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OMNI NEWSLETTER ON US IRAQ WARS #14, March 19, 2013, COMMEMORATING WAR TWO INVASION DAY MARCH 19, 2003.     BUILDING A CULTURE OF PEACE & JUSTICE TO REPLACE THE CULTURE OF WAR and EMPIRE,Dick Bennett, Editor.   (#13, Nov. 3, 2012; #12 March 19, 2012; #11 Feb.9, 2012;  #10, October 18, 2011; #9 August 8, 2011; #8 March 19, 2011; #7, April 29, 2010; #6 March 17, 2010, # 5 June 1, 2008; #4 April 3, 2008;  #3 March 24, 2008, #2 Jan. 16, 2008, #1 Nov. 2, 2007.)


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Nos. 10 & 11 at end.

Contents #12, March 19, 2012, Invasion Anniversary
Dick Bennett, Harms of IraqWars, Embargo, Occupation
Google References

Contents #13
Best Novel about IraqWar? The Yellow Birds
Falluja Massacre
Miller, Blood Money
IVAW Trauma Posters
Schwartz, War Without End
Powell’s New Book: No Debate by Bush Admin.
New Film on Cheney, War Criminal
Photos of Iraq War
Tutu Urges Bush/Blair Prosecution
Iraq and IranAlliance

Mass Killing in the Two Invasions
Abdul Haq al-Ani, Tarik al-Ani:Genocide, Gulf War, Decade of Sanctions 1990s, 2003     Invasion, Occupation
New Film on Fallujah Massacre
Dick, Cost of the War, Fraudulent Hidden Costs
Al-Ani and Baker:  Book on Uranium Poisoning
Faith Positions  
Episcopal Church
Laufer, US Soldiers Reject Iraq War
Independent Photo-journalists Report War
Breen, the Suffering of Individual Iraqis
Dick:   Reporting Iraq in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 2012
Google Search:  Commemorating Invasion of Iraq March 18-19, 2003


1.                             Denis Halliday - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After a 34-year career at the United Nations, where he had reached Assistant ... And were that to be the case – how can that possibly justify further punishment, ... FormerUN official says sanctions against Iraq amount to 'genocide', Cornell ...
2.                              [PDF] 

US Genocide in Iraq - BRussells Tribunal

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
by I Douglas - Cited by 4 - Related articles
sponsored the crime of 
genocide in Iraq. ... working to bring the charge of genocide against the United ...... 18 Relative to UN sanctions as a specific case, the ...

Genocide in Iraq: The Case Against the UN Security Council and Member States

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Genocide in Iraq: The Case Against the UN Security Council and MemberStates [Paperback]

Abdul Haq al-Ani (Author), Tarik al-Ani (Author), Joshua Castellino (Foreword)

Book Description

 March 1, 2013
Imposing sanctions on Iraqwas one of the most heinous of crimes committed in the 20th century. Yet it has received little attention in the Anglo-American world. Despite the calamitous destruction resulting from the sanctions, no serious attempts by legal professionals, academics or philosophers have been undertaken to address the full scope of the immorality and illegality of such a criminal and unprecedented mass punishment. Genocide in Iraq offers a comprehensive coverage of Iraq's politics, its building, its destruction through aggression and sanctions, and an analysis of the legality of these sanctions from the point of view of international laws and human rights laws. It presents a detailed policy analysis indicating how, under Ba'ath rule, Iraqhad risen to become--before 12 years of total sanctions were globally enforced--the most progressive and developed Arab nation in the Middle East. It then contrasts that rising nation to the devastated remains left in the aftermath of sanctions, which nonetheless was yet to endure, in 2003, the full force of the American "shock and awe” invasion. The book explains why, in modern times, imperialist powers felt it was necessary to occupy Baghdad. It also puts forward the uniqueness of Iraqas at the heart of both Sunni and Shi'a theology, arguing it was this very centrality of Iraq, which far outweighs the significance of Arabia in socio-economic, religious and geostrategic dimensions, that at the same time makes Iraq a target. It details the building of Iraqby the Ba'ath regime, part of which was done with remarkable speed, putting to rest the argument that other countries in the area were developed at a similar pace. It also details the devastation of Iraq by 2003 after 12 years of sanctions-a devastation so dreadful that by the UN's own accounting, some 500,000 child deaths were due to it; a devastation so pervasive and overwhelming that two of the UN's own key administrators of the sanctions program, Dennis Halliday and Hans von Sponeck, resigned in protest. No other book published in English has made such an in-depth research and comparison of the two eras.

The Case Against the UN Security 
Council and Member States
Abdul-Haq al-Ani and Tarik al-Ani
preface by
Prof. Joshua Castellino


Imposing sanctions on Iraq was one of the most heinous of crimes committed in 
the 20th century. Yet it has received little attention in the Anglo-American world. 
Despite the calamitous destruction resulting from the sanctions, no serious 
attempts by legal professionals, academics or philosophers have been undertaken 
to address the full scope of the immorality and illegality of such a criminal and 
unprecedented mass punishment.

Genocide in Iraq offers a comprehensive coverage of Iraq’s politics, its building, its 
destruction through aggression and sanctions, and an analysis of the legality of 
these sanctions from the point of view of international laws and human rights laws. 
It presents a detailed policy analysis indicating how, under Ba’ath rule, Iraq had 
risen to become—be fore 12 years of total sanctions were globally enforced—the 
most progressive and developed Arab nation in the Middle East. It then contrasts 
that rising nation to the devastated remains left in the aftermath of sanctions, which 
nonetheless was yet to endure, in 2003, the full force of the American “shock and 
awe” invasion.

