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BOOKS ON WARMING/WEATHER EXTREMES, PREVENTION, MITIGATION, ADAPTATION, URGENCY, JUSTICE, WAR AND.   Compiled by Dick Bennett, beginning 8-2-11.   I started falling behind the creative outpouring immediately.  I have tried to identify sources of annotations that are not mine.  Asterisk* denotes book discussed in an OMNI Forum either as the featured book or related.  Consider this a developing, barely begun biblio. free to all.    It’s now June 8, 2020, and I must turn the task over to someone else.

Teen Voguein 2020 provided several lists of books.
Books from Lolly put in web site for possible Forums:
The Soil Will Save Us, Kristin Ohlson
The War and Environment Reader, Gar Smith
Radio Free Vermont, Bill McKibben
In the Shadow of the American Century, AW McCoy
Sapeins, Yuval Noah Harari
The Death of Nature, Carolyn Merchant
Ecofeminism, Shiva and Mies
Climate Change: What Everyone Should Know, Joe Romm
The Water Will Come, Jeff Goddell
The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, Thom Hartmann
Nature Bats Last, Guy McPherson Blog
The Myth of Human Supremacy, Jensen
From Art:  Speaking of book suggestions, I came across the following listing of 12 “must read” books on global warming, as recommended by a CNN books editor:   
I think our book forum has already covered 3 of these books.   Maybe there are others we should read.  
Other members of CBF suggested books.  Shelley from our beginning.   One of several from Alberto: Against Doom: Climate Insurgency Manual by Jeremy Brecher.   My notes are scanty on these committee matters—Gladys, Malcolm, and others.

The list needs an index pulling together the books on sustainable energy, ecosocialism, etc.  And analysis: what categories do these items fall into?  Anyone working on a M.A. in Climatology?    E.g., Hayhoe, A Climate for Change, in her Sources provides 7 groups:  Science of Climate Change, History of Climate Change, Climate Change Impacts and Policy, Taking Action, Climate Change for Kids, Social Justice and Environmental Theology, Contrarian Literature.  The work is made more difficult by the rapidly changing perspectives and terminology.  Many of us say climate catastrophe or calamity now instead of change.

-- Richard Alley, The Two Mile Time Machine (Art: too scientific for some, but just right for some others).  Get a review
--  Radiation and Reason--The Impact of Science on a Culture of Fear, by Prof. Wade Allison.  Book suggested by Gary:  “You may find a bit more about the book and the author here .”  See Furber on nuclear power.  See Michaels and other books on science denial.
--Alperovitz, Gar. 
What Then Must We Do? 2013.   Get his more recent book
This book offers by far the most serious, intellectually grounded strategy for system-changing yet to appear. —Daniel Ellsberg, author of Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers.  Gar Alperovitz's new book develops a brilliant strategy for the type of transformative change that can lead America from decline to rebirth.  —James Gustave Speth, author of America the Possible. 
--Angus, Ian.  Editor of The Global Fight for Climate Justice: Anticapitalist Responses to Global Warming and Environmental Destruction (Resistance Books, 2009).
--Angus, Ian.  Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System.  Monthly Review, 2016.  Outstanding, because it not only surveys the symptoms and urgency of climate change but also the causes in our economic and energy systems.  A reader of this book will possess a power deep and wide for resistance.  See Budyko,  Burkett, Purdy, Saito, Smith, Magdoff and Williams, Williams. –Dick
--Angus, Ian.  A Redder Shade of Green: Intersections of Science and Socialism.  Monthly Review P, 2017.  Essays urge “a strong case for ecosocialism as a fusion of the sciences of nature and an updated Marxism.”
t--Angus, Ian.  Climate and Capitalism.   A case for eco-socialism.   Angus founded and edits an ecosocialist journal with the same title, reflecting the viewpoint of environmental Marxism.  http://climateandcapitalism.com/    See: Saito, Williams.
*--Archer,David.  The Long Thaw: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth’s Climate.  Princeton UP, 2009.   Dick:   Like many other books, this one describes what is likely to happen, but also the changes expected over many centuries.   Hansen praised the book highly.   Art:   This is somewhat science oriented, would be enjoyed by a scientist, engineer, etc.    James Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:   “This is the best book about carbon dioxide and climate change that I have read.”      Steve Boss:    “Not only are massive climate changes coming if we humans continue on our current path, but many of these changes will last for millennia….This is the book for anyone who wishes to really understand what cutting-edge science tells us about the effects we are having, and will have, on our future climate.”  Richard Alley.  
--Aystk,Sharon.  Depletion and Abundance: Life on the New Homefront.
--Paolo Bacigalupi.The Water KnifeA novel of drought in western USA.
--Bakan, Joel.   The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power (2005).   On corporate capitalism see: Angus and other socialists. 
--Rev. Jim Ball.   Global Warming and the Risen Lord: Christian Discipleship and Climate Change.   Ball is Evangelical Environmental Network’s Executive Vice President. See Hayhoe.
--Barrett,   .  Female Erasure: What You Need to Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex, and Human Rights.    On patriarchy, an important but often overlooked aspect of the climate catastrophe.
--Bassey, Nimmo. To Cook a Continent: Destructive Extraction and the Climate Crisis in Africa.  Cape Town: Pambazuka P, 2012.
Alyssa BattistoniEverything to Lose:The struggle to save the planet.” (MAY 20, 2019).  tHE nATION, jUNE 3-10.  Dual review of Rich, Losing Earth, and Wallace-Wells,The Uninhabitable Earth. 
--Beavan, Colin.   No Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process.  Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2009.  Fayetteville chose this book for its One Book Program 2011.  It’s fascinating watching the author trying to tell youth the truth yet be hopeful. 
*--Bennholdt-Thomsen and Mies, Maria.  The Subsistence Perspective: Beyond the Globalised Economy.  World needs a new social/economic system.  Forum Dec. 2017, Jeanne.   See MariaMies and Vandana Shiva Ecofeminism. 
--Berry, Thomas.  The Dream of the Earth and The Great Work.
Bertel, Rosalie.    Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War.   Black Rose Books, 2001.  The increasingly destructive effects of weaponry and wars.  The quest for military dominance has destabilized the balance of the earth’s ecosystem.  We need a return to the UN for international cooperation against the causes and effects of climate change.  (Ref. Dick’s UN and Climate doc).  See on climate and military:   Branagan, Dyer,  Parenti, Paskal, Sanders,
*--Black, Toban, et al. eds.   A Line in the Tar Sands: Struggles for Environmental Justice.  PM Press, 2014.  OMNI Book Forum 10-4-15.
--Blatt, Harvey.  America’s Environmental Report Card:  Are We Making the Grade?  2nd ed.  MIT P, 2011.   An indictment of inaction on the part of citizens and policy-makers and of the consumption-based economic drivers of environmental degradation. 
-- Bloomberg, Michael and Carl Pope.   Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet.  St Martin’s, 2017.  “…it’s time for a new type of conversation about climate change that reverses all the usual ways of looking at the issue.  Instead of debating long-term consequences, let’s talk about immediate threats.  Instead of arguing about making sacrifices, let’s talk about how we can make money.  Instead of pitting the environment versus the economy, let’s consider market principles and economic growth” (3).    
--Bowen, Mark.  Censoring Science.  Cited in Rich’s “Sources”    See Weart, Oreskes and Conway,   Gelbspan, Hoggan and Littlemore, Schneider.          
--Bovard, James.  Attention Deficit Democracy.  Palgrave, 2005.  Why the public ignores political and corporate frauds and swallows pervasive lies, why they are indifferent to facts and increasingly incapable of judging when their rights and liberties are being destroyed.  Author also of Lost Rights.  See Oreskes & Conway, Merchants of Doubt and other books on contrarians and deniers.  .
-- Marty BranaganGlobal Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence: The Art of Active Resistance.  Palgrave, 2013.  272 pages.  $95 on demand.  See Bertel, Parenti, Paskal.
-- Peter Brannen.  The last time the planet was even four degrees warmer, Brannen points out in The Ends of the World (2017), his new history of the planet’s major extinction events, the oceans were hundreds of feet higher.
-- Jeremy BrecherAgainst Doom: A Climate Insurgency Manual.  2017. 
Editor:  Against Doom: A Climate Insurgency Manual tells how to put strategy into action----and how it can succeed. It is a handbook for halting global warming and restoring our climate----a how-to for climate insurgents.
 --Brown, Lester.  Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble.  Norton, 2006.  (Rev. and updated from 2003 first edition.)  Calls for a radical reform of US capitalism.
--* Brown, Lester.  World on the Edge:  How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse.  Norton, 2011.   Outstanding study.   Brown’s long-developed “Plan B” explains how sustainable progress can be created only by “massive mobilization—at wartime speed” and by “truth through full-cost pricing.”  The comprehensiveness of Plan B --stabilize climate and population, eradicate poverty, and restore natural systems—is a standard for all the other solutions.  This book was the subject of the Oct. 2011 Forum/CC Book Club sponsored by FPL and OMNI.  Forum (10-16-11).
--Brown, Lester, et al.  The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy.  Norton, 2015.  The transition has 2 methods: riddance of fossil fuels and replacement by renewables.  And both must be achieved quickly.  I planned to color code some major topics (green for sustainable energy), but ran out of energy.
--Brown Jr., Tom.  Tom Brown’s Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking. An excellent teaching manual that helps the reader reconnect deeply with nature. Tom Brown was trained by a Native American mentor and all of his books are excellent for learning about survival skills in wilderness and in the city (from the publisher).
--Budyko and Izrael.  Anthropogenic Climate Change.  U of Arizona P, 1991. 
--Paul BurkettMarx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective. 
2014.  See Angus, Magdoff, and other Marxists.
--Butler,Tom. Energy: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. 2012.  See Casten, Catton, Heinberg.
*--Peter D. Carter and Elizabeth Woodworth, UNPRECEDENTED CRIME: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival2018.  Lolly, Aug. 5, ’18.
--Casten, Thomas R.  Turning Off the Heat: Why America Must Double Energy Efficiency to Save Money and Reduce Global Warming.   Prometheus, 1998.  Notable for having been published so early, and in fact he had started his warnings about C02 in 1975, and in 1976 began teaching how to make a profit from C02 emissions (see article in Skeptical Inquirer Jan.-Feb. 2013).

