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Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology
(#1 July 11, 2013; #2 July 11, 2014)

What’s at stake:  Stopping and reversing population growth and, in wealthy countries, consumption before the human civilization is destroyed by all the consequences of rising CO2 and temperature.


My blog:
War Department/Peace Department

Contents World Population DAY Newsletter, July 11, 2014 at End

Contents UN World Population DAY Newsletter #3, July 11, 2015
Dr. Earl Babbie, “Situation Critical: Must Address Population Growth” (7-9-15)
UN World Population DAY 2015
UN Population Fund 2015
UN World Health Organization (WHO) 2015
International Planned Parenthood Federation 2015
Population ConnectionMagazine, June 2015
Dick’s Analysis of Chapter 9 on the Philippines in Alan Weisman’s Countdown
George Monbiot, Emphasis on Consumption
Contact President Obama

Dr. Earl Babbie, “Situation Critical: Must Address Population Growth.”  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Guest Writer, 7-9-15), p. 7B.  Babbie, Campbell professor emeritus at Chapman Univ. in Orange, CA,  lives in Hot Springs Village.
“Two recent simultaneous news stories highlight perhaps the most serious problem we face in the world today:  the denial of population as the chief cause or amplifier of the many problems that are spoken of more often.”

UNITED NATIONS World Population Day 2015, Google Search, July 7, 2015

1.   World Population Day | UNFPA - United Nations Population ...

United Nations Population Fund
In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended that 11 July be observed by the ... The theme of this year's World Population Day is Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies. ... 11 July 2015.

2.   Messages for World Population Day - the United Nations

United Nations
World Population Day is an opportunity to renew our commitment to help ... recommends youth-focused goals and targets in the post-2015 development vision.

3.   World Population Day: 11 July 2015 | Greening the Blue

www.greeningtheblue.org › Events
World Population Day: 11 July 2015. Date: Sat 11/07/15. Related Organisation/Agency: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The tremendous interest ...

4.   World Population Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Population Day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to ... The event was established by the Governing Council of the United NationsDevelopment .... This page was last modified on 20 April 2015, at 16:28.

5.   World Population Day 2015 - Date, History, Themes, Quotes ...

World Population Day 2015 would be celebrated all over the world by the ... by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

o    World Population Day | Global Dimension Globaldimension.org.uk/calendar/event/7363

World Population Day. 11 Jul 2015. 11 July every year: A time to reflect on population trends and related issues. UNFPA - UN Population Fund logo An annual ...

6.   World Population Day 2015 and 2016

World Population day was established in 1989 by the UNDP, which stands for theUnited Nations Development Programme. World Population Day was inspired ...

7.   Do One Thing - World Population Day - July 11

Now, every July 11 is celebrated as World Population Day, to highlight the ... TheUnited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) partners with governments and ... health by2015, promote gender equality and end discrimination against women.

8.   World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015 ...

World population live counter with data sheets, graphs, maps, and census data regarding ... According to the United Nations, world population reached 7 Billion on ... figure was reached on October 12, 1999 (celebrated as the Day of 6 Billion).

UN WORLD POPULATION FUND,Google Search, July 7, 2015

·  World Population Day | UNFPA - United Nations Population ...

United Nations Population Fund
The theme of this year's World Population Day is Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies. ... United Nations Population Fund. English · Español ... 11 July 2015.

·  UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund

www.unfpa.org/  United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Population Fund ... UNFPA: Delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every ... 25 June 2015. Shortage in ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 10/14/14

·  Population and sustainable development in the Post-2015 ...

www.unfpa.org/.../population-and-sustai...  United Nations Population Fund
The Outcome Report of the Global Consultation on Population Dynamics and the Post-2015 Development Agenda makes the ... United Nations Population Fund.

·  United Nations Population Division | Department of ...

Forthcoming release of World Population Prospects: 2015 Revision · Concise Report: Integrating population issues into sustainable development · Adolescents ...

·  POPIN >> United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the world's largest international ... Universal access to reproductive health services by 2015; Universal primary ...

