalition for Peace and Justice, a tax exempt 501c3.



Please visit our website www.arkansaspeaceweek.com or our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/arkansaspeaceweek for the latest information.  Email arpeaceweek@gmail.com with questions.

Our Mission:  Arkansas Peace Week is a program of activities with a mission to educate and promote peacemaking in our society and raise awareness of organizations working to build a lasting peace in Arkansas.

Who We Are:  Arkansas Peace Week is conducted by a coalition of local, national and international organizations, faith groups and individuals, with a mission to promote peace and justice.   Arkansas Peace Week is planned in coordination with the nationwide Campaign Non-Violence Week of Actions.

Why We Do It: Arkansas Peace Week celebrates non-violence as a means to instill justice, build stronger communities, alleviate poverty, promote ecological stewardship, end war, eliminate the scourge of violence in our society, while seeking respect, inclusion and fair treatment of all people.  The lessons learned and relationships formed during Arkansas Peace Week create a foundation for sustainable peace in our society throughout the year.

What We Do:  During the third week of September, in observance of the United Nations International Day of Peace, Arkansas Peace Week includes numerous  events hosted by dozens of organizations throughout the state.  These events feature education, service, dialogue and outreach activities promoting our mission.    We invite all like-minded groups and organizations to plan an event during Arkansas Peace Week.




End the U.S. Military Air Base Construction in Henoko, Okinawa

World BEYOND War Unsubscribe

12:00 PM (23 minutes ago)

A petition to President Joe Biden was read aloud in English and Japanese at the White House and at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, August 21, 2021, by David Swanson and Hideko Otake.

The petition and videos from Washington are here.

Sign the Petition.

The text of the petition is as follows:

To: U.S. President Joe Biden

We, the undersigned, wish to convey our strong support for the Governor of Okinawa, Denny Tamaki, and the indigenous people of Okinawa, and their request for the cessation of the building of a U.S. military airbase in Henoko.

On January 13th 2021, Governor Tamaki sent a letter to President Biden (enclosed) outlining the many reasons the airbase construction project at Henoko should be dismantled, including:

Overwhelming opposition by the Indigenous Okinawan people. In a prefectural referendum, 71.7% voted against the project. There have been continuous protests and even hunger strikes by the public.   MORE

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