--Catton,William.  Overshoot:  The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change.  1982. A serious early warning.  There must be limits to our tremendous appetite for energy, natural resources, and consumer goods.  And for years some biologists have warned us of the direct correlation between scarcity and population growth.  These scientists see an appalling future riding the tidal wave of a worldwide growth of population and technology.  Other books onpopulationAngus (denier), Grant, Seager and Polansky, Wainwright and Mann, Weisman; see my recent newsletter on Overpopulation.

--Characterizing Risk in Climate Change Assessments: Proceedings of a Workshop.  The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) was established in 1990 to “assist the Nation and the world to understand, assess, predict, and respond to human-induced and natural processes of global change.
Danny Chivers.The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change.
--Chomsky,Noam.  Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order.  7 Stories P, 1999.
--Noam Chomsky and Laray Polk.   Nuclear War and Environmental Catastrophe.  2013.
--Clapp, Jennifer. Paths to a Green World: The Political Economy of the Global Environment.    2nded.  2005. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/paths-green-world
*--Chris Clayton.  The Elephant in the Cornfield.     https://www.amazon.com/Elephant-Cornfield-Politics-Agriculture-Climate-ebook/dp/B017GFVFZA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1512479131&sr=8-1&keywords=elephant+in+the+cornfield    1-7-18 Climate Book Forum.  Not a finished book but a disorganized journal with numerous unfinished topics and at least one glaring absence: the central importance of meat as a cause of warming.  See Vegetarian Action for month after month of the unfolding evidence of the harms of meat, not only to human carnivores and to the millions of sentient animals killed, but to the climate by methane.   Its positive content explains what can be sustained without poisoning the environment.
--Climate Vulnerability Monitor : 2nd edition. A guide to the cold calculus of a hot planet.  2012.  Climate Vulnerable Forum, Fundación DARA Internacional.  “The main finding of this report is that climate change has already held back global development : it is already a significant cost to the world economy, while inaction on climate change can be considered a leading global cause of death.
--Collectif Argos.  Climate Refugees.  MIT, 2010.  (Orig. Fr. Ed. 2007).  See Dyer, Flannery, Parenti, Paskal.    Predicts by 2050, 150 million climate refugees.  This book studies the first of these refugees resulting from permafrost melt in Alaska, island nations being submerged, Chad and China desertification, floods in Bangladesh, glacial melt in Nepal, hurricanes USA. 
--Collier, Paul.   The Bottom Billion:   Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It.   2011.     “Collier examines the economics, politics, and ethics of natural resource use, in particular as these affect poor nations.  The so-called "resource curse" is analyzed, to understand the oft-repeated phenomenon of extractive industries leaving resource-rich yet poor countries, resource-poor and impoverished.”  (Gary K)  One of the four goals of Lester Brown’s Plan B is “eradicating poverty.”  (Dick.  See Catton on population.)  
--*Collier, Paul.  The Plundered Planet: Why We Must—And How We Can—Manage Nature for Global Prosperity.   2010. " I particularly enjoyed his description of environmental romanticism vs. plundering profit motive, and how we must move to the center of those two poles by basing our use of natural resources and ecosystem services on a truly ethical and sustainable framework.  His high-flying nations-at-a-glance perspective is valuable, as are his insights into the workings, and failings, of governments and societies.".  Those with a keen interest in the plight of the poor nations and intergenerational justice may enjoy this book, which is a follow-up to Collier's very popular and well-regarded book, "The Bottom Billion." 
--Conkling,Philip, et al.  The Fate of Greenland: Lessons from Abrupt Climate Change.  MIT P, 2011.  78 illust.   See Pollack and Ward on melting ice.
--John Cook.  Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change: How to Understand and Respond to Climate Change Deniers.  (2020).
--Anderson Cooper et al.  Planet in Peril documentary (CNN).   2008.  CNN takes viewers around the world in a comprehensive 3-hour documentary that examines our changing planet. . . .looks at four key issues: climate change, vanishing habitats, disappearing species, and human population growth. To tell this story, Anderson Cooper, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Animal Planet's Jeff Corwin traveled to some of the most remote and remarkable places on Earth.
--Cox, Stan.  Losing Our Cool.   Urges doing away with air conditioning.
--Coyle, Diane.   The Economics of Enough: How to Run the Economy as if the Future Matters (Princeton).  Date? See her laudatory rev. in The Independent of Lynas’s The God Species. 
--Coyne, Kelly and Erik KnutzenThe Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City.
--Greg Craven.    What’s the worst that could happen?  A rational response to the climate change debate. ?2014? I think that somebody in cctf once suggested reading it.  It’s excellent, and well worth the reading time.  It’s an easy read, fun, informal, but quite intelligent and full of new ideas.  It’s primarily about how to think and decide about controversial science-related political issues, with an emphasis on climate change.   The last chapter reveals his own views.  He says this chapter is optional reading because his main point is not conclusions but rather “how does one arrive at conclusions?”  He is indeed on the side of the IPCC, and tells us why in no uncertain terms.  He makes an excellent case.  
-- Gretchen Daily and Lisa Mandle from Stanford, and Zhiyung Ouyang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, editors.   Green Growth That Works: Natural Capital Policy and Finance Mechanisms from around the World.  Island Press, 2019.  The true costs of development.
--Dapl, No.  As Long As Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice from Colonization to Standing Rock.  Beacon P, 2019.     See