The book explains why, in modern times, imperialist powers felt it was necessary to 
occupy Baghdad. It also puts forward the uniqueness of Iraq as at the heart of both 
Sunni and Shi’a theology, arguing it was this very centrality of Iraq, which far 
outweighs the significance of Arabia in socio-economic, religious and geostrategic 
dimensions, that at the same time makes Iraq a target.

It details the building of Iraq by the Ba’ath regime, part of which was done with 
remarkable speed, putting to rest the argument that other countries in the area were 
developed at a similar pace. It also details the devastation of Iraq by 2003 after 12 
years of sanctions—a devastation so dreadful that already in 1996, by the UN’s 
own  accounting, some 500,000 children under the age of 5 had died as a result;; a 
devastation so pervasive and overwhelming that two of the UN’s own key 
administrators of the sanctions program, Denis J. Halliday and Hans von Sponeck, 
resigned in protest.

No other book published in English has made such an in-depth research and 
comparison of the two eras. Although previous books may have touched on the 
breach of international law through sanctions, this book, while making similar 
arguments on the breach of international humanitarian law and human rights law, 
goes further and argues that the Security Council itself, member states and the 
individual relevant members of the governments of that period are guilty of these 
crimes. More significantly, the book argues for the first time that imposing total 
sanctions is the equivalent of committing genocide. It challenges the argument by 
some Anglo-Americans that there is any need to establish specific intent to 
establish the crime of Genocide. In its section dealing with the Sanction Committee, 
it demonstrates how one man at any time could hold the whole of Iraq to ransom by 
denying the export of items so vital to the basic survival needs of millions.

The little that has been written has concentrated on a single aspect of the effects or 
consequences of the sanctions; mostly in articles in dedicated journals whose 
readership is limited. But as the crime of genocide is one on which there is no 
statute of limitations, it is hoped that this book will serve not only as an indictment of 
and barrier to future global imposition of sanctions, but also as a tool in bringing the 
actual perpetrators of this crime to a Nuremberg-style day
of judgment.

The Trial of Saddam Hussein

"For those who like to know both 
sides of any story, Abdul Haq al-
Ani's book is a worthwhile if heavy-
going read....The author shows, in 
great detail, and with convincing 
supporting evidence, that while the 
Tribunal was intended to promote 
the image of a triumphant Iraq 
democracy, the Americans were 
actually in control of all stages of 
Saddam's trial...For Bush, Blair and 
those who let loose war, Abdul Haq 
al-Ani's book is uncomfortable 
Reviewed by Tam Dalyell, former 
Senior Member of Parliament, 
Labour Party, United Kingdom in 
The Oldie, January, 2009.

"fascinating reading. One need not 
agree with, or even follow, each and 
every one of his assertions to find 
his book a penetrating analysis of 
Iraq’s place in the world and of the 
Saddam Hussein trial in particular."
Reviewed by John Quigley, 
Professor of international law and 
human rights law, Ohio State 
Synthesis/Regeneration: A 
Magazine of Green Social Thought
Winter 2009.

"[F]or the real story of the ‘criminal 
behavior of the United States, its 
foreign lobbyists and its partisans in 
this historic trial’, knowledgeable 
readers will always turn to Al-Ani’s 
immensely sobering exposé."
Reviewed by David MacGregor, 
Professor of Sociology, King’s 
UniversityCollege, University of 
Western Ontario
, in Lobster 56.

"even though the book profoundly, 
cogently, and ­ on its face ­ 
irrefutably exposes the injustice of 
the trial of Iraqi President Saddam 
Hussein and his co-defendants, it 
exposes much, much more... The 
Trial of Saddam Hussein is densely 
packed with legal arguments 
(though eminently readable and 
comprehensible) and fastidious 
conclusions, and a simple book 
review cannot do justice... "
Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice, 
December 17, 2008.


Abdul-Haq al-Ani is an Iraqi-born, British-trained barrister who served as a legal
adviser on Saddam Hussein’s defense to his daughter, Raghad Saddam Hussein.
Called to the Bar in 1996, he holds a PhD in Electronics Engineering and a PhD in 
International law. Founding editor of The Arab Review, he has written widely on 
culture, politics and religion. He joined the Ba’ath party while in his his teens, but 
left it in disappointment a few years later,prior to the Ba’ath Party assuming power 
in 1968. He is author of The Trial of  Saddam Hussein.
Tarik Al-Ani is an architect by profession, a translator, and a researcher of 
Arab/Islamic issues, who has been a strong opponent of the genocidal sanctions 
and the wars against Iraq.He has publicly written and talked about these issues in 
Finland where he works and lives.
Joshua Castellano
 is Professor of Law and Head of the Law Department, 
MiddlesexUniversity, UK.   


Preface by Joshua Castellano
Chapter 1
What is happening in the Arab World?
Why this Book?

Chapter 2
Iraq’s Millennia of Rich History
The Unique Historical Role of Iraq
Inviolability of the Colonialists’ Drawn Borders Post WWI
How the Shi’a vs. Sunni Divide in Islam Impacted Early Iraq
Building Baghdad, Capital of an Empire

Chapter 3
History 1916 to 2003: Monarchy to Occupation
Overview of Iraq’s 20th Century Political History
Nuri As-Saeed’s Rule
General Qasim’s Rule
The Arifs’ Rule
The Significance of the Ba’ath Movement in the Arab Middle East
Learning the Lessons of the 1963 Failure of the Ba’ath.
The Ba’ath Succeeds in Freezing the Kurdish Problem
The Iraqi Night of the Long Knives
The Ill-conceived Invasion of Iran Leads to Ba’ath Decline
The First Consequence of the Iraqi Invasion of Iran
Where the Ba’ath Failed: Some Conjectures