·  United Nations Population Fund - Wikipedia, the free ...

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly the United Nations Fund ... gap in education by 2015; Reducing maternal mortality by 75 per cent by 2015 ... UNFPA is the world's largest multilateral source of funding for population and ...

·  United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) | European Year ...

europa.eu › EYD 2015 › Partners  Europa
Mar 2, 2015 - UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is ... by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on 04/03/2015.

·  UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund | UNifeed

9 Apr 2015 | Read More » ... UN / STATE OF WORLD POPULATION ... The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – in its State of the World Population ...

·  United Nations Population Fund - PreventionWeb

www.preventionweb.net › ... › Organization Contacts
Statements. United Nations Population Fund: Statement made at the Third UN WorldConference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)2015, UNFPA.

·  UN Population Fund | ReliefWeb

job — Closing date: 17 Jul 2015  UN Population Fund ... source for reliable and timely humanitarian information on global crises and disasters since 1996.


1.   WHO | Family planning

World Health Organization
Family planning: WHO health topic page on family planning provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, publications, statistics, news, multimedia and ...

2.   Family planning / contraception - World Health Organization

www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/.../en/  World Health Organization
Fact sheet on family planning providing key facts and information on benefits offamily planning, who provides family planning, contraceptive use, unmet need, ...

3.   Unmet need for family planning - World Health Organization

www.who.int/reproductivehealth/.../family_pl...  World Health Organization
Women with unmet need are those who are fecund and sexually active but are not using any method of contraception, and report not wanting any more children ...

4.   WHO | A guide to family planning for community health ...

World Health Organization, Department of Reproductive Health and Research ... This flip-chart is a tool to use during family planning counselling or in group ...

5.   Sexual and reproductive health - World Health Organization

www.who.int/reproductivehealth/  World Health Organization
WHO and partners programmes UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, and the WorldBank ... Scaling up what works in family planning/reproductive health ...

6.   WHO issues new guidance on how to provide contraceptive

www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/.../en...  World Health Organization
Mar 6, 2014 - The 2012 London Summit on Family Planning committed to extend family ... “Global targets are stimulating much needed action to increase ...

7.   Family planning and the post-2015 development agenda

World Health Organization
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2014;92:548-548A. doi: ... In 2010, a summary of the evidence showed family planning's connection to all eight ... TheUnited Nations has estimated that, for “every dollar spent in family planning, ...

8.   Family planning

www.who.int/reproductivehealth/.../family_pl...  World Health Organization
Family planning: a global handbook for providers ... Recommendations for a publichealth approach ... A couple in India, receives family planning counselling.

9.   Family planning | UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund

United Nations Population Fund
Access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right. ... reliable supply of quality contraceptives; strengthening national health systems; and gathering ... UNFPA also provides global leadership in increasing access to family planning, by ...

10.                World Health Organization - London Summit on Family ...

Mar 23, 2015 - Nigeria: Ogun Inaugurates Group on Family Planning Advocacy. DateDecember ... The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible ...

International Planned Parenthood Federation 2015, Google Search, July 7, 2015

1.   Post-2015 made simple - International Planned Parenthood ...

www.ippf.org › Resource
Post-2015 made simple: Shaping the future of sexual and reproductive health and rights. English, Français ... International Planned Parenthood Federation.

2.   International Planned Parenthood Federation: Home

IPPF works in 170 countries to empower the most vulnerable women, men and young people to access life-saving services and ... IPPF HIV Update - June 2015.

3.   IPPF Strategic Framework: 2005 - 2015 - International ...

www.ippf.org › Resource
The product of a Federation-wide consensus, this framework brings together the ideas and experience of IPPF Member Associations, senior volunteers, ...

4.   News - International Planned Parenthood Federation

15 June 2015. IPPF solidifies partnership with Kansai Paint to tackle mosquito-borne ... Nepal Member Association awarded for contributions to Sexual and ...

5.   International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region ...

The International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR) is the leading ... speaking at the stakeholder's dialogue on SRHR policies post-2015.