--Dauvergne,Peter.   The Shadows of Consumption: Consequences for the Global Environment.  MIT P, 2009.   The shadows of consumption that modern life casts, from the consumption of beef to the use of cars and fridges.  (Dick:  And population growth?  See Brown, Catton.  See all books on US capitalism.)
--Davis, Mike.  Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster.  Vintage, 1998.  See Hartmann.
--DerberGreed to Greed.
-- Abundance by Peter Diamandis& Steven Kolter.  Interview with Peter Diamandis follows: http://singularityu.org/content/wwnpeterdiamandis/    The book offers ideas that suggest hope for solving what seem insurmountable problems.   Emphasis is on solutions. 
-- Devall, Bill.  Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry. 1995.  Read also: 
--Dow, Kirsten and Thomas Downing.   The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World’s Greatest Challenge.   2006.
-- The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg.  Why we do what we do in life and business.  See books on reason.
*--Dianne Dumanoski.     The End of the Long Summer---Why We Must Remake Our Civilization to Survive on a Volatile Earth.  2009.     (Dec. 2, 2012, Neath).  The deceptively mild title condenses where we are: the Holocene’s benign climate is quickly ENDING, and chaos is approaching unless we change our ways of living ,drastically and quickly!   Jeanne and Art gave it high praise.  Dick revisited it March 2018.   See publisher’s review below.
--Dyer, Gwynne.  Climate Wars: The Fight for Survival as the World Overheats.  2010.  Warming will increase militarism and wars.    Without drastic reduction in C02 the planet will heat 4 degrees by 2060, so Dyer advocates geoengineering—e.g. Solar Radiation Management—to give us time.  (See: Bertel, Parenti, Paskal.)
--Eichstaedt, Peter.  Consuming the Congo: War and Conflict Minerals in the World‘s Deadliest Place.  Lawrence Hill, 2011.  Bassey, Klare, Sachs, et al.
--Emanuel, Kerry.  What We Know About Climate Change.  2nd ed.   MIT P, 2012.
-- Brian Fagan.  The Great Warming. Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of Civilization (2008).
--John Englander.   High Tide on Main Street.   
“A great book that I highly recommend is John Englander’s Hide Tide on Main Street. The book appeals to both scientists and non-scientists, and is widely used among policymakers in threatened urban areas like South Florida. Englander lays out the climate warming scenarios and their impacts on low-lying cities.”  Stephen Luoni, Urban Studies Center, School of Architecture, UAF 1-16-18
--Evangelical Climate Initiative.  Climate Change: an Evangelical Call to Action.  2006.  Hayhoe.
*Denise Fairchild and Al Weinrub. Energy Democracy:  Advancing Equity in Clean Energy Solutions.  Island P, 2017.  Shelley B, Dec. 2, ’18.  Capitalism, racism and climate change.https://islandpress.org/books/energy-democracy
--Favaro,  Brett, The Carbon Code: How You Can Become a Climate Change Hero, Johns Hopkins UP, 2017.   “excellent brief review of climate science, then launches into an examination of how we can minimize our carbon footprint without diminishing our quality of life” (Malcolm C).
--Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac.  The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis. (2020)
*--Firor, John and Judith Jacobsen.  The Crowded Greenhouse: Population,Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World.   Yale UP, 2002.   Important for including population in the mix of warming causes.  But Catholic Church unmentioned in Index.  See Catton,
--Tim FlanneryThe Weather Makers.  2007.   Dick:  This is the first book I read giving facts of climate change and consequences; for example, the inevitable submersion of many Pacific islands and ensuing refugees.
James Rodger Fleming.  Historical Perspectives on Climate Change.  Included in Rich’s “Sources,” as are
--Flemming, David. Surviving the Future. 2016.
-- Richard Florida.    The Great Reset.    How new ways of living and working drive post-crash prosperity. 
--John Bellamy Foster.    The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet, 2009.  Economics of climate change.  See: Angus, Foster, Speth, Magdoff, Williams.   Foster is editor of Monthly Review.
­­­­_____ The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth by John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York.  Monthly Review, 2011.  
--Jody Freeman, Michael B Gerrard, edsGlobal Climate Change and U.S. Law, Second Edition, 2014. 
--Freese, Barbara.  Industrial Strength Denial: Eight Stories of Corporations Defending the Indefensible, From the Slave Trade to Climate Change.   U of California P, 2020.  See Hoggan and Littlemore, Michael. 
--Thomas L. Friedman.   Hot, Flat, and Crowded: why we need a green revolution, and how it can renew America.  Art:  This book is more about energy and "being green" than about global warming.  It sends out a positive message that most people can identify with.
--Thomas Friedman, Thanks for Being Late.   Rec. by Orlo Stitt: pp. 355-6. 
--Furber, Robert, et al.   The Future of Nuclear Power.   Monthly Review,    See: Allison,
--Gelbspan, Ross. The Heat Is On.    1997.   Boiling Point:  How Politicians, Big Oil and Coal, Journalists, and Activists Are Fueling the Climate Crisis—and What We Can Do to Avert Disaster.  Basic Books, 2004.  Rev.    NYT Book Review (August 15, 2004).    Note the date—Gelbspan’s book the earliest true and strong book-length warning of the climate cover-up that I know of.  See Grant.
--Michael B. Gerrard (Editor).   Global Climate Change and U.S. Law.  First Edition.   See Freeman and Gerrard, 2nded.  (See Climate Law doc, Prof. Gosman;  Mary C. Wood’s Nature’s Trust.
-- Amitav Ghosh.‘In his recent book-length essay The Great Derangement, the Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh wonders why global warming and natural disaster haven’t become major subjects of contemporary fiction.”  David Wallace-Wells, “The Uninhabitable Earth.”
--Gilding, Paul.  The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will bring on the End of Shopping and Birth of a New World.  Bloomsbury, 2011.
Dina Gilio-Whitaker.  As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, From Colonization to Standing Rock.  See Angus, Meynen, the many books on climate justice.
Gipe, Paul.  His books form the basic library for the progress of wind energy (Wasserman).  His newest book, Wind Energy for the Rest of Us: A Comprehensive Gide to Wind Power and How to Use It.  Other wind books:   (I started identifying solar and wind books by green, but fell behind.)
 --Girardet, Herbert.  Cities, People, Planet: Urban Development and Climate Change.  Wiley, 2004.
--Glendinning, Chellis.  When Technology Wounds. Off the Map.  My Name is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization.
*Joshua S. Goldstein and Staffan A. Qvist.   The Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow.        Mod. Gary Kahanek, June 2019.
 --Goodell, Jeff.  How to Cool the Planet: Geoengineering and the Audacious Quest to Fix Earth’s Climate.  
*--Goodell, Jeff.   The Water Will Come:Rising Seas, Sinking Cities, and the Remaking of the Civilized World.  2017    Marvin Hilton, Sept. 2, ’18.    See Dawson, Extreme Cities; Englander, High Tide on Main Street; Pollack, A World Without Ice; Ward, The Flooded Earth.
Gore, Al.  An Inconvenient Truth.  Gore’s book and documentary film kick-started the warming awareness movement.  Film won an Oscar.  OMNI (Kelly and Donna leaders) showed the film at the Fiesta Cinema and handed out efficient light bulbs.  2017: Sequel premiered at Cannes Film Festival.    Gore made a sequel.
--Gore, Al.  Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis.  Melcher, Rodale, 2009.  Dick:  Why is this masterful, accurate, well-written and illustrated, compendious book on the realities of warming and alternatives so neglected?   It makes An Inconvenient Truthseem like an intro. for youth.
____Assault on Reason.   See Allison, Lynch, Mooney, books on denial,
-----Graetz, Michael.   The End of Energy: The Unmaking of America’s Environment, Security, and Independence.   MIT P, 2011.   Forty years of energy incompetence: villains, failures of leadership, and missed opportunities.  See Heinberg.
*--Grain.3/05/17 - The Great Climate Robbery by GRAIN - https://www.grain.org/article/entries/5354-the-great-climate-robbery - facilitated by Jeanne Neath 
--Grant, John.   Denying Science: Conspiracy Theories, Media Distortions, and the War Against Reality.  Prometheus, 2011.     Noted in Skeptical Inquirer (Sept.-Oct. 2011):  Grant explains why denialism is rampant in the US:  climate change (last 2 chapters), AIDS, vaccines, evolution, and more.   This biblio. includes several books on this subject: Allison, Gelbspan, Griffin, Hansen, Heinberg, Hoggan, Michaels.
*--Grant, Lindsey.  Too Many People.  Alberto Torres, Nov. 4, ’18.  See Angus.
--Greer, John Michael.  Dark Age America.Climate Change, Cultural Collapse, and the Hard Future Ahead.    2016. After decades of missed opportunities, the door to a sustainable future has closed, and the future we face now is one in which today's industrial civilization unravels in the face of uncontrolled climate change and resource depletion.
What is the world going to look like when all these changes have run their course? Author John Michael Greer seeks to answer this question. . . .Dark Age America, then, seeks to map out in advance the history of collapse, giving us an idea of what the next 500 years or so might look like . . . .
--Griffin, David Ray.  Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis?  2015.  A 2017 rev. by Peter Carter says “the best on the CO2 emergency.”
--Grinspoon, David.  Earth in Human Hands. Shaping Our Planet’s Future.   2016.  An optimistic look at our future from the perspective of 10,000 years, if we take responsibility for our future now.
--Gross, Matthew and Mel Gilles.  The Last Myth: What the Rise of Apocalyptic Thinking Tells Us about America.  Prometheus, 2011.
--Marc Gunther.  Suck It Up.   2012.   From Orlo Stitt:  “It is easy reading and only a few hours to read it all.  It will raise lots of interesting questions about what the situation is now, what should be done, and a “now, money doesn’t matter,” vision into what can or could be done to curb the rising concentrations of atmospheric  CO2.  The most interesting fact defined in the book for me is that very wealthy and prominent people, like Bill Gates, the Bronfman heirs and others, are investing heavily in startup companies that are mainly doing research on geo-engineering and/or massive mechanical/chemical systems/processes to remove, use, or dispose of giga-tons of CO2.  Also, the entrepreneurs are highly educated, principally from MIT, Harvard, Yale, McGill, Stanford or elsewhere and are dedicated to finding solutions to a global problem that many people do not accept, perceive, or recognize as threatening. It will be a fun book to review with  others.  I know it is available on a Kindle Reader but do not know if available in hard copy or for iPads or iPhones? ”  These hopes of 2012 were not realized.  See more below.
--*Guzman, Overheated.  2012.   Summary of what might happen to humans if average temp rises 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times.  Forum August 2013, Chad Pollock.   See Dumanoski, Hertsgaard, Lynas, Monbiot, Ward, et al.; i.e. catastrophe.
--*Hansen,James.  Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth about the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.  Bloomsbury, 2009.  Art Hobson:  The brave early truthteller, respected by all climate scientists.  Dick: The science is there, and he also tells a fascinating political story of Bush Admin. successful denial and censorship (combined with the Koch network money and organization). 
--Hartmann, Thom.  Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight.  Leonardo da Caprio based his film on this book.  Interv. FSTV 9-24-09.
-- David HarveyThe Enigma of Capital:and the Crises of Capitalism.  See Angus, Magdoff and Williams, Streeck,
-- Hawken, Paul and Tom SteyerDrawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan….   Penguin, 2017.    100 different ways to draw down CO2 emissions.
--Hay, William W.  Experimenting on a Small Planet: A Scholarly Entertainment.  Springer, 2013; 2nd ed. 2016.   983pp.  This book is in UA’s Mullins Library, and the following is what you will find about the book in the catalog, which suggests it is a one-stop tome on the subject and deserves wide publicity!   Malcolm told me about the book’s first  ed. and then ordered the 2nd  for Mullins.  I stumbled onto it today 6-11-17.  The author’s approach is engagingly personal and often playful, which might counteract fear of its length.   But I expect OMNI’s climate book forum committee members have read all we need to of the facts of the climate system, and need now to concentrate on responding to the catastrophe of warming.    –D.
--Hayes, Shannon.   Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture.   2010.
Mother Nature has shown her hand. Faced with climate change, dwindling resources, and species extinctions, most Americans understand the fundamental steps necessary to solve our global crises:  drive less, consume less, increase self-reliance, buy locally, eat locally, rebuild our local communities. [Extreme localism, when national and international responses are necessary.  --D.]
*-- Katharine Hayhoe  & Andrew Farley.  A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions.  (see separate doc on this book)  See: McDuff, McMinn and Neff, Moore and Nelson, et al.
--Heinberg, Richard.
___.   Blackout:  Coal, Climate, and the Last Energy Crisis.  New Society, 2009.   “Exposing the dirty secrets and hidden costs of coal…analysis of the future of coal based on scarcity, cost, and climate impacts.”  (Pub.  “Coal, the habit we must kick, and fast.”  (McKibben).
___  The Party’s Over
____The Oil Depletion Protocol.   
 _______Peak Everything.
*_____. The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality.  New Society, 2011.   This scholarly, compendious book is about energy and economics (Index has only a few references to climate change) and the “fifth great turning in human history….from fossil fueled, debt- and growth-based industrial civilization [CAPITALISM] toward [he hopes ] a sustainable, renewable, steady-state society.”   We need a fully comprehensive book that combines the end of capitalism and of nature as we knew them!  Brown is close.  See Butler (2012),  Graetz (2011), Tomkins.   Two older books:   The No-Growth Society, ed. Mancur Olson and Hans Landsberg (Norton 1973); Better Not Bigger by Eben Fodor (New Society, 1999).  See all of the Marxists: Angus, Magdoff & Williams, et al.

--Heinberg, Richard. Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future. 2013.
*--Heinberg, Richard.   Are We Doomed? Let's Have a Conversation.  2017.   http://www.resilience.org/stories/2017-07-27/are-we-doomed-lets-have-a-conversation/

--Matt Hern with Am Johal and Joe Sacco.     Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life: In Search of an Ecological Future. MIT Press, 2018.   The book is co-authored with Am Johal and features cartoons and drawings by Joe Sacco. The book charts multiple trips through the tar sands of northern Alberta and affected Indigenous communities, and Hern, Johal, and Sacco offer new forms of thinking about global warming and ecological perils in the context of class and decolonial politics.
-- Tony McMichael.   Climate Change and the Health of Nations: Famines, Fevers, and the Fate of Populations. Book.    2017. 

