Channel: OMNI's War and Warming Anthologies
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JULY 3, 2021

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, and ECOLOGY.

(#1 Feb. 4, 2011; #2 Oct. 21, 2012; #3 Nov. 29, 2014; #4, January 16, 2015; #5, March 8, 2020; #6, Feb. 23, 2021).



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   UN Again Votes NO v. US Blockade

   Battlefield Today Is the Media

   Remembering Che


   Vaccines for Covid-19

   And Lung Cancer

   Film on Chernobyl

   Concert by Women’s Band

   Cuba v. homophobia and Transphobia   






The world says no to the blockade of Cuba

Editor,  mronline.org (6-26-21).

In today’s historic UN General Assembly vote, 184 supported ending the U.S. blockade of Cuba and only the United States and Israel voted against

June 25, 2021 | Newswire    share on Twitter Like The world says no to the blockade of Cuba on Facebook


Under Pandemic, United Nations Votes to Condemn Cruel and Illegal U.S. Blockade of Cuba—But There Is A Twist

By Chris Agee on Jun 24, 2021
 184 Countries Vote in the United Nations to Condemn U.S. Blockade of Cuba—But As Usual, Only Two Countries Vote Against the Resolution: the U.S. and Israel.

While Conditions in Cuba Under the Blockade are Worsening—Potentially Worse than the Special Period—Cuba’s Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industry May Lift Them Out of the Pandemic

On June 23rd, 184 countries at the United Nations voted yet again to condemn the U.S. blockade of Cuba, with 3 countries abstaining and 4 not voting. Every year since 1992 […]

The post Under Pandemic, United Nations Votes to Condemn Cruel and Illegal U.S. Blockade of Cuba—But There Is A Twist appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.



Today, defense of the revolution rests with the media

Eds. mronline.org (4-29-21).


Víctor Dreke, legendary commander of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, called for those defending the Revolution today to recognize that the battlefield of the 21st century is the media.

April 28, 2021 | Newswire.   share on Twitter Like Today, defense of the revolution rests with the media on Facebook




Remembering Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara on his 93rd birth anniversary.    Eds.   mronline.org (6-17-21).


‘A man who acted as he thought best and who has been absolutely faithful to his convictions.’    June 16, 2021 | Newswire     share on Twitter Like Remembering Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara on his 93rd birth anniversary on Facebook




Cuba Solidarity Car Caravan: Save the Date!

Sunday, March 28, 10:30 a.m.





Cubans residing in the U.S. have initiated a practice of using the last Sunday of each month to conduct car caravans calling for an end to the blockade of Cuba. A number of those took place around the country in February, and more will be held this month on March 28.


In San Francisco, the caravan will assemble at 1875 Marin St. at 11:30 a.m., Sunday, March 28. After an opening (socially-distanced and masked) rally, the caravan will drive through the streets of San Francisco to spread the message. Placards for your car will be available, but of course feel free to make your own!


We encourage all supporters to co-sponsor or endorse and join in (or initiate) actions in your own city. Actions are planned for this month in Miami, New York City, Los Angeles, and Seattle (and no doubt others). Watch for future emails with more details of those actions.


#UnblockCuba! #CubaViva! #CubaSalvaVidas! #AbajoElBloqueo!




Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee 

415-821-6545 * info@cuba-venezuela.org

Formerly the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five (U.S.)






Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccines: A journey of collaboration and revolutionary solidarity

Editor.  Mronline.org (6-24-21).

With its development of five COVID-19 vaccines and the promise of sharing know-how with developing countries, Cuba has remained faithful to Che Guevara’s values of international solidarity and people-oriented medicine.

June 23, 2021 | Newswire   share on Twitter Like Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccines: A journey of collaboration and revolutionary solidarity on Facebook




Cuba’s contributions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.  Mronline.org (3-13-21). 


MR Online MR Online

In the West, Cuba has set an example of efficiency and shown that another way is possible in the fight against the pandemic. The numbers speak for themselves; we only need to compare Cuba with other countries or even big cities with similar populations to get a very clear picture of the difference in results.

