TWENTY FEATURES, MECHANISMS, LIABILITIES of US CAPITALISM versus ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE, AND CORRECTIVES, REMEDIES. A Topical Guide to Breaking the Chains of Capitalism That Are Destroying the Climate. By Dick Bennett
Klein, No Is Not Enough. “…the culture of maximum extraction, of endless grabbing and disposing, has reached some kind of breaking point. Clearly, it is the culture itself that must be confronted now, and not policy by policy, but at the root” (262).
Klein, This Changes Everything. “The “real reason we are failing to rise to the climate moment is because the actions required directly challenge our reigning economic paradigm. Only when we identify these chains do we have a chance of breaking free” (63).
What are the features of capitalism? Here are twenty:
Human Domination, Alienation from Nature, Depreciation of Nature,
Resulting in Exploitation by Market System
Resulting in Exploitation by Market System
Capital accumulation, Drive for personal profit, need for continuous growth
Commodification, turning everything into a product for sale
Growth essential to profit, exceeding natural boundaries, exhausting
Over-Consumption in developed countries
Monopoly, Consolidation, Purchase of or Merger with Competitors
Massive Criminal Corporations: Wells Fargo, Johnson & Johnson….
Instability of Market System
Advertising, Inducing Consumption, Creating Needs
Hostility to the Commons, reduction of social safety net
Hostility to Organized Workers, Unions
Work Precariousness, Danger
Hostility to Government Oversight
Hostility to Taxes
Inequality in 2016 of 1%/99%
GDP as Measurement of Economic Success
WARS and imperialism for resources, space
WASTE (see Advertising)
Absence of Left
Human Domination, Estrangement, Alienation from Nature, Depreciation of Nature, Exploitation by Market System liabilities: Human Ecocide against commons of water, air, flora, fauna, leading to self-destruction
Climate: Drive for profit led to extraction from commons until CO2, warming, weather extremes, extinctions
Alternative: Attitude of equality of human, other species, air, soil; rejection of commodification as source of value,
Capital Accumulation, Drive for personal profit, need for continuous growth
Liabilities: inequality, poverty, accentuation of class gaps; as illust. by the 6th Extinction, capital accumulation destroys itself
Relevance to climate catastrophe: unequal economic adaptation to cc, particular vulnerability of the poor to cc consequences
Alternative: labor theory of value, altruism, equality, cooperation, welfare of all
Liabilities: turning all the earth’s resources into capital even though they are finite; selfishness, gluttony, competitiveness, shortsightedness, using up
resources as fast as possible for growth and profit
resources as fast as possible for growth and profit
Climate catastrophe: disastrous pillage of the planet
Alternative: generosity, cooperation, long-range planning, affirmative government
Liabilities: exceeding the planetary boundaries, exhaustion of resources, 6th Great Extinction
Climate catastrophe: all other causes are exacerbated by endless growth
Alternative: Quality of Life not GDP as measure of success, Why the GDP Is Not A Good Measure of A Nation's Well Being ...
Liabilities: consumption as end itself, acquire even what you don’t need, individual obesity, diabetes;
Climate catastrophe: exhaustion of resources, carnivorism major cause of methane
Alternative: Radically reduce-reuse-recycle. Film, Downsizing by Alexander Payne. Vegetarianism, Veganism.
Monopoly, Consolidation, Purchase of or Merger with Competitors
Liabilities: Ceaseless efforts to eliminate competition, monopoly goal to
ensure profit. NADG (9-13-16). “Merger to Create Largest Fertilizer Firm.”
“Horizon Will buy Drugmaker for $80M.”
ensure profit. NADG (9-13-16). “Merger to Create Largest Fertilizer Firm.”
“Horizon Will buy Drugmaker for $80M.”
Climate Catastrophe: minimizing, marginalizing public influence in economic system, prices, quality
Alternative or corrective: strict anti-trust laws and enforcement; cooperation, co-ops, worker ownership
Massive Criminal Corporations
Liabilities: Too big to fail or prosecute and the public to pay; e.g., Exxon denial of climate change
Climate Catastrophe: destruction of the planet
Alternative, Corrective: Seize their assets to fund reduction of carbon emissions
Instability of Market System
Liabilities: Boom leading by overproduction to Bust, businesses destroyed, enormous economic and human waste, periodic crises encouraged by advertisement of over-accumulation compelling investors to seek foreign markets (excellent one-paragraph summary of Boom and Bust inCreating an Ecological Society p. 339 footnote #9).
Climate Catastrophe: Periodic implosion of people’s savings and investments
when money needed for mitigation and adaptation
when money needed for mitigation and adaptation
Alternative: cooperatives, close government watch of Wall Street
Advertising, Inducing Consumption, Creating Needs,
Liabilities: culture of deception, society of deceit, persistent subversion
of truth and trust: (Valera promoting its “clean” gasoline)
Liabilities: culture of deception, society of deceit, persistent subversion
of truth and trust: (Valera promoting its “clean” gasoline)
Climate catastrophe: chief mechanism of exhaustion of resources by consumption
Alternative: strict government oversight of lying about products, critical
thinking education K-12.
thinking education K-12.