6.   Blog | International Planned Parenthood Federation ...

Celebrating IDAHOT 2015. May 15, 2015. IPPF/WHR is celebrating International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT) today, May ...

7.   Strategic Plan 2010-2015 | International Planned ...

This publication outlines the historical framework and future vision of IPPF/WHR. Our five-year strategic focus on ensuring universal access to sexual and ...

8.   International Planned Parenthood Federation | ReliefWeb

20 entries found. 28 Apr 2015 description. icon ... report — International Planned Parenthood Federation. April 28, 2015: ... 18 Mar 2015 description. icon. World.

9.   IPPF East and South East Asia and Oceania: International ...

IPPF and AFPPD Launch Parliamentarians Training Project at International ... Applications to be submitted by 10 July 2015 to: The Regional Director, IPPF ...

10.                Barometer 2015 - Women's access to modern ... - IPPF

Mar 24, 2015 - A new 'Barometer' report launched by IPPF EN on 24 March 2015analyses how easily women in 16 EU countries can access modern ...

Searches related to International Planned Parenthood Federation 2015

Latest No. of Population Connection (June 2015).  (--Dick)
If you are associated with a college campus and you want to help stop population growth, contact Lee Polansky at lee@popconnect.org or call (202) 974-7702 for a free presenter from PC.
President’s Note:  “According to the UN medium-fertility projection, world population will increase by 3.5 billion by 2100.  The poorest, most rapidly growing nations will make up 100 percent of the global net increase.  As their rising fossil fuel emissions approach even a modest fraction of ours, the impact will be catastrophic.  We cannot save the planet by dooming millions to permanent poverty.  Instead, we must invest in…voluntary contraception and smaller families.”
Contraception in the News (6 reports)
First report:  “All Birth Control Methods Required to Be Covered without Copay Under Affordable Care Act”
Emphasis on WATER
Editor’s Note:  “As California’s population grows, its per capita water availability shrinks.  As the world populations grow, more people depend on California’s agricultural products.  A combination of more efficient irrigation techniques and global population stabilization is the only long-term solution for the future….”
“The United Nations World Water Development Report 2015: Water for a Sustainable World.”  Excellent 2pp. graphic display of UNESCO’s The United Nations World Water Development Report 2015.
Michael Specter, “A Thirsty, Violent World.”
“Feeding a planet with nine billion residents will require at least fifty percent more water in 2050 than we use today….water wars are on the horizon.”
Matt Weiser and Phillip Reese, “[California] State’s Population Growth Expected to Outstrip Water Conservation in Coming Years.”
 Adam Nagourney, et al.  “California Drought Tests History of Endless Growth.”  Orig. pub. NYT (April 4, 2015).    “A punishing drought is forcing a reconsideration of whether the aspiration of untrammeled growth that has for so long been the state’s engine has run against the limits of nature.” 

      This chapter epitomizes the comprehensive brilliance of the book as a whole, its grasp of the macrocosm in the microcosm, yet it is short.   For example, the story of a family planning nurse in Manila expands into an explanation of why stopping population growth is inseparable from stopping or adapting to the rising ocean, and how both arise from Catholic anti-planned parenthood policies.  And that is only the beginning.
     To make his case interesting he has arranged his stories, histories, and stats in unexpected turns and juxtapositions, small and large, present and past (Weisman opens with a recent typhoon that floods Manila and with a male nurse, Roland, who helps poor women, and he places this now in the then of the Spanish-American War).  For simple clarity, I will recast the chapter into rough chronological order (Weisman does not date everything).
1898 The three-year Spanish American War “killing at least a quarter-million Filipinos [out of 7 million] who objected to becoming U.S. colonials” (and the war is compared to the Vietnam War).  Despite the slaughter, the population quintupled to 100 million, while rest of planet quadrupled.   Why? Because the church in “the most Catholic country in Asia” with its strict prohibitions of contraception, never surrendered during or after the occupation.   In two pages: weather, obstructions to family planning, two wars and occupations, religion triumphant leading to  egregious population growth and poverty.
Overthrow of dictator Ferdinand Marcos  by Cory Aquino,  devoted follower of the Church, who became President.
2000?Roland, trained as family planning nurse in Catholic Manila.
2010-  New president Benigno Aquino III, son of Cory, favored reproductive health through affirmative national government (including free contraception, maternity care for the poor).  Benigno was thwarted in all efforts to pass bills.
As population zoomed, people became the Philippines’ chief export.  A nurse makes more in a day in the wealthy ME countries than made in a month back home.  Two million Filipinos went to the ME. 
Roland working in a charitable obstetrics and gynecological clinic in an extremely poor and diseased municipality near Manila   where contraceptives were legal.  Though the nation had no family planning some municipalities did.  There he learned about abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol (expensive) and vacuum aspiration (sure and cheaper).  For devout Roland, the needs of the poorest of the poor—750,000 illegal, dangerous abortions in the Philippines--trumped church doctrine (vivid two pages).

