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Edited by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology

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     OMNI’s MARCH VEGETARIAN/VEGAN POTLUCK is Wednesday, MARCH 14, 2018, at OMNI, Center for Peace, Justice, and Ecology (2ND Wednesdays).  We start eating at 6:00.      All are welcome. 
      VV IS SPREADING, and OMNI’s Vegetarian Action and OMNI members are reporting and advocating the good news.  We are advancing the better future.  This newsletter expresses the belief that Vegetarianism/Veganism VV is a powerful force for change when all of its principles are advocated:  VV sustains and improves health, the protection of animals, and the climate. 
You may want to enjoy and discuss some old or new vegetarian or vegan recipes, to talk about your experiments with VV cooking, or your concerned about cruelty to animals or global warming and climate catastrophe.  OMNI’s director is Gladys Tiffany.  OMNI is located at 3274 Lee Avenue parallel to N. College southeast of the Village Inn and south of Liquor World.  More information: 935-4422; 442-4600. 
     Car directions to OMNI: Take College to Harold St (at Flying Burrito), turn east (right if you’re heading north). Go one block to Lee and turn left.  Go one block to Bertha and we’re the gray brick on the corner, 2nd house south of Liquor World, solar panels on roof! 

NAVS, North American Vegetarian  Society

Health, Nutrition
   6 Cookbooks
Protection of Animals from Torture and Death
   The Animals We Eat.”  VegNews (M/A 2018), 31.  Statistics for 10 animals
   Glenn Greenwald, Consumers vs. Animal Cruelty of Poultry Industry
   Marla Rose, Eating Meat and Ethics
Climate Catastrophe Long-range Mitigation and Immediate Adaption
   Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Climate Change, Google Search 3-14

Health, Nutrition
69%: The percentage of vegans and vegetarians motivated by healthconcerns.  VegNews (March/April 2018), p. 30.
Cookbooks reviewed in VegNews (March-April 2018).
   Vegan Comfort Classics by Lauren Toyota.  You may know her popular YouTube
      channel, Hot for Food.
   Chloe Favor by Chloe Coscarelli
   Modern Vegan Baking by Gretchen Price.
   Natural Feasts by Ella Mills
   Power Vegan Meals by Maya Sozer.  “75 internationally inspired, gluten- and soy-
       free, probiotic-rich recipes.”
   Vegan Cooking in Your Air Fryer by Kathy Hester

Protection of Animals from Torture and Death
68%: The percentage of vegans and vegetarians motivated by animal protection (same p.).
“The Animals We Eat.”  VegNews (M/A 2018), 31.  Statistics for 10 animals.  Chickens “comprise a staggering 95 percent of the land animals raised and killed for food in the United States, amounting to 9 billion chickens a year.”

Glenn Greenwald, Leighton Akio Woodhouse.   Consumers Are Revolting Against Animal Cruelty — So the Poultry Industry Is Lobbying for Laws to Force Stores to Sell Their Eggs.”  THE INTERCEPT, Feb. 25-March 3, 2018.  Industrial agriculture is now using its lobbying power to override consumers' ethical choices and impose cruel and unhealthy food products in Iowa.
Marla Rose.  “Why We Eat Meat.”  VegNews (March/April 2018).   Eating consistently with our ethics.

Climate Catastrophe Long-range Mitigation and Immediate Adaption
Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Climate Change, Google Search, 3-14-18
… of food consumption patterns to climate change - ‎Carlsson-Kanyama - Cited by 424
Oct 20, 2017 - Similarly, an Oxford study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that the adoption of plant-based diets could significantly reduce diet-based contributions to climate change. In line with the NRDC study, the Oxford study found that primarily eliminating red meat and ...
time.com › Science › climate change
Mar 21, 2016 - Evangelists of vegetarian and vegan diets are quick to cite growing evidence that reducing meat consumption improves human health in attempt to win over converts. Likewise, climate change activists often cite the strain that animal products place on the environment to advocate for changed practices.
fortune.com › Commentary › Climate Change
Jul 19, 2017 - Today, a whopping 30% of Earth’s landmass goes to meat, dairy, and egg production, according to the United Nations. ... On the whole, “the production of animal-based foods is associated with higher greenhouse gas emissions than plant-based foods,” confirms a study published in ...
Climate change has been called humankind's greatest challenge and the world's gravest environmental threat. According to the United Nations (U.N.) report Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, climate change is having an impact on every continent, affecting agriculture, human health, ecosystems, ...
Jan 31, 2017 - The world should just switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet.” — seemingly everyone, regarding the food-sustainability problem If someone offers a solution to the Gordian Knot of food sustainability, run it through the following gauntlet: Does it allow you to do most of your food shopping at the grocery store?
Apr 9, 2017 - And each of us can do something about it, today, by taking what we eat as seriously as we take climate change. ... However, a global vegetarian diet, the same study showed, would be the most effective of all diets (not including vegan) in achieving a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a ...
Feb 6, 2017 - We're increasingly encouraged to eat less meat to tackle climate change. But can we really label vegetables as more sustainable?
Jan 26, 2017 - The difficulty is that consumers choose foods based on what they like – and this frequently changes but rarely considers the impact of climate change. From this we can say that a vegetarian diet does deliver a decreased carbon footprint. But it also shows us that food miles and global distribution can be the ...
Nov 1, 2017 - Here's a quick look. Let's start with one of the greatest achievements in the history of humankind: curbing climate change. .... Our forests grew back, our health improved, the screams of slaughterhouses quietened and before we knew it we were living in this utopia, our very own Garden ofVegan. This idyllic ...
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/.../climate-change-impact-vegetaria...Aug 4, 2014 - It's time to start a dietary revolution. Millennials represent $200bn in economic worth, and if a statistical majority of our generation become vegetarians or vegans, or at least eat significantly less meat than previous generations, we have a chance to have a real economic – and thus environmental– impact.
People also ask
Why be a vegetarian?
Is it better to be a vegetarian or a meat eater?
Is it better for the environment to be vegetarian?
How does cattle farming affect the environment?

Book rev. p. 73:  Veganism in an Oppressive World by Felix Brueck: “tackles issues such as racism, speciesism, and sexism through a collection of essays, personal reflections, and poetry by vegans of color.” 
High Cuisine.  Chefs enjoy cannabisbefore cooking with it!  Also 73.
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CONTENTS OMNI Vegetarian Action Newsletter #45, Wed., February 14, 2018   http://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2018/02/vegetarian-action-45-feb-14-2018.html 
Health, Nutrition
 Good Medicine Magazine (Winter 2018).  Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
Holt-Gimenez.  A Foodie’s Guide to Capitalism.

Protection of Animals, Empathy, Compassion
Rally at Tyson’s
Tritschler, Morality of Killing Animals
Birch, Animal Sentience and Killing Animals
Murphy, Fish Sentience
Ending Slaughterhouses
Another Handmaid’s Tale
Dick, Breaking News, a Parody
Chickens v. Cultured “Meat”
Tessitore, Vegan Leather
Free Dinner at Red Lobster—Boiled Alive

Warming, Extreme Weather
Dick, Vegetarian Diet Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions
         Publications Cited in Vegetarian/Vegan Action 2016-17
Auron (Avaaz), 56 Billion Animals Slaughtered Annually Increase Global Warming







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