Hostility to the Commons
Liabilities: If there is to be profit, the commons should be unregulated: government protections of the public’s land should be minimal, and therefore
growth, commodification, consumption, capital accumulation, monopoly should be free of hindrances.
Climate Catastrophe: The Commons is a bulwark against commercial exploitation and therefore of warming; for example the national forests. The Resilient Federal forests Act of 2017 backed by the timber industry would eliminate thorough assessments of deforestation, reduce management requirements, would fast-track more cuttings, limit judicial restraining orders, and more.
Alternative: Preservation and expansion all public ownership (parks, monuments, etc.).
Hostility to Organized Workers, Unions
Liabilities: Workers’ solidarity interferes with owner profit, capital accumulation, monopoly.
Climate Catastrophe: Unions are another bulwark against unregulated owners who would trash workers and nature and the planet.
Work Precariousness, Danger:
Liabilities: The casualisation of work is no aberration of capitalism. It is the logical outcome of a system based on profit.
Liabilities: The casualisation of work is no aberration of capitalism. It is the logical outcome of a system based on profit.
Climate Change; Injury at work will increase as money decreases for regulation and oversight decrease on account of wars and warming.
Alternatives: Fully active OSHA
Hostility to Government Oversight
Liabilities: abandonment of affirmative government, the only power strong enough to control corporate abuses
Climate Catastrophe: dismantling of government regulatory agencies intended to assist and protect the people (Nader’s Unsafe at Any Speed)
Alternative: return to concept of affirmative government of, by, and for the p eople
Hostility to Taxes
Liabilities: enfeebling even elimination of the institutions of civilization in health, education, and so on, that require financial support
Climate Catastrophe: all estimates of what will be needed for mitigation and adaptation reach trillions of dollars
Alternative: a just tax system that minimizes gaps between the rich and the poor (definition of just is fair)
INEQUALITY inevitably large gaps between rich an poor
GDP as Measurement of Economic Success
Liabilities: gives false assessment of real needs of society
Climate catastrophe: GDP measurement encourages growth
Alternative: Quality of Life as measure of national success
Liabilities: ecocide/ecological warfare, extractionism rampant, enormous waste of nations’ resources and treasuries; incalculable suffering by death and relocation of all species,
Climate Catastrophe: resource wars destroy entire nations; e.g. Syria 2016, incalculable cost of restoration
Alternative: conversion of military to civilian needs, abolition of nuclear weapons, prosecution of all war criminals or at the least public confession.
WASTE (see Advertising)
Liabilities: “…today’s monopoly-finance capitalism is a system built on waste. The larger part of production is squandered on negative (or specifically capitalist) use values, in such forms as military spending; marketing expenditures; and the inefficiencies, including planned obsolescence, built into every product.”
Climate Catastrophe: production and consumption of useless commodities increase CO2.
Alternative: Because marketing induces people to buy things they would not otherwise purchase, here’s where we can cut without decreasing the quality of life.
Liabilities: Today, global sales account for half the revenue of the S&P 500. Consequently, the consuming public is not the highest priority it was following WWII.
Climate Catastrophe:
Liabilities: Early in the last century a genuine socialist movement awakened the populace to democratic, equalitarian reforms. Today, the plutocrats have little to fear from an organized opponent.
Climate Catastrophe:
Fran Alexander, “This Land Is Whose Land?” NADG (June 20, 2017).
Ian Angus, Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the
Earth System
Earth System
Katherine Chiglinsky, et al. “Boeing Uses Shares to Cut Pension Deficit.”
(Bloomberg News). NADG (9-16-17).
(Bloomberg News). NADG (9-16-17).
Ashley Dawson, Extinction: A Radical History. 2017.
Foster, John Bellamy. “The Long Ecological Revolution.” Monthly Review (Nov. 2017). Pp. 12-13 on waste.
Isbister, John. Capitalism and Justice: Envisioning Social and Economic Fairness. Kumarian, 2001.
Konczal, Mike. “Monopolized.” The Nation (June 6/13, 2017).
Lockwood, Frank. “Westerman Pushes Bill to Grease Wheels on Cutting in
Forests.” NADG (June 22, 2017). The Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017
proposed by Arkansas’ Rep. Bruce Westerman.
Forests.” NADG (June 22, 2017). The Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2017
proposed by Arkansas’ Rep. Bruce Westerman.
Marx, Karl. Capital.
Marxist Student Federation by Marxist Student (April 29, 2019).
Michael Lowy, Ecosocialism: A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe.
Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams, Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a
Revolutionary Transformation. Monthly Review P, 2017.
Revolutionary Transformation. Monthly Review P, 2017.
Richman, Shaun. “How Union-Busting Bosses Propel the Right Wing to Power .”
Working in These Times (6-23-17).
Working in These Times (6-23-17).
Smith, Richard. Green Capitalism: The God That Failed. World Economics Assoc., 2016
Stiglitz, Joseph. The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers our Future. 2012.
James Surowiecki. “Moaning Moguls.” The New Yorker (July 7 & 14, 2014). Globalism and absence of the Left.
Wallerstein, Immanuel. The Human Costs of Economic Growth.
Del Weston, The Political Economy of Global Warming: The Terminal Crisis.
Routledge, 2014.
Routledge, 2014.