Chapter 4
The Ba’ath Pursues the Economic Development of Iraq
Planning: The Cornerstone of the Ba’ath Strategy for Iraq’s Development
The National Development Plan (NDP): The Most Ambitious Plan in the 
History of Iraq
The 1975 Development Plan: A Transitional Development Plan
The Second Development Plan 1976-1980
The Development Plan and the Oil Sector
Oil and the Rise and Decline of the Iraqi Economy
The Nationalization of Oil and its Consequences
Industrial Development under the Ba’ath
Infrastructure Development under the Ba’ath
Developing the Generation and Supply of Electricity
Developing the Transportation System in Iraq
Significant Development of Telecommunications in Iraq under the Ba’ath
The Ba’ath Plans for the Development of the Agriculture and Irrigation 
Agrarian Reform Law 1958 Enhanced and Enforced by the Ba’ath
General Increase in agricultural products
Understanding the Surface Water Resources
The Ba’ath Achievements in the Construction of dams, irrigation projects 
and land reclamation
The Impact of the Iran-Iraq war on Development
Military Expansion and its Effects on the Economy
Understanding the Economic Costs of the Iran-Iraq War

Chapter 5
The Ba’ath’s Progressive Social and Political Policies
The Progressive National Front (PNF)
New Labor Laws: A Major Contribution to Social and Economic Justice
A Distinctive Contribution to the Liberation of Women in the Arab World
A Unique Attitude to Religious Freedom in the Arab World
Ba’ath Ideology in the Education Sector: Free Education for All at All 
Primary and Secondary Schools
Vocational Education
The Ba’ath Plan to Provide Free Health Service to All
Success in Providing Potable Water
Building and Provision of Hospitals
Setting up Health Centers
Setting up Peoples’ Clinics as Secondary Health Service

Chapter 6
The Destruction of Iraq
When Did the Destruction Really Begin?
Planned Incremental Destruction: Dividing the Sanctions Regime into 
Distinctive Phases
Phase One: Sanctions Preceding the 1991 Attack
Was there a Real Chance for Peace Prior to the 1991 “Allied” Attack?
Sanctions Indicate Pre-planning for an Attack on Iraq
Operation Desert Storm: Extensive Unnecessary Damages Indicate Intent 
to Destroy Iraq
After the 1991 Attack: Evaluating the Damage
Phase Two: New Sanctions, New Pretexts
The Invisible Weapon of Mass Destruction: Sanctions and the Massive 
Civilian Death Toll
Impact of Sanctions on the Destruction of the 80-year-old Infrastructure
Impact of Sanctions on the Health System Devolved by the Ba’ath
Impact of Sanctions on Education/Literacy after Iraq Managed to 
Eradicate Illiteracy
Impact of Sanctions on Water and Sewage Treatment Facilities
Impact of Sanctions on the Oil Industry: Running Down Iraq’s Economic 
Impact of Sanctions on the Agrarian Sector: Forced Reliance on Imports 
for All Iraqi Food Needs

Chapter 7
Sanctions and International Law
UN Resolutions on Iraq vs. Resolutions on Israel: But One Example of 
Ongoing Double
Standards in UN Application of Punitive Measures
Invoking Chapter VII: The Abuse of International Law
The Questionable Legality of Total Sanctions under the UN Charter
The Illegality of Total Sanctions under International Humanitarian Law
Human Rights Law and Sanctions

Chapter 8
The Sanctions Committee
First Phase of the Committee’s Operation 1990-1996
Second Phase of the Committee’s Operation 1996-2003
Annual Reporting After Oil-for-Food Programme
The Report of One Security Council Meeting Tells the Whole Story
Executive Director of the Iraq Programme Addresses the Security Council 
on the Evils of Sanctions
A Significant Challenge to the Legality of Security Council Resolutions: 
The Ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ)

Chapter 9
Sanctions as Genocide
Background to the Genocide Convention and Its Adoption
Reaction to the Convention during the Deliberations
Problems with Application of the Convention
Relevant Articles of the Genocide Convention to Sanctions
Intent in Genocide: Its Meaning and Use to Obviate Criminal Liability
The ‘Specific Intent’ View and its Argument
The ‘Basic Intent’ View and its Argument
Was Genocide Committed in Iraq?
Our Alternative for the Meaning of Intent in Genocide
Who is Complicit in Committing Genocide?


When the US invaded Iraq in March 2003, the Bush administration estimated that it would cost $50-60bn to overthrow Saddam Hussein and establish a functioning government. This estimate was catastrophically wrong: the war in Iraq cost $823.2bn between 2003 and 2011. Some estimates suggest that it may eventually cost as much as $3.7tn when factoring in the long-term costs of caring for the US wounded and the families of those killed.
The most striking fact about the cost of the war in Iraqhas been the extent to which it has been kept "off the books" of the government's ledgers and hidden from the American people

FALLUJAH FILM: Google Search Page one

1.                            Fallujah a Lost Generation - Support The Troops! - YouTube

May 28, 2012 - Uploaded by BloodMoneyLLC
This is a documentary by Feurat Alani called "Fallujah: A Lost Generation." It is about the USmilitary's use ...
2.                              More videos for Feurat Alani, Fallujah: A Lost Generation »

3.                             Fallujah: a lost generation?

projectavalon.net › ... › News and Updates  Current Events
2 posts - 2 authors - Jan 2
"This is the trailer to Feurat Alani's "Iraq: Fallujah's Sacrificed Children". Mr. Alani travels to Fallujah unembedded to report on the condition of ...

4.                             A screening of "Fallujah: A Lost Generation?" | Facebook

A screening of "Fallujah: A Lost Generation?" Public Event · By The Undergraduate English Program at NYU · Thursday, November 17, 2011. 6:00pm until 9: ...