That was Section i.  Section ii is about family planning around the coasts of the Philippines.
2004- Western countries and foundations help financially.  The PATH Foundation came with enough pills for all women who wanted them.  An employee:  “Population goes up, resources come down.”
2008Integrated Population and Coastal Resource Management ended.  It had helped hold down population that had grown beyond the capacity to feed all.  “The country’s richest seas were being devoured, and among the imperiled species was the one doing the devouring” (helped with cyanide and dynamite).
2010continued.  Population growing, fish decreasing.  But family planning coming in with pills, condoms, shots, without which the families would have 8 to 11 children.  Localities continued after departure of the foundations.

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 07:54 AM PDT
By George Monbiot, published on the Guardian's website, 12th April 2013

Every society has topics it does not discuss. These are the issues which challenge its comfortable assumptions. They are the ones that remind us of mortality, which threaten the continuity we anticipate, which expose our various beliefs as irreconcilable.

Among them are the facts which sink the cosy assertion, that (in David Cameron's words) "there need not be a tension between green and growth."

At a reception in London recently I met an extremely rich woman, who lives, as most people with similar levels of wealth do, in an almost comically unsustainable fashion: jetting between various homes and resorts in one long turbo-charged holiday. When I told her what I did, she responded, "oh I agree, the environment is so important. I'm crazy about recycling." But the real problem, she explained, was "people breeding too much".

I agreed that population is an element of the problem, but argued that consumption is rising much faster and - unlike the growth in the number of people - is showing no signs of levelling off. She found this notion deeply offensive: I mean the notion that human population growth is slowing. When I told her that birth rates are dropping almost everywhere, and that the world is undergoing a slow demographic transition, she disagreed violently: she has seen, on her endless travels, how many children "all those people have".

As so many in her position do, she was using population as a means of disavowing her own impacts. The issue allowed her to transfer responsibility to other people: people at the opposite end of the economic spectrum. It allowed her to pretend that her shopping and flying and endless refurbishments of multiple homes are not a problem. Recycling and population: these are the amulets people clasp in order not to see the clash between protecting the environment and rising consumption.  For more:  The Great Unmentionable

Monbiot’s article appeared earlier in
OMNI 350PPM edited by Robert McAfee, robertjmca1@gmail.com  
Omni350 logo 
WHY 350? Our Newsletter, 350PPM (parts per million concentration of carbon dioxice in the Earth's atmosphere) seeks to educate the public about the impending crisis of global warming and climate change. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions and return the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere to no more than 350 parts per million. It is only at these levels or below that the climate and environmental systems of the earth as we know them can be maintained. As a point of reference it was 1988 when the earth's atmosphere contained 350 PPM of CO2.

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Contents UN World Population DAY, #2, July 11, 2014
UN World Population DAY 2014
UN Pop Quiz for WPD
Population Connection (formerly ZPG)
UNHCR 2014, Refugees
World Population DAY Google Search, July 10, 2014

Contact President Obama
Contents of Newsletter 2013


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