The post Cuba’s contributions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic first appeared on MR Online.    | more…   share on Twitter Like Cuba’s contributions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic on Facebook



David Druding  3-7-21

5:52 PM (2 hours ago)



From: Cuban and Venezuela Solidarity Committee <info@cuba-venezuela.org>
Subject: Cuban lung cancer vaccine & Soberana 2 COVID-19 vaccine profiled on CNN
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 16:18:48 -0500 (EST)




"Awe-inspiring" Cuban science profiled on CNN


“Awe-inspiring”. That’s how Candace Johnson, the CEO of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, describes the Cuban scientists who have developed the lung cancer vaccine that Roswell Park has been testing in the U.S., as well as the Soberana 2 COVID-19 vaccine and many others. This is a must-watch 12-minute interview which leaves viewers in no doubt not only of the genius of Cuban scientists, but also of the humanity of Cuba’s people and government and their worldwide programs of medical internationalism.


The only thing missing is an acknowledgment of the seminal role in this development played by Fidel Castro, who recognized the key role biotechnology could play in Cuba’s future, and was also the driving force behind the creation of Cuba's Henry Reeve Brigade, which is also featured in the CNN piece.


Click the picture below or here to watch the video.








Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee 

415-821-6545 * info@cuba-venezuela.org

Formerly the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five (U.S.)



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[VFP-all] Fantastic Cuba film, concert and petition

Gerry Condon projectsafehaven@hotmail.com via uark.onmicrosoft.com  6-18-21

Jun 17, 2021, 2:11 PM (1 day ago)



to gerrycondon@veteransforpeace.org


The Cuban people are really suffering right now, as a direct result of the 60+ year U.S. economic embargo/blockade, which was further tightened during the Trump administration.


Solidarity with Cuba is as important as ever. Here are a couple of attractive cultural opportunities.


Also, please sign the Code Pink petition calling on President Biden to normalize relations with Cuba. See below.



From Medea Benjamin via Ann Wright:


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Medea Benjamin <contact@cubanobel.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 5:54 AM
Subject: Fantastic Cuba film & concert!
To: Ann Wright <annw1946@gmail.com>



Great Cuba events coming up: join us for a screening of Sacha, A Child From Chernobyl on June 20 and a concert by the rockin’ all women’s band Morena Son on July 1!

Dear Ann,

Mark your calendars for these two great events coming up that relate directly to Cuba’s medical solidarity and the struggle to end the blockade.

First, join us on Saturday, June 20 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT for a screening of Sacha, A Child From Chernobyl. This 39-minute documentary tells the story of Sacha, one of 26,000 children who were treated in Cuba after the nuclear accident at Chernobyl. The film is in Spanish with English subtitles and will feature opening remarks from Lianys Torres Rivera, Cuba’s Ambassador to the United States. The documentary was directed by Cuban filmmakers Roberto Chile and Maribel Acosta Damas, and produced by the Argentine news agency Resumen Latinoamericano. The screening is being presented by HotHouse Global and will be available on the HotHouse Twitch.Tv Channel and on the HotHouse YouTube Channel. There’s no need to register, but set a reminder in your calendar!

On Thursday, July 1 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT join us for The World Says No To the Embargo on Cuba, a celebratory online concert with Morena Son, an all-women band from Santiago de Cuba. CODEPINK, Global Exchange, Americas Program, Pastors for Peace, The People’s Forum, Center for Global Justice, IFCO/Pastors for Peace, WPFW, WBAI and Violeta Radio are hosting this incredible concert in anticipation of the June 23 vote at the United Nations, when the world will once again come together to denounce the cruel U.S. blockade of Cuba. Click here to register!

If you want to take more action to show solidarity with Cuba, please donate to the campaign to raise money to buy syringes for Cuba’s covid-19 vaccination program! If you’ve already donated, please share the link with your friends. 

Also, please sign and share our petition calling on President Biden to normalize relations and end the blockade on Cuba in advance of the June 23 UN vote.

In solidarity,

Remember to follow us in social media: 

Donate Now!



Cuba begins days against homophobia and transphobia

Prensa Latina.  Mronline.org(5-7-21)


Cuba is celebrating from Tuesday to May 30 the 14th edition of the Conference against Homophobia and Transphobia, under the slogan ‘All rights for all people.’

May 6, 2021 | Newswire

share on Twitter Like Cuba begins days against homophobia and transphobia on Facebook


CONTENTS #6, Feb. 23, 2021


US Criticism of Cuba

Cuba’s Achievements






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