5.                             FILM: Fallujah: a lost generation? | United for Justice with Peace

Apr 9, 2012 – Directed by Feurat Alani Fallujah: a lost generation? investigates the dramatic increas e in cancers, birth defects, and infant mortality in Fallujah ...

6.                             Video fallujah: a lost generation?

forums.islamicawakening.com/.../fallujah-a-lost-gen... - United Kingdom
10 posts - 6 authors - Nov 19, 2011
This is the trailer to Feurat Alani's Iraq: Fallujah's Sacrificed Children . ... This is a discussion on fallujah: a lost generation? within the Politics, ...

7.                             Video - Fallujah : A Lost Generation? :: www.uruknet.info ...

Mar 22, 2012 – Fallujah: A Lost Generation? by Iraqi filmmaker Furat Alaniinvestigates the dramatic increase in cancers, birth defects, and infant mortality ...

8.                             Fallujah, a Lost Generation? — RT

Apr 2, 2012 – Secrets of a dirty war In 2004, Fallujah in Iraqbecame the theater of a major ... Fallujah, a Lost Generation? ... Directed by Feurat Alani ...

9.                             poisoning of Fallujah: the hidden costs of modern warfare ...

Apr 3, 2012 – Fallujah, A Lost Generation? Directed by Feurat Alani. Produced by Baozi Prod. With the participation of CANAL+. Click here to watch on vimeo ...

10.                         Yesterday 's Lies: Fallujah: a lost generation?

Uranium in Iraq: The Poisonous Legacy of the IraqWars [Paperback]

Abdul-Haq Al-Ani (Author), Joanne Baker (Author)

Book Description

 June 16, 2009
This book has been written out of concerns surrounding the changing health patterns in Iraqsince 1991 and, in particular, the increase in cancers and genetic birth defects amongst children. The subject is fraught with difficulty because of the uncertain nature of both cause and effect. The combination of war and sanctions in Iraq over several decades, has created a highly toxic environment, and resistance to disease has become severely compromised by malnutrition, polluted water systems, psychological distress, and a failing health system. This book however, works on the supposition that the military use of uranium has the potential to be a serious contributing factor to the illnesses besetting the Iraqi population. The book outlines environmental problems and legal implications of the contamination of Iraqdue to the use of depleted uranium in military weapons used during the Gulf Wars. About the authors: Joanne BakerB.Ed, MSc Human Ecology; Joanne has been actively engaged with the humanitarian situation in Iraqsince 1997. She is a teacher, human ecologist and human rights campaigner. Abdul-Haq Al-Ani BSc, MSc, PhD Ceng, MIEE, MBCS, Member of the Inner Temple; Abdul-Haq was born in Baghdad and studied electrical engineering at Baghdad University and University College, London. After the Gulf War (1991), he retrained as a barrister and was called to the English Bar in 1996. He has been particularly active in the field of human rights. He also authored the book: The Trial of Saddam Hussein (Clarity Press, 2008).