--*Hertsgaard, Mark.  Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth.  Houghton Mifflin, 2011.  (Steve Boss).   Somber warnings as in all of these books—e.g., p. 69 2 degrees above preindustrial levels will be catastrophic; beyond a certain point adaptation impossible.
Rev. Mitch Hescox.  Co-author of Caring for Creation: The Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment.    Hescox is President/CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN).

--Hester, Randolph.  Design for Ecological Democracy.  MIT P, 2009.  Success stories for all who would build more beautiful, sustainable, and just communities.
--Hocking, Colin, et al.  Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect.  Rev.  LHS GEMS, 1990.  Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS), Lawrence Hall of Science, U. California at Berkeley.  A textbook for grades 7 to 10.  The earliest textbooks for youths on climate change of which I am aware.  The authors acknowledge Richard Golden for taking “the initiative to develop this series of educational activities about global warming and the greenhouse effect in 1987.  Why it took more than two decades for this knowledge to reach general public education is no mystery.  By alphabetical accident the following book by Hoggan and Littlemore exposes the corporate, especially fossil fuels industry, campaign of confusion, denial, and delay.
--James Hoggan with Richard Littlemore.    Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming. Greystone Books, 2009.  “This is a story of betrayal, a story of selfishness, greed, and irresponsibility on an epic scale.”    (See Freese above and Michaels below for list of related books).  Presented by:

