February 23, 2021
Compiled by Dick Bennett for a CULTURE OF PEACE and Justice.
(#1 Feb. 4, 2011; #2 Oct. 21, 2012; #3 Nov. 29, 2014; #4, January 16, 2015; #5, March 8, 2020).
Please forward.
US Criticism of Cuba
Cuba’s Achievements (see Yaffe at end)
What media moguls don’t want you to know: Youtube and Google attack Cuba and Venezuela (8-26-21)
On Aug. 20, just ahead of programming about the start of clinical trials for Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccine, Soberana-01, YouTube management disabled Mesa Redonda’s channel. Mesa Redonda (Roundtable) airs Monday through Friday evenings on Cuban national television. | more…
U.S. campaign against Cuba’s medical brigades targets healthcare, not ‘forced labor’. (6-4-20).
For decades, Cuba has sent tens of thousands of its medical professionals abroad to work in countries where natural disasters or poverty have left people without healthcare. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the catastrophic U.S. response to it, the absurdity of a propaganda war against Cuban medical missions has become more obvious […] | more…
“Cuba Libre!
When something’s not working . . .” NADG (November 16, 2018)
It's no secret that agriculture makes up a good chunk of our state's economy. We keep growing food, and folks in other states and countries keep eating it. (Amazing how that works.) But farmers in Arkansas are a bit restricted at the moment when it comes to one particular market: a police state of note in a certain island country a few miles south of Florida's coast…(continued
Castro's death stirs rejoicing in Miami
“U.S. Cubans say suffering can end now.” Compiled by Democrat-Gazette staff from wire reports | November 27, 2016
Cuban-Americans took to the streets Saturday morning in Miami as news spread that Fidel Castro, the father of the Cuban revolution and a man who prompted many to flee the island, leaving behind homes and family members, had died overnight at 90.
Partners: China and Cuba. (2-23-21).
In the 1960s, the main forms of the Chinese assistance offered to Cuba were preferential trade and interest-free loans. From 1961 to 1965, China gave Cuba an interest-free loan of 60 million U.S. dollars. | more…
Don’t You Mess With Cuba – video. (1-3-21).
World Premiere!!!..…subtitled version of the video clip “Don’t You Mess With Cuba” | more…
Cuba’s vaccine candidate “Sovereign” is all set to enter clinical trials (8-26-20).
Cuba’s vaccine candidate is the first from the Latin America and the Caribbean region and marks a continuation of its pioneering work in combating COVID-19 across the world. | more…
Cuba in the last stretch of the Pandemic. Popular (7-18-20)
Cuba is only a few days away from ending its coronavirus quarantine. Except for Havana, all the other provinces are free of the contagion and have begun moving toward a new normality. | more…
[Compare to Laos and Vietnam. –D]
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Cuban doctors arrive in Italy - short vid
Turin grants honorary citizenship to head of Cuban medical brigade (+ Photos). (7-17-20).
The Municipal Council of Turin granted the honorary citizenship of that city in the region of Piedmont to Dr. Julio Guerra, head of the Cuban medical brigade that helped fight COVID-19 there. | more…
Can we simultaneously oppose Bayer/Monsanto’s biotechnology and support Cuba’s Interferon Alpha 2B?
Technology reflects social factors throughout its development and use. Genetically engineered crops allow mega-corporations to patent seeds, lure farmers into buying them with visions of high yields, and then destroy small farmers. Cuba’s drugs are shared throughout the world. Making a distinction between the biotechnology of agro-industry and Cuba requires understanding the difference between bioimperialism […] | more…
During Coronvrius: Cuba to the rescue, but don’t tell the American people. (4-29-20)
Anti-Cuba zealots in the Trump administration have been enticing Cuban doctors working overseas to defect, paying journalists to write negative stories, slapping sanctions on Cubans in charge of the program, and strong-arming countries to expel Cuban doctors. | more…
Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Bolsonaro’s Brazil Begs For Cuban Doctors – After Expelling Them
By Ben Norton, The Grayzone. Popular Resistance (3-22-20). The coronavirus pandemic has overwhelmed the health infrastructure of countries around the world. Desperate to contain the deadly virus, hard-hit countries, including even rich European nations like Italy and Britain, have reached out for expert medical help from Cuba, China, and Venezuela. Even Brazil, currently under the control of a far-right administration that has joined the US in demonizing Cuba’s socialist government... -more-
Cuba And The Concept Of Community Of Nations
By Bill Hackwell, Resumen Latinoamericano.
Popular Resistance (3-22-20). Some years ago I was talking to a Cuban doctor about what a remarkable achievement it was that Cuba was able to eliminate Malaria in 1973. He took the discussion in stride and said that it didn’t mean much until we eradicate Malaria in the entire world. Today Cuba is proving once again that their view of health and battling diseases is one that is global in scope and despite living under the unilateral 60-year-old US blockade, with additional sanctions coming their way daily... -more
Cuba & COVID-19: Its contribution to combatting the disease
| 12:35 PM (2 hours ago) | |||
Helen Yaffe. We Are Cuba! How a Revolutionary People Have Survived in a Post-Soviet World. Yale UP, 2020.
View InsideFormat: Hardcover
The extraordinary account of the Cuban people’s struggle for survival in a post-Soviet world
In the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba faced the start of a crisis that decimated its economy. Helen Yaffe examines the astonishing developments that took place during and beyond this period. Drawing on archival research and interviews with Cuban leaders, thinkers, and activists, this book tells for the first time the remarkable story of how Cuba survived while the rest of the Soviet bloc crumbled.
Yaffe shows how Cuba has been gradually introducing select market reforms. While the government claims that these are necessary to sustain its socialist system, many others believe they herald a return to capitalism. Examining key domestic initiatives including the creation of one of the world’s leading biotechnological industries, its energy revolution, and medical internationalism alongside recent economic reforms, Yaffe shows why the revolution will continue post-Castro.
This is a fresh, compelling account of Cuba’s socialist revolution and the challenges it faces today.
Mar 27, 2020,
Jane Franklin, Cuba and the U.S. Empire. 2016.
Tony Perrorret. “Cuba Libre.” Victorious Castro on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Two Histories 2018
Brown, Cuba’s Revolutionary World
Krujit, Cuba and Revolutionary Latin America
Castro and Obama
From Obama to Trump
Trump, Venezuela, Cuba
International Solidarity with Cuba
US Oppression of Cuba
Lamrani, The Economic War against Cuba
ANSWER, US Counter-Revolution v. Cuba
Trump Administration Examples
v. Scientific and Medical Cooperation
Declining Fuel Supplies from Venezuela
Limiting Travel
Expels 2 Cubans, Restricts Others
Right Wing Latin US Allies Expel Medical Missions
Other US Sanctions Proliferate v. People to People, Banking, etc.
Blockades Lethal to Children, Elderly, the Sick
US Blockade of Cuba Almost 60 Years
US Media v. Cuba
Lamrani, Cuba, the Media, and the Challenge of Impartiality
Cuba’s Achievements
Kirk, Healthcare Without Borders
Fitz, “Cuba’s Medical Mission”
Randall, Exporting Revolution: Cuba’s Global Solidarity
Lockwood, Trade Between Arkansas and Cuba
Heathcott, Expanding Agricultural Trade
Gillette, Cuba Rebuilding Its Railway System
Cuba Newsletter #4
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