Religious Groups Issue Statements on War with Iraq

Compiled by Religion News Service, March 19, 2003    [Dick:   Several of these statements are so mealy-mouthed they illustrate why Christianity is so often accused of being an arm of US nationalism and imperialism.  But see the World Council of Churches statement.]
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bishop Adam J. Richardson, president of the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, said in a March 12 interview that he was troubled by the support of possible war by some in Christianity's conservative wing. "I think that, from my perspective the right-wing faction of Christianity is doing Christ a disservice by attempting to back their jaundiced views with Scripture, trivializing the Bible in public view and making a mockery of the best traditions of biblical scholarship." He added his thoughts about the military: "I say emphatically that I am not against the military nor military personnel. I am an American. My passport says so. But I think the leadership is wrong. I'm praying for him (President Bush) and ... the people of the Middle East."
American Baptist ChurchesUSA
The General Board of American Baptist ChurchesUSA, meeting in November, issued a statement urging efforts toward peace and prayer for the United Nations, the Iraqi people, military personnel and others affected by the crisis. "Let us pray for the United Nations that it may continue to be a voice, a forum and instrument of peace in these days of terror and the prospect of war. We recommend that President Bush and Secretary of State Powell continue their efforts to work through the United Nations to resolve the issue of Iraqi disarmament through inspections and diplomacy," the statement reads.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The church's Common Global Ministries Board, a joint venture with the United Church of Christ, said in a Feb. 10 statement: "God continues to speak to us a word of peace. Our churches believe that the church is called to participate in God's message of reconciliation with all of creation. This calling is distinct from the pull of the world, but not removed from it. We are taught by Jesus, the Christ, that peace, harmony and justice are God's vision for humanity."
Church of England
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, in a joint Feb. 20 statement with Catholic Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, reiterated his opposition to war. "The events of recent days show that doubts still persist about the moral legitimacy as well as the unpredictable humanitarian consequences of a war with Iraq."
Church of God in Christ
In a Jan. 23 letter to President Bush, Church of Godin Christ Presiding Bishop Gilbert E. Patterson and the denomination's General Board expressed concern for the military -- noting its significant numbers of ethnic minorities -- and Iraqi civilians. They called for moral principles to be involved in determining the necessity for war. "Failure to satisfy these criteria renders the war aims, strategies and tactics, at a minimum, morally suspect and perhaps morally unacceptable in the eyes of the church universal and under the gaze of a just and holy God," they wrote.
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (Catholic men's religious orders)
In a joint letter with other group to U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Jim Nicholson, the men's orders flatly opposed the war. "There remain many avenues of peaceful, diplomatic alternatives that have not been explored. The international community does not support a planned war. A clear and imminent threat has not been proven."
Conservative Judaism
Rabbi Jerome Epstein, head of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, said all Jews hope for peace, "history has also taught us that, at times, those who seek peace must fight for peace. Therefore, we hope that Iraqwill use this period of time to comply with the world call for elimination of terrorism. If not, the responsibility of nations and the world to eliminate terrorism through whatever means necessary would be a tragic outcome."
Council on American-Islamic Relations
One of the country's most visible Muslim groups said war against Iraq would kill innocent civilians and destabilize the region. "Any American invasion and occupation of Iraq will fuel anti-American sentiment and would thereby harm our nation's image and interests in the Middle East and throughout the Muslim world."
Eastern Orthodox Bishops
The Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas urged "all leaders of governments to utilize every means available to seek a peaceful resolution to the present challenge to the security and happiness of all humankind, poses by the forces of terror and evil that threaten not only the civilized world, but the very survival of human existence" in a Feb. 11 statement.
EvangelicalLutheranChurchin America
Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson has called for prayer. "As weapons inspectors continue their work, the United Nations debates next steps, the Iraqi people suffer and our government moves closer to war, we must not abdicate our responsibility to both pray for peace and to engage in public conversation regarding what is a just response that might lead to peace," he wrote in a Feb. 13 letter to church leaders.
Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold, who has been critical of President Bush's war rhetoric, said on Jan. 30 that President Bush needs to "exhaust all diplomatic and multilateral initiatives as the alternatives to waging war" and to "act only in concert with the United Nations Security Council."
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
In a March 3 statement on peace, the Rev. Gerald Kieschnick, president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod said: "Our president has been entrusted with the sword. He may have to use it. We pray for God's wisdom to guide him in the execution of his duty, that peace may prevail for us and for all people."
Lutheran World Federation
The LWF's executive committee, in a March 15 statement, denounced the Bush Administration for seeking war without United Nations approval. "The `just war' criteria ... were designed to constrain - not justify - the resort to war. Indeed, they stand in clear opposition to a preemptive war for the purpose of `regime change.'"
Mennonite ChurchUSA
The church's executive board, in a Jan. 15 letter to President Bush, said "the victory this country needs, Mr. President, is the victory of peace, of a stable economy both here and in Iraq, of a democratic government that listens to the majority of its citizens who currently do not support war against Iraq."
Metropolitan Communities Churches
On Jan. 27, the church's board of elders said that "...war will only increase unrest and suffering in the world, deepen the distrust that already divides America and Britain from Iraq and its allies, and divert international attention ... from world poverty, a rapidly deteriorating ecological structure and oppression of too many of the world's peoples."
Muslim American Society
The Muslim American Society issued a March 10 statement, arguing that a war on Iraq would not be a "just war," would complicate the long-term foreign policy goals of our nation and could prompt increased terrorist attacks against America. "Therefore, based upon our Islamic religious beliefs and concern for our nation's prosperity and security and the innocent potential Iraqi victims, we call on our government and all peace-loving people and nations to do everything in their power to avoid war, and resolve all pending issues through peaceful means," the statement reads.
National Association of Evangelicals
Members of the National Association of Evangelicals, meeting on March 6, affirmed a call to prayer issued Feb. 24 by the World Evangelical Alliance. "We believe that war or violence is almost always the worst solution for resolving conflict. Insofar as it is possible, all paths to peace should be explored and all possible means should be used for resolving any conflict," the WEA statement said.

National Baptist Convention, USA
During its mid-winter board meeting, leaders of the National Baptist Convention, USA, adopted a resolution expressing opposition to a possible war with Iraq. "The president, officers, board of directors, auxiliaries, boards and commissions of NBCUSA, Inc. firmly believe that non-violent social change and international peacemaking are the most desired methods to address any and all infractions of Iraq against the United Nations Resolutions passed relative to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq's possession," the resolution reads.
National Council of Churches
The NCC has sponsored anti-war delegations to Iraq, England, Germany, Italy, France and Russia, and is a sponsor of the "Win Without War" coalition. After the Feb. 5 meeting with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, an NCC statement said "we deplore the fact that the most powerful nations of this world regard war as an acceptable instrument of foreign policy," and called a U.S.-led war "an inappropriate means to achieve disarmament of any Iraqi weapons of mass destruction."
Orthodox Judaism
Rabbi Tzvi Weinreb, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union, said he supports President Bush in this "just war" against Iraq. "We pray for a peaceful solution, but if the president and his advisers, who are the experts, determine that military action is required to eradicate this evil ... (the Orthodox Union stands by him) 100 percent."
Pope John Paul II
In a Jan. 13 address to diplomats, the pope said, "No to war! War is not always inevitable. It is always a defeat for humanity. International law, honest dialogue, solidarity between States, the noble exercise of diplomacy: these are methods worthy of individuals and nations in resolving their differences."
Presbyterian Church (USA)
In a Dec. 6, 2002, letter to President Bush, Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick urged caution. "We urge you to do everything in your power to encourage the United Nations inspection process. It is imperative for all that this be a successful effort."
Progressive National Baptist Convention
In a resolution passed in January, the Progressive National Baptist Convention said: "The Progressive National Baptist Convention calls on President George Bush, the Congress and the United Nations to seek peace and justice through diplomatic means in Iraqjust as this administration is seeking better relations with North Korea through diplomacy and not preemptive strikes."
Reform Judaism
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, said on Jan. 29, "We would prefer that this crisis be resolved by peaceful means, and if military action is necessary, we believe that multi-lateral action would be far preferable to unilateral action. Although we urge the President to pursue all diplomatic means with urgency and resolve, we know that the time for such efforts is limited."
Southern Baptist Convention
Richard Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, has spoken in favor of the potential war with Iraq. In a statement issued after Secretary of State Colin Powell's Feb. 5 address to the United Nations Security Council, Land said: "The case for using force to bring about disarmament and regime change in Iraq was clearly and convincingly made for anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear. Our choice is to pay less now and deal with this problem or we can pay a lot more later and deal with a nuclear-armed Saddam."
Unitarian Universalist Association
UUA President William Sinkford has said he opposes the war and has asked for prayers for peace. In a pastoral letter last September, he said "The question in this difficult discussion must be more than simply, `Do we go to war?' Raw power cannot heal those wounds hidden in the human heart that lead us to conflict."
United Church of Christ
In a Feb. 22 statement, regional church leaders urged more time for United Nations inspections. "The recourse to war, according to our Christian tradition, is an admission of human failure. By such action, we admit our lack of commitment to use other means to resolve human conflict. It is a resounding 'no' to God's eternal 'yes' to humanity."
United MethodistChurch
Bishop Sharon Brown Christopher of southern Illinois, president of the Council of Bishops, wrote to President Bush on Feb. 6, saying that "we pray that every possible means to prevent war will be pursued in the coming days. This is not a moment for haste but rather for deep thoughtfulness and prayer. It is a moment to reflect upon the well-spoken concerns of our allies around the world. The welfare of our human family depends on it."
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The bishops' president, Wilton Gregory, said on Feb. 26 that the bishops have not changed their minds since they spoke out against war last November. "To permit preemptive or preventive uses of military force to overthrow threatening or hostile regimes would create deeply troubling moral and legal precedents. Based on the facts that are known, it is difficult to justify resort to war against Iraq."
World Council of Churches
The WCC executive committee, in a Feb. 21 statement, said "war against Iraqwould be immoral, unwise and in breach of the principles of the United Nations Charter." The WCC also lambasted "the fact that the most powerful nations of this world again regard war as an acceptable instrument of foreign policy."