 Hopkins, Rob.  The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience (or other books about the Transition Town movement).
-- John Houghton.    Global Warming: The Complete Briefing.    2009.
“John Houghton's market-leading textbook is now in full color and includes the latest IPCC findings, making it the definitive guide to climate change. Written for students across a wide range of disciplines, its simple, logical flow of ideas gives an invaluable grounding in the science and impacts of climate change and highlights the need for action on global warming. Is there evidence for climate changing due to human activities? How do we account for recent extremes of weather and climate? Can global electricity provision and transport ever be carbon free? Written by a leading figure at the forefront of action to confront humanity's most serious environmental problem. “From Amazon.
--Howard, Robert, ed.  Network Apocalypse: Visions of the End in an Age of Internet Media.  Phoenix, 2011.  See Davis, Hartmann, et al.
--Hulme,Why We Disagree about Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction, and Opportunity.  Cambridge UP, 2009. 
--Human Tide: The Real Migration Crisis.   Christian Aid, 2007.   Warns of millions of climate refugees.  See Todd Miller, Storming the Wall and refugee newsletter
--Tim Jackson.  Prosperity without Growth.    Lolly was interested in several books on capitalism; e.g. This book by Jackson, Can Democracy Survive Capitalism by Kuttner, and Green Capitalism by  Richard Smith.  Check this, add to Growth newsl.  See books by Marxists.
--Jacobs, Jane.  The Nature of Economies.
--Jamail, Dahr.  End of Ice.   See Goodell, Jamail, Pollack, Ward, Wennersten and Robbins.
--Dale JamiesonReason in a Dark Time:  Why the Struggle against Climate Change Failed—and What It Means for Our Future.  Oxford UP, 2014.
 --Jensen,DerrickEndgame.  Vol. 1, “The Problem of Civilization.”  (on warming? Vol. II?)
Scottand Stacy Pettigrew.  Toolbox for Sustainable City Living.
*--Kalmus, Peter.  Being Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution.  2017.  “Deeply optimistic.”  Mod. Edward Hejtmanek, May 2019.
--Knechtel, John, ed.  Air.   MIT P, 2010.    Writers, artists, and scholars consider the fragility of air, the ultimate commons.
--Kheng-Lian Koh (NUS, Singapore), Ilan Kelman (University College London, UK), Robert Kibugi (University of Nairobi, Kenya), Rose-Liza Eisma Osorio (University of Cebu, Philippines).   Adaptation to Climate Change:ASEAN and Comparative Experiences.  2016.
*--Kimmerer, Robin Wall.   5/07/17 Braiding Sweetgrass .- https://www.amazon.com/Braiding-Sweetgrass-Indigenous-Scientific-Knowledge/dp/1571313567 facilitated by Gladys Tiffany.
--Klare, Michael.  The Race for What’s Left.  Picador, 2012.  Other bks by Klare?
--Klein, Naomi. This Changes Everything. 2015 GET HER OTHER BOOKS
  ? See Todd Miller’s Storming the Wall on CC and refugees.
--Kolbert, Elizabeth.  Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change.  2006.
*--Kolbert,Elizabeth. The Sixth Great Extinction.   2014.   https://www.amazon.com/Sixth-Extinction-Unnatural-History/dp/0805092994 facilitated by Lolly Tindol  2/05/17:   In Mullins
QE721.2.E97 K65 2014   Thoroughly demonstrates this horrific reality of our times, no solution offered.  –D
--Krasny, Marianne and Tidball, Keith. Civic Ecology. 2015.
-- Fred Krupp& Miriam Horn, Earth: the Sequel:  The race to reinvent energy and stop global warming.  Norton, 2008.    Art:  This book looks more at energy than it does at global warming, has lots of suggestions for alternative energy and energy conservation.     Dick:  Compare optimistic 2008 ed. to Little’s Power Trip.     The 2009 “Afterword” in paperback ed. acknowledges a “darker” momentum in US politics.  He based much of his hopes on Congress capping carbon, which it failed to do.   Krupp is Pres of Environmental Defense Fund. 
--Kunstler, James H.  The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century.  Grove, 2005.   Pessimistic analysis.   Severely criticizes political and business elites for failure in knowledge, vision, and courage, and the public for escaping in childish hopes and wishes.  What will people do when cheap oil ends and warming continues?  (Dick)
--Lahsen, Myanna.  Praised in Rich’s “Sources”: “outstanding research on the history of climate denialism” 206). See Fleming same p.
-- Daniel Lerch, inspired by Richard Heinberg.   Community Resilience Reader.  Forum February 4, 2018,  presenter Lolly Tindol.  The next Forum will be February 4 at 1:30pm. The book title is Community Resilience Reader, edited by Daniel Lerch and inspired by Richard Heinberg, presenter Lolly Tindol.
Below is the data about it as seen on the OMNI website under Climate Forum:
Community Resilience Reader
The sustainability challenges of yesterday have become today’s resilience crises. National and global efforts have failed to stop climate change, transition from fossil fuels, and reduce inequality. We must now confront these and other increasingly complex problems by building resilience at the community level. But what does that mean in practice, and how can it be done in a way that’s effective and equitable?
The Community Resilience Reader offers a new vision for creating resilience, through essays by leaders in such varied fields as science, policy, community building, and urban design. The Community Resilience Reader combines a fresh look at the challenges humanity faces in the 21st century, the essential tools of resilience science, and the wisdom of activists, scholars, and analysts working with community issues on the ground. It shows that resilience is a process, not a goal; how resilience requires learning to adapt but also preparing to transform; and that resilience starts and ends with the people living in a community. Despite the formidable challenges we face, The Community Resilience Reader shows that building strength and resilience at the community level is not only crucial, but possible.  From Post Carbon Institute, the producers of the award-winning The Post Carbon Reader, The Community Resilience Reader is a valuable resource for students, community leaders, and concerned citizens.Other “resilience” books:  Sorenson, Seidl
--Lester, Richard and David Hart.   Unlocking Energy Innovation: How America Can Build a Low-Cost, Low- Carbon Energy System.  MIT, 2011.  Experts outline a plan to overhaul the US energy system for accelerated, large-scale, reliable technologies.  More on ENERGY:
--Lilly, et al.  Catastrophism.  Left critiques of left climate apocalypticism.
--Linebaugh,Peter.   Stop, Thief! The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance (2014).  Mullins Internet Resource.  See Mary Christina Wood.  Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age (2013).
--Little, Amanda.  Power Trip: From Oil Wells to Solar Cells—Our Ride to the Renewable Future.   HarperCollins, 2009.   At one point Little condemns greenwashing and eschews half-measures ( 374-5), but mainly she asserts confidence in US ingenuity, creativity, and resilience to solve problems.  First half of book traces how US became dependent upon fossil fuels—“clues to understand our future”’; second half on how we can “change our future course.”  Resilience see: Seidl,
*--AMANDA LITTLE.  The Fate of Food: What We'll Eat in a Bigger, Hotter, Smarter World.  2019.  (Lolly, Nov.  2019).
-- David Lobell and Marshall Burke, eds..  Climate Change and Food Security. Adapting Agriculture to a Warming World (2010),
*—Lovell, Bryan.  Challenged by Carbon: the Oil Industry and Climate Change.  Cambridge UP, 2010.  
--      Michael Löwy.   Ecosocialism: A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe (Haymarket, 2015).  I prepared a study guide for the Forum members, and Jeanne, Lolly, Gladys, liked it; Jeanne rec. it for discussion.
*--Lovelock, James.  The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning.  Basic Books, 2009.   Dick:   Another stringent, dire warning; in 2009 I thought it was the darkest.   Lovelock argues that climatic change is likely to lead to a hotter Earth able to sustain only a small fraction of the world's current population.   From book jacket:  “The global temperature is rising, the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps are melting….There is nothing humans can do to reverse the process; the planet is simply too overpopulated to halt its own destruction by greenhouse gases….In order to survive, mankind must start preparing now for life on a radically changed planet.”  Perhaps Lovelock’s is the first book to make adaptation the primary goal.
--Lumborg.     Cool It.  2007.  Former denier now affirms scientific consensus, but does not think it will have the catastrophic effects post- 2007 IPCC reports describe.  
-(Luoni, Stephen). University of Arkansas Community Design Center.  “Our own new book—Conway Urban Watershed Framework Plan published by ORO and available through Amazon—might appeal to local interests. The book chronicles our plan for reconciling city development with the local watershed though new types of urban landscapes. It is a quick read but highly informative on the issue of water, cities, and resilience by design.”
--Lutz, Catherine.  The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle Against US Military Posts.   And Bomb after Bomb:  A Violent Cartography (with Slavick, Mavor, and Zinn).  See Todd Miller.
--*Lynas,Mark.   Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet. 2008.   National Geographic, 2008.   Chapter 1, One Degree rise centigrade, Chap. 2, Two Degrees……. 
For general readers, it will wake people up.  It tells us what will happen with 1 degree of warming, then with 2 degrees, ...and finally with 6 degrees.  By about 3 degrees, things are getting really bad. 
*-- Mark Lynas.   The God Species---Saving the Planet in the Age of HumansThis book is strongly recommended by Gary Kahanak:   Lynas identifies the planetary boundaries which should not be exceeded if the biosphere is to continue to function reliably as in the past.    Nine planetary boundaries were settled on, and quantifiable limits were set for seven of these.   See separate doc on this book.   See Gary’s fuller comments.   (A clearer title would be: The Growth Species, for the book is pro-growth (D)).
--Lyons, Kristen, et al.  The Darker Side of Green: Plantation Forestry and Carbon Violence in Uganda.  Oakland Instit., 2014.
--Lynch, Michael.  In Praise of Reason.  MIT P, 2012.   Explains “the Enlightenment’s best idea.”  See Gore’s Assault on Reason and the several books on attacks on science listed in this biblio.  See Art Hobson’s several articles in praise of reason and science.  See: sciolism.
-- David MacKaySustainable Energy—Without the Hot Air.   Gary:  “This is an excellent treatment of energy policy for policymakers (which means it is comprehensible for beginners as well as experts).  MacKay is a physics professor at Cambridge who tired of the misinformation and misconceptions driving energy policy, so he wrote this book to set the science straight.  The primary goal of this book is to illustrate the physical limits of each form of power, renewable or otherwise, and relate that to the world’s demand for energy.  The book is available in its entirety online free at www.withouthotair.com .  I bought the book---it’s a masterwork, a great reference, and actually very accessible and fun to read.  Some endorsements from the cover:  "This remarkable book sets out, with enormous clarity and objectivity, the various alternative low-carbon pathways that are open to us."; "At last a book that comprehensively reveals the true facts about sustainable energy in a form that is both highly readable and entertaining."; “The book is a tour de force...As a work of popular science it is exemplary...For anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the real problems involved, it is the place to start.";;"...a really valuable contribution...uses a potent mixture of arithmetic and common sense to dispel some myths and slay some sacred cows."”
--Magdoff, Fred and John B. Foster.  What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know about Capitalism.  Monthly Review P, 2011.   For environmentalists who imagine we can solve the ecological crisis without confronting capitalism, and for all who still fail to recognize the crisis as the direst expression of the capitalist threat.   See Foster and other books on  capitalism:  Sandel on market-system;
*--Fred Magdoff and Chris WilliamsCreating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation.  Monthly Review, 2017.   “Fighting for reforms is vital, but revolution is essential.”  OMNI Forum October 2017, Dick Bennett.
--Arjun Makhijani,  Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy.  2009.  “We can eliminate carbon emissions from the US energy system by 2050 without relying on nuclear power, and we have a plan to do it! www.carbonfreenuclearfree.org/ 
--Malm, Andreas.  Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming.  Verso, 2016.  The turn to coal and steam power was social, not resource-based or technological.  How capitalism first promoted fossil fuels with the rise of steam power.  In this masterful new history, Andreas Malm claims it all began in Britain with the rise of steam power.
--Mander, Jerry.  See Paik.
--Mann, Eric.  Katrina’s Legacy: The Black Nation and the People of the World Confront theBottom of Form
U.S. Empire and Its Genocidal Climate Changes.  Frontier P, 2017.  Publisher: A theory of the “intersection of the Black, Third World, and Climate Justice Revolution.”  US and European imperialism  carried out “genocidal climate crimes as coherent policies.”  See Fairchild, Energy Democracy; Sanders.
--Mann, Geoff.  See Wainwright and Mann . Climate Leviathan.  Forum 2018.  Rev.The Nation (July 16/23, 2018) by Alyssa Battistoni, “States of Emergency.”  I mentioned the book to Lolly 7-8-18..
*-- Michael Mann.  The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars:  Dispatches from the Front Lines".  Columbia UP, 2012.  Art:   “…a leading climate scientist.  I read the dust cover and a few excerpts, and am quite familiar with the history and the hoked up (by big oil) controversy surrounding the famous "hockey stick graph" showing temperature versus time during the past 2000 years.  Big oil knows that if they can't suppress the scientific work about global warming, they're done for.  I first started hearing this industry-inspired hokum a decade or so ago, from Bill Orton here in town.  The book looks like a quite readable account of the climate wars, with plenty of insights into the influence of big oil and also plenty of social and scientific insights into global warming.  It seems to be well written (I've read only a few excerpts so far) and directed at the general non-scientific public.  I recommend it for one of our books at some point.”  (See Michaels, Oreskes and Conway, et al.).
--Mann, Michael and Tom Toles.  The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying our Politics, and Driving US Crazy.  Columbia UP, 2016.  186pp.   Rave review by Robert Ladendorf in Skeptical Inquirer (Sept.-Oct. 2017):  “A brilliant collaboration between a climate scientist known for the ‘hockey stick curve’ that shows unprecedented global warming and a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist at the Washington Post. . . .The authors remain hopeful about the ability of humans to adapt. . . .But Mann does say there’s an urgency: ‘Dreams of slowly adapting to climate change. . .will have to be replaced with the hard reality of an ever-escalating pace of disruption and unpredictability. . . .If a reader has time for just one book explaining climate change science and denial, The Madhouse Effect is the one to read.” ( For those well-informed already, the book offers an excellent review. Not in Mullins 8-25-17. –Dick).      See Michaels for list of books on deniers.
--Manno (see Princen).
---Marshall,  Don’t Even Think About It.  Discussed by Book Forum Spring 2016.  Not in Mullins 1-16.  Evaluation??
---Martin, Mark.   I’m With the Bears: Short Stories from a Damaged Planet.   Verso, 2011.  Rev. Mother Jones ( Nov./Dec. 2011).  Stories about climate change from dystopian to humor.   McKibben wrote the introduction.
--Martin, Pamela.  Oil in the Soil: The Politics of Paying to Preserve the Amazon.  Co-editor ofEnding the Fossil Fuel Era (see Princen) and coauthor of An Introduction to World Politics: Conflict and Consensus on a Small Planet.
--Marx, Karl.  See Saito.
---Mastrandrea, Michael and Stephen Schneider.  Preparing for Climate Change.   MIT, 2011 (96pp.).   See Greenberg below.  
---- Mallory McDuff.  Foreword by Bill McKibben.  Sacred Acts: How Churches Are Working to Protect Earth’s Climate.   New Society, 2012.  See:  Hayhoe, McMinn,
---Mayer, Jane.  Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.  Doubleday, 2016.  The definitive study of the control of US government by a few billionaires led by the Koch brothers (though she had not read Hoggan).  Chapter 8, “The Fossils,” concentrates on how they halted environmentalists’ push against CO2 for a decade and continue to impede real progress against climate change.  Chapter 9 adds the even darker story of Citizens United: “Money Is Speech: The Long Road to Citizens United.”  And chapter 10, “The Shellacking: Dark Money’s Midterm Debut, 2010,” describes the massive Republican victory of that year.  See Hoggan, Michaels (and similar books listed there).
--* (9-18-11) McKibben,Bill.   Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet.  Times Books, 2010.  Advocates localized societies that “can survive the damage we can no longer prevent.”   Several books in this list promote localism.  But see Greenberg below, who finds McKibben’s “elegant slowdown” to smallness only wishful thinking.  And Hawken, Drawdown, 216, identifies McKibben with “movement” organizing.  After a paragraph listing what individuals cannot accomplish, Hawken writes in regard to McKibben:  “What individuals can do is become a movement.”
    --Fight Global Warming Now: The Handbook for Taking Action in Your Community.  Holt, 2007.
     --The End of Nature (1989).  “Bill McKibben was the first to write a popular book warning of climate change”  (Hawken, Drawdown, 216).
    --Falter:Has the Human Game begun to Play Itself Out?  2019.  The story of his lifetime resistance to the individuals and institutions and ideologies that caused the present crisis.
--McMinn, Lisa G and Megan Anna Neff.   Walking Gently on the Earth.  IVP Books, 2010.  Rev. YES!  Winter 2011.   “a ‘primer’ for Christians on environmental issues”:  in addition to global warming: agri practices, food and consumer choices, energy consumption, family planning, US food subsidies, etc.  See: Hayhoe, McDuff
--Scott G. McNall.    Rapid Climate Change: Causes, Consequences and Solutions.
 Routledge, 2011.  This is short (91 pg, including bibliography, index and glossary), well documented (9 pg bibliography), and explores the psychology and sociology of denialalong with the evidence for climate change and its causes.  This is possibly the most succinct and thorough treatment of the subject that I have come across.  Malcolm C   Denial:  see Michaels.
--Melillo, Jerry, et al., eds.  Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, U.S. Global Change Research Program, 2014.
--Merchant, Carolyn.  The Death of Nature.  1980.  Renaissance scientific revol. great turning point.
-- Merkel, Jim. Radical Simplicity.
--Nick Meynen.  Frontlines: Stories of Global Environmental Justice.
--David Michaels.   Doubt is Their Product: How Industry Scientists Manufacture Uncertainty and Threaten Your Health.  Oxford, 2008.   See: Mark Bowen, Censoring Science; Ross Gelbspan, The Heat Is On; Grant, Denying Science; Hertsgaard, Hot;Hoggan, Climate Cover-Up; Dale JamiesonReason in a Dark Time:  Why the Struggle against Climate Change Failed—and What It Means for Our Future; Mann and Toles, The Madhouse Effect;  Milburn and Conrad, The Politics of Denial;George MonbiotOut of the Wreckage: A New Politics for the Age of Crisis;   Mooney, The Republican War on Science; Mooney and Kirshenbaum, Unscientific America;  Oreskes and Conway, Merchants of Doubt How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming; Dick Russell, Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Men Who Are Destroying Life on Earth and What It Means for Our Children; Stephen Schneider, Science as a Contact Sport; Scott??; Siegel, False Alarm; Specter, Denialism;Spencer Weart, The Discovery of Global Warming .  Related: Bovard,Attention Deficit Democracy; Potter, Deadly Spin
--Mies, Maria and Shiva, Vandana.  Ecofeminism.  See Hawken, Drawdown,  brief section “Women and Girls”; Gore, Our Choice, 20pp. section on “Population.” 
--Mies, Maria and Bennholdt.  On Subsistence, see Bennholdt.
--Milburn, Michael A.  and Conrad, Sheree D. The Politics of Denialhttp://www.amazon.com/Politics-Denial-Michael-Milburn/dp/026213330X
-*-Miller, Todd.  Storming the Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security2017.   Increasing refugees resulting from Climate Change.  Shelley B presenter.   See Human Tide.  See David Vine, Lutz, gather all books on US empire, population, borders, climate, refugees….
*--Monbiot, George.   Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning.  South End, 2009.   Like so many of these authors, he sees us as the last generation that can prevent the conditions which would destroy human civilization, but we must act decisively quickly.   This is the 2nd book I read on CO2, planetary heating, and climate change, and it had a stronger effect upon me than did Flannery’s probably because I was understanding the scientific discussions better, though some chapters were slow going.   Full of arresting stories; for example, his chapter on the extraordinary quantity of CO2 produced by airplanes came as a surprise, since I had only read about pollution from cars before.   Monbiot has spoken and written repeatedly that the 2007 IPCC report and his own book are too optimistic, but I think he was the first I encountered to urge a change in terminology from “warming” to “breakdown.”
-- George Monbiot .Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for the Age of Crisis.  2016.   Publisher:  “A toxic ideology of extreme competition and individualism has come to dominate our world. It misrepresents human nature, destroying hope and common purpose. Only a positive vision can replace it, a new story that re-engages people in politics and lights a path to a better future.”  An attack on neo-liberal economics to be replaced by “community ownership and production.”  --D
-- The Republican War on Science by Chris Mooney.  2005/rev. 06..  (See Hoggan, Michaels).  A stinging indictment of how the Republican Party has not only ignored science, but has used bad science to justify its political agenda.  See Mooney’s 2009 Unscientific America and2012 The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science—and Reality.  (And see The Republican War on Women.)
*--Mooney, Chris and Sheril Kirshenbaum.  Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future.   Basic Books, 2009.  Discussed by Cleveland 12-17.   Has about a dozen pages on warming.    It’s subject is how religious ideologues, an education system weak in science, science-ignorant politicians, corporations, and the corporate media have collaborated to create a dangerous condition and how scientists have failed to counter it.   See: The Republican War on Science.  “A well-researched, closely argued and amply referenced indictment of the right-wing’s assault on science and scientists.”   See Orestes and Conway.
- -MooneyThe Republican Brain.  2012.  A neurological and behavioral study showing significant differences between the people who identify themselves as Democrats and those who identify as Republicans.  –D  see other bk on Repugs
-- Jason W. Moore.  Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism.  2016.   Editor:   Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers a series of provocative essays on nature and power, humanity, and capitalism.
--Morton, Timothy.  The Ecological Thought.
--Moser, Suzanne and Lisa Dilling, eds.  Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social change.  Cambridge UP, 2007.
--Murphy, Pat.  Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate Change.
--Nature Climate Change a journal.
--Norgaard, Kari Marie.  Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life.  See Sarah Ray.
--Norhaus, Ted and Michael Shellenberger.   Break Through: Why We Can’t Leave Saving the Planet to Environmentalists.  2007.  Rev. Bill Blackwater.  “The Denialism of Progressive Environmentalists.”  Monthly Review (June 2012): reviewer rejects the “self-contradictions, simplistic fantasy, and the sheer insubstantiality of their thought.”  See Shellenberger.
-- Jenny Offill.  Weather: A Novel.  (2020).
--Oge, Margo.  Driving the Future:Combating Climate Change with Cleaner, Smarter Cars.  2015.
--Oppenlander, Richard. Comfortably Unaware.  2012.
In the face of political impotence, looming resource depletion, and catastrophic climate change, many of us have become reconciled to an uncertain …   view title info 
*--Oreskes, Naomi and Erik Conway.  Collapse of Western Civilization: View from the Future.  In Mullins online (?).  Check internet.  Text only 79pp. but serves usefully as a review or perhaps as an introduction to beginners.  Science-fiction form, written from the future.   Thesis: An ideological fixation on “free” markets accompanied by denial and self-deception “disabled the world’s powerful nations” and produced a “second Dark Age.”   Discussed by Art H 2016.
*--Naomi Oreskes, Erik Conway.  Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.    2011.  "Merchants of Doubt should finally put to rest the question of whether the science of climate change is settled. It is, and we ignore this message at our peril."-Elizabeth Kolbert.  "Brilliantly reported and written with brutal clarity."-Huffington Post.  Film based on book 2015.
Merchants of Doubt was one of the most talked-about climate change books of recent years, for reasons easy to understand: It tells the controversial story of how a loose-knit group of high-level scientists and scientific advisers, with deep connections in politics and industry, ran effective campaigns to mislead the public and deny well-established scientific knowledge over four decades. The same individuals who claim the science of global warming is "not settled" have also denied the truth about studies linking smoking to lung cancer, coal smoke to acid rain, and CFCs to the ozone hole. "Doubt is our product," wrote one tobacco executive. These "experts" supplied it.  See Grant, Michaels, Mooney, Otto (and other books on war v. science).
--Oreskes, Science on a Mission: American Oceanography in the Cold War and Beyond (forthcoming)
Oct 11, 2011.
--Paik, Koohan and Jerry Mander.  The Superferry Chronicles: Hawaii’s Uprising against Militarism, Commercialism, and the Desecration of the Earth.  See Sanders et al.
*--Parenti, Christian.  Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence.   Nation Books, 2011.  An important book that brings together the converging disruptions of wars and warming.   The waste of public funds on illegal wars that are urgently needed to prepare for warming plus the military machine as a major contributor of CO2 must be part of any comprehensive discussion.   See Bertel, Branagan, Brown, Dyer, Paskal, Sanders.  Discussed by Dick 2016.
-- Angela Park.    Everybody’s Movement: Environmental Justice and Climate Change.   2009.
--Paskal,Cleo.  Global Warring: How Environmental, Economic, and Political Crises Will Redraw the World Map.  Palgrave, 2010.  One of the pioneering books exploring where climate change confronts national security.  See  Angus,  Bertel, Collectif, Dyer, Heinberg, Parenti, Sanders, Schell.
-- Richard Pearson. Driven to Extinction, The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity.   (2011).   See Kolbert, Pollack, Sanders, Shiva, Ward and other books.
--Pilkey and Pilkey, Sea Level Rise: A Slow Tsunami on America’s Shores.  2019.
Urgent call to move coastal cities inland. 
--Pollack,Henry.  A World Without Ice.  Penguin, 2009.    Excellent book on cause-effects: melting ice and rising seas.  Esp. read Ch. 7 for a summary of the science of climate change focused on melting ice and the consequences to all people and animals on the planet.   A good way to introduce the public to the reality of warming.   --D    See Englander,  Goodell, Jamail, Ward, Wennersten and Robbins,
Burton Richter.   Beyond Smoke and Mirrors (Art:  too scientific for some, but just right for some others).
--Pollin, Robert.  Greening the Global Economy.  MIT, 2017.   Burning fossil fuels is disastrous by every measure, which investing in efficiency and renewable energy can mitigate.
-- Eric Pooley ,  The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth 2010.    Deputy editor of Bloomberg.    "A riveting tale, the very first account of the epic American Campaign to get serious about global warming." Pres. Bill Clinton  
--Potter, Wendell.   Nation on the Take, How Big Money Corrupts Democracy and What We Can Do About It.   Bloomsbury, 2015.
--Thomas PrincenJack P. Manno, and Pamela L. Martin, eds.  Ending the Fossil Fuel Era.  MIT, 2015.  Also by Princen:  Treading Softly: Paths to Ecological Order and The Logic of Sufficiency (both also by MIT Press).
--The Progressive magazine Dec. Jan 2011.    Almost every essay and review is about “Saving the Earth”:   Barbara Kingsolver, Bill McKibben, Wendell Berry, et al.  Liberal magazines like this one—In These Times, The Nation, Z—have joined the resistance to climate catastrophe.
Purdy, Jedediah.  After Nature: A Politics for the Anthropocene.  Harvard UP, 2015.  Historical study of the idea of “Anthropocene.”  Addresses our age of “permanent crises”:  loss of species and habitats, resource depletion, drought.  Environmental reform requires political economy: how wealth is created and distributed, what freedom and equality the society produces, how well it has prepared for the future, etc.  Rev. Harper’s Magazine  (Sept. 2015).  Rev. by Katrina Forrester,  The Nation (June 6/13, 2016).  See Ian Angus, Facing the Anthropocene.
--Ray, Sarah Jaquette.  A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety.   U of California P, 2020.  See Norgaard. 
--Rich, Nathaniel.  Losing Earth: A Recent History.  FS&G, 2019.  Leaders, most of whom understood the consequences of increased CO2 and rising temperature, missed the opportunity of stop warming and climate catastrophe during the 1980s . See above Battistoni rev.  (Rev. by Dick OMNI CBF Sept. 2019 with Wallace-Wells).  
--Rifkin, Jeremy.  The Empathic Civilization.  Rev. by Amanda Gefter, “Jeremy Rifkin: The third industrial revolution,” New Scientist (Feb. 17, 2010).   “ In The Empathic Civilization, Jeremy Rifkin argues that before we can save ourselves from climate change we have to break a vicious circle and embrace a new model of society based on scientists' new understanding of human nature. I asked him how we can do it. “  MORE:   http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/culturelab/2010/02/jeremy-rifkin-the-third-industrial-revolution.html
--Rifkin, JeremyThe Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World.    Excerpt:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeremy-rifkin/the-third-industrial-revolution-_b_964049.html    Review: http://energybulletin.net/media/2011-10-11/jeremy-rifkin-third-industrial-revolution
--Roberts,Paul.  The End of Oil.  See Heinberg and others.
--Robinson, Kim Stanley.   New York 2140.   Novel about most of NYC Manhattan flooding;  favorably reviewed.
 --*Rogers, Heather.  Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution.  Scribner, 2010.    Critical author travels world investigating innovations intended to make the world more sustainable—organic gardens in N. Calif., green buildings in Germany, etc. 
--Romm, Joseph.  Hell and High Water:  The Global Warming Solution.  Harper, 2007.  In a spirit of hopefulness he describes remedies, but if we haven’t made drastic changes by 2030s, he declares, CO2 likely to be over 450ppm and climbing, and our fate out of our hands. Even though this book was published in 2007 (and therefore written in 2006), it seems up-to-date when read it in 2013, and that, his book reveals, is because a scientific consensus about warming existed by 2006. [See Rich, osing Earth: consensus at least a decade earlier. --D] The book (like so many in this list) is very clear and frequently punctuated by gong after gong of reality denied by the few but influential corporate and contrarian deniers.  –Dick
--Joseph RommClimate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know.  Oxford UP, 2015; 2nded. 2018.    For its climate change book, Oxford chose Dr. Joseph Romm, the founder of the popular blog ClimateProgress.org.”   A collection of     questions and answers that provide “the knowledge of how climate change will play out over the next quarter-century and beyond.”
--*Roston,  Eric.   The Carbon Age:  How Life's Core Element Has Become Civilization's Greatest Threat.   2008.       A history of carbon, of carbon chemistry and chemists, and of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and climate breakdown.   Packed with interesting anecdotes, interspersed with explanation of the developing science, and moments of powerful summation.   For example, this explanation of why I was uneasy about the Weather Channel’s air quality reporting never mentioning CO2:  “The invisibility of carbon dioxide emissions to the naked eye itself is part of the reason it has been so easy for deniers to confuse the public about dangerous man-made global warming for more than twenty years.”(172 in the midst of an account of Charles David Keeling’s CO2 research); and Keeling’s empirical proof of the rise of CO2:  “When Keeling’s first apparatus was set up at Mauna Loa, the reading was 313pp.  Today it has passed 383ppm….Up it goes, 2ppm a year or so, and accelerating.” 
-- Russell, Dick.  Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Men who Are Destroying Life on Earth and What It Means for Our Children.  “About the bad guys like the Koch brothers and more who are still pushing fossil fuels, know thine enemy.”  See Jason Mark, “The Climate-Wrecking Industry,” The Nation (9/24-10-1, 2018).
--Sachs, Jeffrey. Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet.  Penguin, 2008.
--Sachs, Jeffrey. The Age of Sustainable Development. 2015.