1.                             Faith Groups' Positions on War With Iraq - Beliefnet.com

The ELCA opposes unilateral military action against Iraq and is a member of the Win ...The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA issued a statement ...

2.                             War on Iraq not justified, Canadian Anglican primate argues

Jan 21, 2003 – The Episcopal Church Welcomes You ... [Episcopal News Service] A US-led invasion of Iraq at this time would fail to meet any of the ... The text of Peers'statement is available at http://anglican.ca/news/ans/ans.html?

3.                             Presiding Bishop 'deeply grieved' as third ... - Episcopal Church

Presiding Bishop 'deeply grieved' as third anniversary of Iraq invasion approaches 3/17/2006. [Episcopal News Service] In a statement issued March 17 from the ...

4.                             Letter from Presiding Bishop to Sen. Kerry RE: Iraq - Episcopal Church

Apr 21, 2006 – General Convention · Episcopal Relief & Development; Episcopal ...invasion of Iraq, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. ... The full text of the Presiding Bishop's statement of March 17, 2006 follows: ...

5.                             Easter Messages Focus on Iraq - The Episcopal Church: Mission ...

The exceptions to that, like the invasion of Iraq, are not very satisfying. ... In astatement from the Rt Revd J Jon Bruno, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los ...

6.                             British Foreign Policy and the Anglican Church: Christian ... - Page 92 - Google Books Result

Timothy Blewett, Adrian G. V. Hyde-Price, G. Wyn Rees - 2008 - Political Science
Other churches have been successful in articulating this. The Broad Church Response The major Christian communities have been sharply critical of the invasion of Iraq. ...By 2005 the Central Committee's statement was explicit: 'We reject ...

7.                             Desmond Tutu: Bush, Blair should face trial for Iraq War - CBS News

Sep 2, 2012 – ... Criminal Court for their role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Tutu, the retired Anglican Church's archbishop of South Africa, wrote in an op-ed ...The Iraq war "has destabilized and polarized the world to a greater extent .... Most every-one disagreed with my statement, I pressed on with it just the same.

8.                             Summary of Anglican/Episcopal Statements on Peace and ...

May 18, 2010 – The Episcopal Church, and wider Anglican Communion, inspires us to.... Nevertheless, the Armed Forces of the United States invaded Iraq in ...


We speak with Peter Laufer, a Vietnam war resister and author of the new book, "Mission Rejected: U.S.Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq."   2007.  The book profiles a number of soldiers who refuse to participate in what they believe to be an illegal and immoral war.
We continue to look at the issue of Iraqwar resisters. A new book has just been published profiling soldiers who are refusing to fight in Iraq. It is titled "Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No To Iraq."
In a moment, we will be joined by the author, Peter Laufer. But first we hear from three Iraqwar resisters who have spoken out on Democracy Now.
They are: Jeremy Hinzman, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who fled to Canada to avoid fighting in Iraq; Aidan Delgado, who became a conscientious objector after fighting in Iraq; and Camilo Mejia, the first Iraq War veteran sent to prison for refusing to fight.
·                 War resisters speaking on Democracy Now!
We are joined now by Peter Laufer, author of "Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No To Iraq."
·                 Peter Laufer, Vietnam War resister and author of the new book "Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq." He is a former NBC News correspondent.
- Read excerpt of "Mission Rejected" in Alternet
·                 MORE:


Four Independent Photojournalists on the War in Iraq

by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, Kael Alford, Thorne Anderson, Rita Leistner.  Chelsea Green, 2005.