*--Margaret KleinSalamon.    The Planet Is Warming. And It's Okay to Be Afraid.  Common Dreams, Monday, July 17, 2017.  A book??
--Magaret Salamon.  “As I argued in a 2015 essay, The Transformative Power of Climate Truth, it's the job of those of us trying to protect humanity and restore a safe climate to tell the truth.”
--Saito, Kohei.  Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy.  Monthly Review P, 2017.  Uses the “major new source” of Marx’s notebooks on ecology.
--Sandel,Michael.  What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets.  Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2012.   Rev. The Humanist (July-Aug. 2012).   The US not merely has a market system, it is thoroughly, culturally a market system in which all aspects are “imperiously marketized” and commodified by the powerful interests that benefit from it.   Solution?  His Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (2009) is a “core text in liberal communitarian philosophy,” which asserts non-market values where in the public interest.    This and other critiques of free-market capitalism—esp. Magdoff and Foster-- should be part of our Forum’s effort to understand how to mitigate and adapt to climate change.  --D
--Sanders, Barry.   The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism.  AK, 2009.  “The military produces enough greenhouse gases…to place the entire globe…in the most imminent danger of extinction.”  Project Censored called the book “one of the Top Ten Censored Stories of 2009.”  He has twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and is the author of 14 books.    See Bertel, Chomsky, Lutz, Mann, Parenti, Paskal, Gar Smith. 
--Schell, Jonathan.  The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger.  GET MORE OF SCHELL’S BOOKS, see doc
--Schneider, Stephen.  Science as a Contact Sport.  Cited in Rich’s “Sources” 106

--Schwartz, Judith.  Cows Save the Planet: And Other Improbable Ways of Restoring Soil to Heal the Earth. 2013.

--Schwartz, Peter and Doug Randall.  An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security.    2003.

--Schweiger, Larry.  Last Chance: Preserving Life on Earth.  Fulcrum, 2009.   If C02 is not checked, we will create irreversible temperature increases and destruction. This book is mainly about the many sources of  reduction and extinction of many species (polar bears) and the expansion of others (pine beetles).    The causes and effects of global warming on our ecosystems, especially wildlife, are a main but not the only subject..   Proposes a plan of action for all citizens.   Schweiger is the CEO of the National Wildlife Federation.  --Dick

--Schneider, Stephen: Science as a Contact Sport:  Inside the Battle to Save the Earth’s Climate.   In the 1970’s he became editor of the new Journal Climate Change
--Scott ???
--Roger A. Sedjo Surviving Global Warming: Why Eliminating Greenhouse Gases Isn’t Enouigh.  Prometheus Books (Mar 19, 2019).  Mitigation/Adaptation.  Who said it was enough?? 
*--Seidl, Amy.  Finding Higher Ground: Adaptation in the Age of Warming.  Beacon, 2011.  An introduction for the general audience.  See Lerch, Sorenson, Wollersheim
--Shellenberger, Michael and Ted Nordhaus, Breakthrough from the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility.  Houghton, 2007.
--Shiva,Vandana..  Soil Not Oil.  Urges drastic changes in economic system esp.from corporate to small agriculture.   See McKibben.   Promotes the Universal Declaration on the Rights of the Earth. CITE HER OTHER BOOKS
--Siegel, Charles.Unplanning: Livable Cities and Political Choices.    "Unplanning is a wonderful read!   It is beautifully written, it takes up extremely important and timely topics, and it offers a new and concrete approach to democracy and sustainability. . . . it should be read by every environmentalist." Prof. Charles Derber, author of Greed to Greed
Sitaraman,Ganesh.  The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic.  Knopf, 2017.   I have not read the book, but it might well apply to the worsening of wealth and class gaps on account of the enormous financial expenditures for ceaseless war and increasingly to counteract warming’s consequences.   –Dick                 
--Skrimshire, Stefan, ed.  Future Ethics: Climate Change and Apocalyptic Imagination.  Continuum, 2011.   (See Greenberg below.)
--Smith, Alex.  Eco-Shock.   ??   Not a book.  See Radio Ecoshock.
--Smith, Gar.  The War and Environment Reader.  Just World Books, 2017.  256pp.  Very few books even partly examine the damage military violence inflicts on regional and global ecosystems.  This book analyzes the devastating consequences of  “war on the environment,” with perspectives drawn from a wide array of diverse voices and global perspectives. See Chomsky, Nuclear War and Environmental Catastrophe.  2013.
--Smith, John.  Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis.     See Del Weston, Magdoff and Williams,.  
--Smith, Richard.  Green Capitalism: The God That Failed.  World Economics Association, 2016.      A stringent appraisal of US capitalism.   See Angus; Chomsky, Profit Over People; Nichols and McChesney, Dollarocracy; Magdoff and Williams; Monbiot, Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality,   See doc on author.
*--Solnit,     Paradise Built in Hell.  July 1, 2018, Joanna Pollack.
--Sorensen,Eric.  Seven Wonders for a Cool Planet: Everyday Things to Help Stop Global Warming.  Sightline, 2008.    “ Each wonder is profiled in a short, lively chapter that is also a springboard for exploring the key issues behind global warming and how to design sustainability into the very heart of our lives, communities, and economies.” Here’s a quick summary:  The Bicycle, Condom, Ceiling Fan, Clothesline, Tomato, Library Book, Microchip.
--Specter, Michael.  Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives.  Penguin, 2009.  See:          See also Russell on all those who know the truth of warming but for personal profit do nothing or oppose those who do.  --D
--*Speth, James G.  The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability.  Yale UP, 2008.   Important for grappling with capitalism as a major cause of warming and hindrance to change.  Speth inventories evidence by 2008 that US “faces a future of catastrophes, breakdowns, and collapses.”  I recall Art saying this is excellent.  It explains why capitalism is a root cause of climate collapse.  “It was in the twentieth century, and especially since World War II, that human society truly left the moorings of its past and launched itself on the planet with unprecedented force..”       See Shiva and many of these books.   See: Angus, Magdoff, Rifkin, Shiva, M. Wood  –D
--Squarzoni, Philippe. Climate Changed. 2014
--Stager, Curt.  Deep Future: The Next 100,000 Years of Life on Earth.  St. Martin’s, 2011.  Dick:   A bizarre vision at points; e.g. pointing out good news that the coal we save now will decrease the much worse ice age to come.  He gives the LONG view.  --D
-- Will Steffen,  et al. 2004.  Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet under Pressure.    “. . .the Earth System is now in a no-analogue situation, best referred to as a new era in the geological history of Earth, the Anthropocene” (81).  See: Angus.
--Stein, Lord.  Why Are We Waiting?  The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change.  MIT P, 2015.  Explains why it has been so difficult to tackle climate change effectively, by perhaps UK’s most distinguished climatologist.  
--Ted Steinberg. Down to Earth: Nature's Role in American History. 
--Sandra Steingraber. 2017. Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis
--Leah C. Stokes.   Short Circuiting Policy: Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy Laws and Climate Policy in the ...   https://www.leahstokes.com › research