Foreword by Philip Jones Griffiths

The photos that were chosen for this book ... simply took my breath away. Somehow, the images that get into newspapers lack the sort of heart and compassion and pain, and occasional moments of whimsy, that you four captured. ... I thank you all for putting these images together and helping people see the real human costs of this war.
Scott Baldauf, Christian Science Monitor

Companion Book to the National Touring Exhibition

Truth, it has been said, is the first casualty of war. In the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, official truth died months before the bombing of Baghdad began. Unembedded bears witness to the enduring power of independent journalism. In their unflinching look at war-ravaged Iraq, four freelance photojournalists show that life there is brutal yet poignant; that compassion co-exists with anger, hatred and fear. By gaining the confidence of Iraqi civilians and insurgents, these photojournalists have brought back images of life in wartime, from beauty parlors and joyful wedding scenes to the carnage of civilian casualties, the heartbroken faces of grieving parents, and the glassy-eyed shock of parentless children.
This is not the view from a Marine base. These photographers were on the streets of Baghdadwhen it fell, amid a crowd of civilians under aerial attack, and in the holy Imam Ali shrine with the Mahdi Army during the siege of Najaf. Their images document issues often underrepresented: the insurgency as seen from inside the separate resistance movements, civilians affected by the battles between U.S. and insurgent forces, growing conservatism and fundamentalism and their effects on women, and the devastating effects of ongoing civilian casualties.
Working outside the U.S.military's official "embedding" program, the authors bring us face-to-face with the people of Iraq. They combine photographs and essays with excerpts from two years of personal letters, journal entries, and feature stories to take us across front lines and cultural barriers into the lives of a nation in crisis. Theirs is a path to understanding the cost of war.

Additional Information

About the Authors

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad

Born in Baghdad, Iraq, 1975. Ghaith studied architecture in BaghdadUniversity and had never travelled outside Iraquntil after the recent war. A deserter from Saddam Hussein's Iraqi army, Ghaith lived under ground in Baghdadfor six years, changing his residence every few months to avoid detection and arrest.
He began making street photography in 2001 and determined to document conditions in Baghdadduring the war. Arousing suspicion, he was arrested three days before the end of the war and, though he escaped by bribing his guards, he lost his cameras and all his film. The ...

Kael Alford

Born in Middletown, NY, 1971. Kael is a freelance photojournalist who has spent more than eight months of the last year and a half in Iraq. She was based in Baghdad during the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Her recent work from Iraqfocuses on the growing culture of resistance, conservative religion and the grass roots movements developing ...

Thorne Anderson

Born in Montgomery, Alabama, 1966. Thorne has been covering international news with Corbis/Sygma since 1999. Thorne's photographs are regularly published in magazines and newspapers including Time, Newsweek, Stern, New York Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Times (London), The Guardian, and others. He has a master's degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia ...

Rita Leistner

Born in Toronto, Canada, Rita Leistner is a graduate of the InternationalCenterfor Photography in New York, and has a master's degree in comparative literature from the University of Toronto. She spent 10 months covering the war in Iraq between April 2003 and September 2004. With a focus on in-depth, long-term projects, her feature work includes a profile of an American Cavalry Unit during a three month embed in the spring and summer of 2003, a portrait story of women residents at the Al Rashad Psychiatric Hospital in Baghdad, and a feature on the gravediggers at the cemetery of ...

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People Have Changed: A Legacy of the US War in Iraq
by Cathy Breen, November 05, 2012
[A longer version, “Iraq: Hope Amid Sorrow,” appeared in The Catholic Worker (Jan.-Feb. 2013.  –Dick]
BAGHDAD— Yesterday was a beautiful autumn day in Baghdad. As I was visiting two families in widely different neighborhoods, I was able to traverse a large part of the city. I looked with eyes that have not seen Baghdad for nine years. Today, it is a city of stark contrasts. Bright new autos wherever one looks. I saw them up close as we waited endlessly in gridlocks due to checkpoints. Although I was not conspicuous with my gown and head covering, I was careful not to gaze around and gawk when we were stuck in traffic jams.
Despite the warm welcome I have received everywhere I have traveled on this trip to Iraq, I am conscious that I am from the U.S.In Baghdadespecially where the violence has been continuous over the last nine years, I am equally aware that the barricades and checkpoints exist because of my country’s war of choice. And the concrete walls are everywhere.
If anyone thinks that the war is over in Iraq, I have only to open my “At a Glance” calendar where I have tried to note the number of Iraqi casualties each day over the last nine plus years: deaths due to explosions, bombs, assassinations. Just a few randomly selected numbers from 2012 (these are the number of dead, the number of wounded is of course much greater). 63, 54, 78, 97, 28, 36, 105, 24, 41, 115… the list goes on and on.
One of my hopes on this trip is to visit Iraqi families who have had to return from Syria. Having fled the violence in Iraq, they came to Syriawhere I met them as refugees. Now they are threatened once again, and there are no countries willing to take them. Many have returned to Iraq, and we are anxious to know how they are doing.
The parents of one family met us at Bab El Morat in Al Kadimiya, on the crowded street leading to the beautiful shrine of the Imam El Kadem Musa bin Jaffa.
The golden domes glistened in the sun. My senses came alive as the couple led us through a labyrinth of souqs, passed the multi-colored array of goods and the throngs of people to their humble, two-room apartment above the stalls.
What a joy to see this extended family again, the children now another year older. But the joy was tainted with sorrow as our friends related the details of their leaving Syria, and their disappointment in what they have found back in Iraq.
One mother returned to Iraqin Jan. 2012 with her three children. In Syria, the family had received threats that their daughter would be kidnapped if they didn’t leave. Her husband followed in March when he realized there was no hope to be resettled to the United States, at least from Syria where there was no longer a USembassy.
Just a few days ago there was an explosion nearby which has deeply shaken the family. I asked the oldest girl, a beautiful child now in sixth grade, how school was going. Not good, she answered. She described quite dramatically that last week there was a great explosion in her school. The teacher fled leaving the frightened students in the classroom. The door was locked and at first the kids hid under the desks. Later, when banging on the door proved futile, they managed to climb out through an opening above the door. She somewhat proudly showed me the bruises on her arm!
They asked “Do you think we can be resettled to the U.S.?” I try to explain gently but realistically what the economic situation in the United States looks like with people out of work and losing homes and benefits. Not to mention the cultural differences. The father was adamant, saying, “But there are explosions here and people are being killed! We are afraid for the children. … People have changed here, even our families. It is not like it was in the past, when people looked after one another.”
The second family we visited had arrived only two weeks ago to their newly rented apartment, a two-room dwelling reached by rather treacherous metal stairs. They are paying $500 a month (includes electricity and generator costs), using money borrowed from both sides of the family. I was appalled by the amount. The family fled Syriain Aug. of 2012. The mother and their four children went to live with her family in an area of Iraqthat has been quite violent. “There you can rent a big house for $100 a month, because it is so dangerous with militias. Here it costs $500 to live in a safe area.” The father went to Erbil, in northern Iraq, to look for work. He returned to Syriathree weeks later to find their apartment burned and their belongings gone. He stayed only three days in Syriabefore returning again to Iraq.
They mother and children looked exhausted, especially the mother. She cries each day. She and her husband have been going from house to house until now.
Except for the little toddler who doesn’t know me, the children greet me warmly. The oldest son was traumatized by the war in Iraq. His friend and classmate was killed before his eyes, and he has always had a haunted look about him. A handsome boy, he has grown a foot since I last saw him and is very thin. As we visit I look at the youngest son whom I have known for at least four years now. No, I am not mistaken. He has a visible facial twitch. He has always been the family clown and I have pictures of him over the years making funny faces. He is about 7 or 8 years old now and painfully thin. Their baby girl is now fifteen months old. She too is pale and thin. The government has promised each returnee a sum of money, 4 million Iraqi dinars, the equivalent of $3,200. This family hasn’t received a penny. They owe money. The father is looking for work. They too asked me if they could be resettled in the United States. Once again I spoke of the obstacles they would face in the United States. “People have changed,” the father said sadly. “The war has destroyed the inside of humanity.”
Afterward in the taxi, driving past the ubiquitous concrete blast walls, I ponder the legacies of war and wonder how a city heals and how we can begin to break down the barriers.Print This | Share This | Send a letter to the editor | Letters