 --Streek.  How Will Capitalism End?   2016.
--Edward Struzik  Firestorm: How Wildfire Will Shape Our Future. See other books on fires (Gary Ferguson, Michael Kodas) and on rising seas (Jeff Goodell). 2016.
 --Thiele, Leslie Paul.  Indra’s Net and the Midas Touch: Living Sustainably in a Connected World.  MIT, 2011.   Explores unintended consequences in an interdependent world and opportunities for creativity and community.
--Thomas, William.   Scorched Earth.    1994.  Film Eco War.  Both emerged from his 5 months during the Gulf War as part of the ad hoc Gulf Environmental Emergency Response Team.  See his essay “Kuwait: The War that Wounded the World” in Gar Smith The War and Environment Reader.  In this book see Part II: Terracide—The War on Nature.”  In this biblio. see book on war and warming.
--Tokar, Brian.  Toward Climate Justice: Perspectives on the Climate Crisis and Social Change.  Communalism P, 2010.   Rev. Z Magazine (May 2011).   Review struggles with Tokar’s struggle to tell the truth, the scientific consensus about warming and the catastrophes coming, yet to offer hope for a transition toward a more harmonious, more humane, and ecological way of life.   This is the struggle of most of these book.
--Transition Network.    Transition 2.0
In Transition 2.0 is an immersion into the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary …    view title info.   See Orlov.
Assuming there are survivors, what will human society look like following the crises ensuing from climate change and the end of fossil fuels and capitalism? David Fleming’s Surviving the Future and John Michael Greer’s The Ecotechnic Future offer useful thoughts in this regard
--Tumber,Catherine.  Small, Gritty, and Green: The Promise of America’s Smaller Industrial Cities in a Low-Carbon World.  MIT, 2011.  How small to midsize Rust Belt cities can play a crucial role in forging a sustainable, relocalized future.  Other books on contraction to local and smaller:    Heinberg, McKibben, Seidl.
David Victor, --Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet,    Cambridge University Press;  2011.  392 pages     
Global warming is one of today's greatest challenges. The science of climate change leaves no doubt that policies to cut emissions are overdue. Yet, after twenty years of international talks and treaties, the world is now in gridlock about how best to do this. David Victor argues that such gridlock has arisen because international talks have drifted away from the reality of what countries are willing and able to implement at home. Most of the lessons that policy makers have drawn from the history of other international environmental problems won't actually work on the problem of global warming. Victor argues that a radical rethinking of global warming policy is required and shows how to make international law on global warming more effective. This book provides a roadmap to a lower carbon future based on encouraging bottom-up initiatives at national, regional and global levels, leveraging national self-interest rather than wishful thinking.
--Volk, Tyler.  CO2 Rising: The World’s Greatest Environmental Challenge.   MIT P, 2009. 
--Vollmann, William.  Carbon Ideologies.  Praised by Wallace-Wells 55.
--Wagner and Weitzman.    Climate Shock.  2015.   On economics of cc.  Publisher’s summary: In Climate Shock, Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman explore in lively, clear terms the likely repercussions of a hotter planet, drawing on and expanding from work previously unavailable to general audiences. They show that the longer we wait to act, the more likely an extreme event will happen. A city might go underwater. A rogue nation might shoot particles into the Earth's atmosphere, geoengineering cooler temperatures. Zeroing in on the unknown extreme risks that may yet dwarf all else, the authors look at how economic forces that make sensible climate policies difficult to enact, make radical would-be fixes like geoengineering all the more probable. What we know about climate change is alarming enough. What we don't know about the extreme risks could be far more dangerous. Wagner and Weitzman help readers understand that we need to think about climate change in the same way that we think about insurance--as a risk management problem, only here on a global scale.  Demonstrating that climate change can and should be dealt with--and what could happen if we don't do so--Climate Shock tackles the defining environmental and public policy issue of our time.  Gernot Wagner is lead senior economist at the Environmental Defense Fund. He is the author of But Will the Planet Notice? (Hill & Wang).  Martin L. Weitzman is professor of economics at Harvard University. His books include Income, Wealth, and the Maximum Principle. For more, see www.gwagner.com and scholar.harvard.edu/weitzman.

-- Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann .  Climate Leviathan. A POLITICAL THEORY OF OUR PLANETARY FUTURE


Category: Politics | Business
224 Pages.  “ Despite the science and the summits, leading capitalist states have not achieved anything close to an adequate level of carbon mitigation. There is now simply no way to prevent the planet breaching the threshold of two degrees Celsius set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. . . . . The result will be a capitalist planetary sovereignty, a terrifying eventuality that makes the construction of viable, radical alternatives truly imperative.”   How climate change will affect our political theory—for better and worse

Despite the science and the summits, leading capitalist states have not achieved anything close to an adequate level of carbon mitigation. There is now simply no way to prevent the planet breaching the threshold of two degrees Celsius set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What are the likely political and economic outcomes of this? Where is the overheating world heading?

To further the struggle for climate justice, we need to have some idea how the existing global order is likely to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Climate Leviathan provides a radical way of thinking about the intensifying challenges to the global order. Drawing on a wide range of political thought, Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann argue that rapid climate change will transform the world’s political economy and the fundamental political arrangements most people take for granted. The result will be a capitalist planetary sovereignty, a terrifying eventuality that makes the construction of viable, radical alternatives truly imperative.
How climate change will affect our political theory—for better and worse

Despite the science and the summits, leading capitalist states have not achieved anything close to an adequate level of carbon mitigation. There is now simply no way to prevent the planet breaching the threshold of two degrees Celsius set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. What are the likely political and economic outcomes of this? Where is the overheating world heading?

To further the struggle for climate justice, we need to have some idea how the existing global order is likely to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Climate Leviathan provides a radical way of thinking about the intensifying challenges to the global order. Drawing on a wide range of political thought, Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann argue that rapid climate change will transform the world’s political economy and the fundamental political arrangements most people take for granted. The result will be a capitalist planetary sovereignty, a terrifying eventuality that makes the construction of viable, radical alternatives truly imperative.

For more see my Climate Change Newsletters.

--Wall,Derek.The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics.

--David Wallace-Wells. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming.  2019.  See above rev. by Battastoni (and on Rich).   Rev. by Dick OMNI CBF September 2019.
Wallace-Wells, David.  PBS video interview of author.  Excellent.
--Wallerstein,Immanuel.  The Human Costs of Economic Growth.  Monthly Review,     See his Structural Crisis in the World System. See Heinberg, The End of Growth.
--Wallis,  Victor.  Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism.  Political Animal, 2018.  Noticed briefly in MR 9-18, which promised a review.  See other books on ecosolism:
--Wapner, Paul.   Living Through the End of Nature:  The Future of American Environmentalism.  MIT P, 2010.  What nature means and other themes bearing on the choices ahead of us.  
--Ward, Peter.  Global Warming, the Mass Extinction of the Past, and What They Can Tell Us About Our Future.   2007.  See Kolbert on extinctions.  See review by Cokinus in Orion (2007), “Under a Green Sky.”
--*Ward,Peter.  The Flooded Earth; Our Future in a World without Ice Caps.   2010.  Rising seas, hungry millions, flooded cities—he describes a fearful future, if we do not act at once.  (Barbara Fitzpatrick reviewed this book.).  See Goodell, Pollack.
--Watson, Julia.  Low-Tech Design by Radical Indigenism (?)
--Spencer Weart, The Discovery of Global Warming.  2008.   Award-winning book Revised and Expanded Edition.   In 2001 an international panel of distinguished climate scientists announced that the world was warming at a rate without precedent during at least the last ten millennia, and that warming was caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases from human activity. The story of how scientists reached that conclusion—by way of unexpected twists and turns—was the story Spencer Weart told in The Discovery of Global Warming. Now he brings his award-winning account up to date, revised throughout to reflect the latest science and with a new conclusion that shows how the scientific consensus caught fire among the general world public, and how a new understanding of the human meaning of climate change spurred individuals and governments to action.
--*Weisman, Alan.  Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?  Little, Brown, 2013.  Excellent book on how the earth could withstand warming “if relieved of humanity’s constant pressures.”
--Wessels, Tom.  The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future.  UP of NE, 2006.
--Weston, Del. The Political Economy of Global Warming: The Terminal Crisis.  Routledge, 2014.   Publisher:  “Global warming is too often seen as an isolated problem rather than one of a suite of exceptional, converging and accelerating crises arising from the global capitalist political economy.”  Rev. Clausen and Foster, “The Need for Ecological Restoration,” Monthly Review (Sept. 2017): Westin combines “political-economic and ecological inquiry with a vision of a future society based on equality and justice” (3 chaps. presenting 7 principles).   Other topics: “metabolic rift” between humans and nature that must and can be healed. 
--Williams, Chris.  Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis.  Haymarket, 2010.    (See:  Williams, Weston, Wallerstein (growth), Speth, Magdoff, Magdoff and Williams, Harvey, Foster, Dyer, Clapp)
--Wilson, E. O.  Anthill, a Novel.  Norton, 2010.  Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer weaves together the viewpoints of ants, developers, and environmentalists through the story of  young boy from Alabama who tries to save his beloved forest.
-- Lawrence Wollersheim.  Climageddon:  The Global Warming Emergency and How to Survive It.   Job One, 2016. Publisher:  “A new disruptive look on what is “known” about global warming & how best to fix it.  Stunning graphics & new prediction model.  A must read to survive.”    (Job One for Humanity: End Global Warming.)
--Mary Christina Wood.  Nature's Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age.   2013.  For more see Commons, Climate Law doc.  (Other books on climate and law:  Gerrard,
--Donald WorsterNature's Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas (Studies in... 
--Okbazghi Yohannes.   The Biofuels Deception: Going Hungry on the Green Carbon Diet.  Monthly R, 2018.
--Zimmerer,  Prof. Dr. Jürgen uergen.zimmerer@uni-hamburg.de
Climate Change and Genocide: Environmental Violence in the 21st Century. 2017.  “Climate change, environmental violence and genocide”  http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13642987.2014.914701 (free download).
It serves as an introduction to the book which I edited and which assembles both genocide scholars and climate scientists.

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