By Dick Bennett.

Three warnings seem necessary.   First, I do not claim to have made a complete compilation, though I am sure I clipped most of the reports.   The other is that some of the reports are said to be “Compiled by Democrat-Gazette Staff from Wire Reports.”   Why the newspaper would do this (to reinterpret the report? to save space and money?) is not explained.  We should be aware that since many of the original reports were probably a compilation, ADG further increases the reader’s distance from the event (and now my radical summaries separates us even farther).  When no reporter is named, it is a D-G staff compilation.

“2 BaghdadBlasts Kill 17, Injure 50.”  Oct. 14, 2011.   Part of a series of Sunni attacks on Shiite neighborhood trying “to reignite sectarian tensions as American forces prepare to go home.”   No evidence of Sunni perpetrators or explanation of their motivation.

Abdul-Zahra, Qassim.  (Associated Press/AP).  “Baghdad Girds for   Summit; Day Sees Insurgents Kill 14.”   March 13, 2012, p. 1.  Iraq deployed “an unprecedented number of security forces to protect the capital for a meeting of the Arab world’s top leaders.”  At the same time “insurgents proved their continued threat by killing 14 people in a handful of attacks” the day before  An estimated 26,000 troops are being transferred to Baghdad for the Arab League meeting, putting the country at risk, a critic claimed.   The attackers?   Only al-Qaeda in Iraqis mentioned, and “our war with terrorism,” quoting Maj. Gen. al-Baydhani.  Absence of reference to the Taliban seems very odd. 

Jakes, Lara.  “Attacks Kill 46 Across Iraq.”  March 21, 2012, p. 1.   Attacks across Iraqare attributed to “insurgents plotting to derail next week’s Arabl League meeting in Baghdad.”  “More than 200 people wwere wounded in fewer than six hours.”   At one police station 13 mostly officers were killed, 59 injured.   Attackers?  According the “security officials”:  ‘al-Qaida and Sunni sympathizers.”

“In Iraq, Car Bomb Hits Shiites; 20 die.”  January 4, 2013.  The blast targeted worshippers returning from the Shiite holy city of Kabalaafter the religious commemoration of Arbaeen, “reinforcing fears of renewed sectarian violence, according to Iraqi officials.”     “At least 50 people were wounded.”

GOOGLE SEARCH MARCH 19, 2013: Commemorating Invasion of Iraq, March 18-19, 2003 (duplication and irrelevant removed)

1.                             USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Between 19 March and 18 April, airwing aircraft flew nearly 1,300 combat sorties from the Mediterranean Sea in the early stages of 2003 invasion of Iraq. The ...

2.                             ANSWER Statement on the UN Security Council Resolution

ORG Aims to Collect Millions of Votes Against U.S. Invasion of Iraq. Mass March & People's Peace Congress in Washington DC, Martin Luther King ... 18-19, After seven weeks of intense U.S. pressure, the UN Security Council ... 18-19, 2003. ... than to take a stand against war and racism on holiday commemorating his life.

3.                             Purim – Blood Lust & Genocide | Subverted Nation

Mar 5, 2010 – Many don't realize that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was interestingly ...You can see here his speech was given during purim 2003 (March 18-19). ...commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem under the Maccabees in B.C. 165 ...

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uspolitics.about.com › News & Issues  US Politics  Iraq War
Mar 19, 2003 – Presidential speech to the nation on the launch of the US invasion of Iraq on 19 March 2003.

2.                                                     Bush declares war - CNN

March 19, 2003. U.S. President George W. Bush has announced that war against Iraqhas begun. In his address at 0315 GMT Thursday, Bush said: - That every ...
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